Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner released the following statement today after the Pentagon previewed  its Fiscal Year 2015 budget:

“As the Secretary announced in his remarks today, the Pentagon has committed to the 11-carrier fleet and to maintaining funding for the George Washington and its air wing through the end of FY15, and its full refueling is scheduled to continue.  However, in order to maintain funding past FY15, Congress must find a way to avoid damaging automatic sequestration spending cuts. As I have said time and again, the mindless and arbitrary cuts brought on by sequestration harm our national security, and our ability to set thoughtful budget priorities going forward. Our carriers represent one of the most potent ways America projects power around the world, and I support and appreciate Secretary Hagel’s commitment to maintaining the George Washington for the upcoming budget year.

“I have some concerns about the Pentagon proposals on military benefits and compensation announced by Secretary Hagel today. At the request of Congress, a nonpartisan commission which I support already is working on a comprehensive review of all of these compensation issues, and I think we should wait to see their specific reform recommendations early next year.”