Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on the announcement by Uber and Betterment of a partnership that allows Uber drivers in Seattle, Boston, Chicago and New Jersey to establish low-cost, low-fee Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA):?

 “For a year and a half, I have been urging new and innovative solutions to allow workers in the on-demand economy to access the array of savings and social insurance protections traditionally provided through full-time employers, such as retirement savings, health care, and disability insurance.  In a 21st century economy where the average worker can expect to hold ten different jobs before age 40, and with more Americans turning to contingent work to make a living or supplement their income, i?t no longer makes sense to continue to rely on a 20th century model for worker protections and benefits. Local and regional experimentation is crucial to developing a workable model for portable benefits.

“I am encouraged that Uber is taking steps to be part of these conversations, and I look forward to continuing to engage with other on-demand companies and state and local leaders who want to be a part of this discussion.”
