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U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine today discussed the proposed Fiscal Year 2014 budget on the Senate floor and pushed for passage to give agencies, businesses, and families certainty they deserve for the next fiscal year. During their exchange on the Senate floor, Warner and Kaine also noted the importance of passing the budget to replace deep, indiscriminate sequester cuts with a balanced approach to grow the economy and responsibly reduce the deficit.

Warner on Warner

Mar 16 2013

Senator Warner attended Saturday's keel-laying ceremony at Huntington-Ingalls New News Shipbuilding to celebrate a key milestone in the construction of the Navy's newest fast-attack submarine. The sub will bear the name of his Senate predecessor, John Warner.
Dear Friends, I write to you today amid hopeful signs that Congress soon will take meaningful steps to avert mindless, across-the-board sequestration cuts -- and maybe, just maybe, address our broader fiscal challenges in a real way.
Senator Warner attended the annual South by Southwest (SXSW) technology conference in Texas this weekend to promote his bipartisan Startup Act 3.0 legislation, and to meet with innovators, entrepreneurs and tech industry professionals.
Senator Warner had the gavel today as the Senate Banking Committee questioned financial regulators about their failure to date to pursue criminal prosecutions for big banks that have violated the law. In recent years, a series of major violations of anti-money laundering laws by big banks have led to questions about how effective federal efforts to enforce these laws really are – and whether major banks are still ‘too big to prosecute.’