
Senator Warner and Northern Virginia Congressman Jim Moran celebrated the expansion of the Virginia-based energy efficiency company Opower.

Opower – the brainchild of two college buddies -- works with energy companies and social networks to help customers increase energy productivity and reduce energy bills. Today Opower cut the ribbon on a new floor of their Arlington headquarters, it’s third expansion in three years.


The company has helped more than 10 million households in 24 states save a combined $55 million. It allows customers to compare their energy use with their neighbors, and Opower provides customized conservation tips for customers through a variety of social media platforms.

Dan Yates, Opower’s CEO and Founder, introduced Senator Warner, who he said was the “perfect” person to celebrate the expansion because of the Senator’s own background in technology and business.

Senator Warner opened by telling Opower employees how he had founded the company that eventually became Nextel, and had much of his success in the wireless industry in the 1980’s. “How many of you all were even alive in 1986?” Senator Warner asked. “That few? That’s scary. Well, I was cool when all of you were being born... Not so much now."

Senator Warner talked about all the available opportunities in the energy sector, and how Opower was a perfect example of how to harness the power of social media and the internet to reduce energy consumption.

“I’m proud to celebrate your expansion in Arlington,” Senator Warner said, and added, “I can’t wait to cut the ribbon when you take over the rest of this building.”