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Sen. Mark R. Warner said Monday he wants an immediate briefing on the F-22 Raptor and called on the Air Force to avoid penalizing the two Virginia-based pilots who have gone public with their concerns. His comments, relayed through a spokesman, came in response to Sunday's "60 Minutes" segment that featured two Raptor pilots from the Virginia Air National Guard based at Langley Air Force Base.
It is not often that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, organized labor and small-business executives can agree. However, all these groups in March joined in urging the Senate to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank. Unfortunately, that effort was unsuccessful — though the bank helps support nearly 300,000 U.S. jobs.
Senator Warner travelled to Richmond last night to speak at the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership gala – along with the rest of Virginia’s living governors. All nine of the former “excellencies,” including Senator Warner, Democrats Charles S. Robb, Gerald L. Baliles, L. Douglas Wilder, and Timothy M. Kaine, and Republicans Linwood Holton, George Allen, Jim Gilmore and current governor Bob McDonnell, spoke at the annual gala.