
Senator Warner appeared on PBS Newshour with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to talk about looming budget and fiscal deadlines which threaten a government shutdown.

Sen. Warner expressed his frustration with this week’s political theater. “This affects people's lives. We're going to have a whole lot of civilian defense employees sent home and not get paid. Admiral Gortney down in Norfolk today said if Congress doesn't get its act together, all the soldiers and sailors in Hampton Roads will have to report, but they're not going to get paid,” said Sen. Warner. “This is not the way to run the largest enterprise in the world.”

Senator Warner agreed with his Republican colleague that the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is not perfect -- but Sen. Warner said the “all or nothing” approach of many House Republicans prevents work to legislatively fine-tune elements of Obamacare that need to be fixed.

“This kind of all-or-nothing approach that at least some members of the Senate and some members of the House are proposing, I think, is a political theater that really jeopardizes what meager recovery we have going on right now.”