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What they're saying: Google: Google Statement on Startup Act 2.0
"As a onetime start-up that now employs thousands of Americans and continues to hire many more each year, we are proud to support Senators Moran, Warner, Rubio, and Coons' Start-up Act,” former Rep. Susan Molinari, R-N.Y.
Warner's latest bipartisan project brings together fellow Democrat Chris Coons of Delaware and Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida and Jerry Moran of Kansas. The four senators introduced legislation Tuesday to encourage startup companies through targeted tax incentives and smarter use of university research initiatives. But the central focus of the Startup Act 2.0 is an effort to modernize a small but crucial slice of U.S.immigration policy.
“The Startup Act 2.0 is a package of common sense approaches that will spur innovation, entrepreneurship and job creation. It will allow foreign-born, U.S.-educated immigrants to remain in America and use their training to build businesses and create domestic jobs. It also clears away a variety of anachronistic regulations that have made it difficult for small businesses to expand and thrive.