
Senator Warner and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)  appeared on CNN’s State of the Union yesterday to discuss the need for bipartisan and comprehensive deficit reduction legislation in Congress. 

“There would be nothing that we could do more to jump start our economy and get the $2 trillion in private sector capital off the sidelines investing,” said Senator Warner told host Candy Crowley. 

“It would be better to do some of that now, pick up the Simpson-Bowles language or various other Gang of Six or 12 or so forth. I would hope that might occur,” Senator Lugar said. “And I think the American people would be more relieved and their thoughts about the Congress certainly would be much better.”

The Senators also discussed the ongoing crisis in Syria.  Senator Lugar urged the creation of safe zones for Syrian civilians, and Senator Warner urged continued pressure on President Bashar al-Assad. However, Senator Warner cautioned that the Syria situation is not the same as the recent Libyan uprisings.

“We don’t really know who makes up the Syrian opposition,” the Senator said. “[This is] very different than the situation in Libya.”