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Over the past six months, President Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have worked tirelessly to rescue the U.S. economy from our nation's longest and deepest recession since the Great Depression. As the administration has shifted from crisis management to regulatory modernization, it has sought to vastly expand the powers of an opaque institution: the Federal Reserve. This is a mistake.
WASHINGTON -- All of us can agree that our current health care system is in need of fundamental reforms that will expand access, improve quality, and increase value. As Congress prepares to spend a long, hot summer working to find bipartisan agreement on many proposed reforms, it is important that we also have a discussion about one area of health care reform that makes many of us uncomfortable: the care that we provide to our seniors and others with life-limiting illnesses.
Senator Warner released the following statement today following Monday’s fatal crash of two Washington Metrorail trains. Senator Warner serves on the Commerce Committee, which has oversight authority over the National Transportation Safety Board.

Warner, Corker Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Maximize Taxpayer Returns of TARP Investments

~ Bill creates private market trust for TARP investments, sets end-date for gov’t ownership ~

Jun 22 2009

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA) spoke on the Senate floor today about bipartisan legislation he has introduced with Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) that will maximize returns of taxpayer investments into TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) assisted institutions. The bill provides for a responsible exit strategy from government ownership of TARP-recipient companies, such as AIG, Citigroup, and General Motors.