Ensuring that our veterans and their families receive the benefits they have earned and deserve remains one of Senator Warner’s top priorities. Virginia is home to nearly 800,000 veterans—one of the highest per-capita populations in the country—and that number is growing at four times the national average.

Senator Warner is committed to honoring their service and taking active steps to guarantee the federal government honors its promises to our nation’s veterans. He has fought to reduce the disability claim backlog at the Department of Veterans Affairs (V-A), improve access to care and reduce wait times at V-A medical centers, ensure resources for the V-A to provide healthcare for veterans, simplify the benefits and appeals processes, improve mental health services for soldiers returning home, and improve women veterans’ access to healthcare.

Senator Warner is also personally committed to supporting veterans. He prioritizes the employment of veterans, including in his own office in Washington, D.C., and in his Virginia offices.  

For Senator Warner, this is not a partisan issue. Taking care of our nation’s veterans is simply a matter of doing what’s right. If you, a family member, or a friend is a veteran, and are in need of assistance, you may contact Sen. Warner’s office here.

Recent News on Veterans

Here is what Senator Warner has been doing recently on veterans issues:

Date Title
5/13/19 Warner Demands Plan of Action from Private Military Housing Companies
5/9/19 Warner, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Senate Legislation to Lower Taxes on Gold Star Families
3/26/19 Warner, Kaine, Harris Introduce Amendment to Improve Military Housing in FY20 Budget Resolution
3/19/19 Warner & Kaine Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Improve Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Care
1/29/19 Following Delays, Warner Pushes for Expedited Construction of Veterans Clinic in Hampton Roads
12/21/18 Warner & Kaine Celebrate Bill Renaming Charlottesville Post Office After Captain Khan Becoming Law
12/19/18 Senate Unanimously Passes Warner-Backed Bill to Ensure Veterans Receive Full Housing Benefits
11/19/18 Warner & Kaine Call on VA to Resolve Payment Issue That Could Force Veterans Into Homelessness
9/13/18 As Hurricane Florence Approaches, Warner & Kaine Offer to Help VA Ensure the Safety of Va. Veterans
9/7/18 Warner Joins Coalition Working to Improve Staffing at VA Health Centers
8/17/18 Warner, Kaine, Perdue, Isakson Ask Army for Plan to Address Dangerous Lead Levels Endangering Military Families in Base Housing
8/16/18 Warner & Kaine Call on Trump Administration to Protect Servicemembers & their Families from Predatory Lenders
8/13/18 Warner & Kaine Urge Newly Confirmed VA Secretary to Review Political Influence Plaguing Dept. of Veterans Affairs
7/23/18 Sen. Warner on Senate Confirmation of Robert Wilkie as VA Secretary
7/18/18 Sen. Warner Meets With Virginia V-A Medical Facility Directors