Press Releases

Sen. Warner to Lead Senate Commerce Panel with Oversight of Highway Safety, Rail, and Ports

Subcommittee will be key to Sen. Warner's infrastructure financing efforts

Jun 10 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today was appointed chairman of a Senate Commerce Committee panel focused on safety, security, and infrastructure development of passenger and freight transportation by road, rail and at all U.S. ports. Today’s announcement was made by Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), who appointed Sen. Warner to succeed the late Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) as chairman of the 21-member Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security subcommittee.

“I am excited about this opportunity to assume more of a leadership role in Congress in the oversight of the safety and security of our interstate highways, as well as infrastructure development for our passenger and freight railroads and marine ports,” Sen. Warner said. “For several months now, I have been discussing my plans for a national infrastructure financing authority with my colleagues. This subcommittee chairmanship will provide access to additional expertise and resources so we can move forward on a responsible plan to leverage private investment in building out our road and rail networks, ports and other public infrastructure priorities.”

“Sen. Warner knows first-hand the importance of making investments in our transportation system and how they fuel our economic engine. He brings unique ideas and experience to this position, and a staunch commitment to rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and expanding all modes of transportation,” Sen. Rockefeller said. “Sen. Warner’s leadership is exactly what we need to break the logjam in Congress over the tough decisions around infrastructure investments. I look forward to partnering with Senator Warner and getting this important work done.

The latest national report card issued by the American Society of Civil Engineers earlier this year on the state of bridges, roads, power grids, rail networks and other systems awarded the United States a disappointing grade of D-plus. In 2011, Sen. Warner was a lead sponsor with former Sens. John Kerry (D-MS) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) of the bipartisan BUILD Act. In this session of Congress, Sen. Warner has taken the lead in efforts to craft an updated version of the legislation, and he plans to introduce bipartisan legislation in the coming weeks.

“Investing in a smart way to rebuild the outdated infrastructure that powers our economy is one of the most effective things we can do right now to create jobs and strengthen our economy over the long term,” Sen. Warner said. “It is long past time to reform the federal government’s patchwork approach to funding and maintaining our infrastructure. I am eager to make the case that we can assemble the expertise to help encourage stronger partnerships with the private sector while responsibly protecting taxpayers.”

“As Chairman of the Surface Transportation Subcommittee, I also plan to focus on improving intermodal connections involving ports, rail and highways, and in continuing work on developing appropriate performance measures to make sure that our infrastructure investments are cost-effective, transparent and addressing the real needs that our nation faces,” Sen. Warner said.

Sen. Warner has considerable hands-on experience in evaluating and managing transportation and infrastructure improvement projects. From 1990-4, he was a gubernatorial appointee to Virginia’s Commonwealth Transportation Board. As Governor of Virginia between 2002-6, Warner directed a dramatic turnaround at the Virginia Department of Transportation, improving VDOT’s dismal project on-schedule record from 28% to 82% and its on-budget performance from 50% to 88%. Then-Gov. Warner also authorized innovative public-private projects to upgrade Virginia’s transportation network, and he created the first dedicated state funding for freight and passenger rail improvements in Virginia history.

As a member of the U.S. Senate since 2009, Sen. Warner has successfully worked for additional federal support for expansion of The Port of Virginia. Sen. Warner also fought for additional resources for transit safety programs, led an effort to direct the Department of Transportation to focus on data collection and development of performance measures, and he has worked to protect federal funding for the critically important project extending D-C’s Metro rail to Dulles International Airport. Sen. Warner also led congressional efforts to promote transportation planning and more transit-friendly development, which was successfully included in last year’s two-year federal highway funding legislation.

The U.S. Senate Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security has jurisdiction over matters relating to interstate transportation policy issues. In addition to the Committee’s broad oversight of the Department of Transportation, the Subcommittee has oversight over the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, the Maritime Administration and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. The Subcommittee has jurisdiction over the transportation security programs and policies of the Department of Homeland Security. It also has jurisdiction over independent transportation regulatory boards, including the Federal Maritime Commission and the Surface Transportation Board.