Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia today introduced legislation to apply accreditation and other standards for orthotics and prosthetics, such as prosthetic limbs, under Medicare, helping to guarantee product quality for beneficiaries and reducing fraud.

“Orthotics and prosthetics, like other medical equipment, is an area that attracts a lot of fraud,” Grassley said.  “The good actors in this industry want to distinguish themselves from the bad actors who cheat Medicare.  Having accreditation and licensing will help weed out bogus products.  This will benefit the people who rely on orthotics and prosthetics for their health and mobility, and it will protect the taxpayers at risk of paying for fraudulent equipment.”

“The Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act puts in place needed reforms that will improve the quality of orthotic and prosthetic care for seniors on Medicare while reducing fraud,” said Warner.

The Medicare Orthotics and Prosthetics Improvement Act of 2015 would apply accreditation and licensure requirements to providers and suppliers for Medicare payment purposes.  It would modify the designation of accreditation organizations for orthotics and prosthetics to recognize orthotics and prosthetics suppliers as independent professional providers of medical care for Medicare beneficiaries.  

Grassley and Warner serve together on the Finance Committee, with jurisdiction over most federal health care programs.  Grassley is former chairman.
