
A group of 20 National History Honor Society students from Battlefield High School in Prince William County visited Capitol Hill today to learn more about the legislative process.  Senator Warner spent some time this morning chatting with the young history buffs and student leaders.

As a handful of the students were high school seniors eager to begin their college journeys, Senator Warner reminisced about the importance of his own education. “As the first person in my family to graduate college, I would not be where I am today without the help of student loan programs,” the Senator said.

Senator Warner enjoyed answering the students’ thoughtful questions. One asked about the proper role of government. Senator Warner, who serves as the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee's Task Force on Government Performance, answered: “I think the really important question isn't the size of our government, but how effective it is.”

The students continued the day with a tour of the Capitol led by members of Senator Warner's staff, and hoped to catch some of the legislative process in action.