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Today Senator Warner joined, via Skype, the University of Virginia’s College at Wise’s Miner Health and Safety Symposium, which he co-hosted along with the Eastern Coal Council and the Virginia Mining Association. The Symposium provided miners and their families access to panel discussions on the health of the mining industry and what it and federal, state, and local governments could do to ensure that miners had a safe work environment and access to health care.
Senator Warner spoke on the Senate floor today in favor of the Marketplace Farness Act, which the Senate is expected to vote on later this week. The legislation will allow state and local governments to require Internet retailers with sales over $1 million a year to pay the same sales taxes that bricks-and-mortar retailers are required to pay.

Sen. Warner Reappointed Chairman of Government Performance Task Force

Senate Budget Commitee's bipartisan panel to boost cost savings through reforms, accountability, and transparency

Apr 23 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today was reappointed chairman of the bipartisan Government Performance Task Force by U.S. Senate Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray (D-WA). The Task Force, established in 2009 with Sen. Warner as its initial chairman, supports the Budget Committee by providing oversight and recommendations on ways to increase the performance and reduce the cost of federal agencies and programs.
Monday is the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day. It is unfortunate that too many of our leaders — in business, government, and the community — are missing the big opportunity this day should represent. If the mission of Earth Day is to galvanize the American public behind a common goal of stewardship, shouldn’t we be promoting the most impactful efforts?

Sen. Warner Reintroduces Bipartisan Bill Honoring Intelligence Professionals

Legislation designates July 26 as 'U.S. Intelligence Professionals Day'

Apr 18 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Roy Blunt (R-MO), and Richard Burr (R-NC), members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, introduced a joint resolution today that would designate July 26 as United States Intelligence Professionals Day to honor intelligence officers, past and present, for their service and professionalism.