
ARRAThe Department of Transportation announced today that it will release $77.3 million through the economic recovery package for the Dulles Corridor Metrorail extension project. 

In March, the Federal Transit Administration entered into a multi-year, $900 million commitment for the Dulles Rail project. The grant announced today expedites the release of that funding.

Senator Warner said:

“This represents a smart use of stimulus funds to speed-up a project that represents the very definition of ‘shovel-ready.'  These funds will allow our Dulles Rail partners to move more quickly to put people to work on a project that will help boost the national capital region’s primary airport as well as the Dulles technology corridor.”

In all, the Transportation Department announced $742.5 million in stimulus funds for transit projects in nine states.  The money will allow transit agencies to save on financing costs and will provide for quicker investments into local economies.