
Before Senator Warner played hoops with the Big South Conference champions, he spoke to a  group of economics students at Radford University this afternoon.

The students asked a series of thoughtful questions about the issues that affect their lives, from the stimulus plan, the bailouts, the growing deficit to health care reform.

The Senator said that this was the equivalent of a hundred-year flood, and Washington's recent actions will make smart investments for the future  and help revive our economy.  He added that deficit reduction must remain a priority.

"You guys need to get mad at folks like me, so you don't get stuck with millions of dollars in debt," he said.

He was also asked a number of questions from recently returned veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, who were concerned about the educational and health care benefits now that they are back to their normal lives.

He said afterward that the government needs to do a better job at getting information to the young men and women returning home from combat on how they can take advantage of veterans programs that are available.

After the forum, Senator Warner put on his sneakers and hit the court at RU's Dedman's Athletic Center to play hoops with the RU's Highlanders, who just played in the NCAA tournament.

"I may not have great game, but I have sharp elbows," he said as he took to the court.

He held his own, making a few jumps shots during a game of scrimmage with the team.

"I don't mind missing a jumper, but missing the simple layup is embarassing," he said.

Here are pictures from the game, courtesy Lora Gordon of Radford University:

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