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Senator Warner joined Virginia Public Radio’s ‘Virginia Conversations’ for over an hour today, taking questions from host May-Lily Lee as well as listeners from across the Commonwealth in a remarkably open and wide-ranging interview. He addressed a broad spectrum of issues important to Virginians, including his bipartisan approach in Washington, the lingering effects of the financial crisis, and 21st century strategies for economic development.
Today, the Senate Budget Committee’s Task Force on Government Performance held its first hearing of the 113th Congress titled ‘Silo Busting: Effective Strategies for Government Reorganization.’ The Task Force has the charge of reviewing federal programs to make them more effective and efficient and to examine the information available to Congress to inform budget decisions. Today’s hearing brought together leaders actively working to reform the government to make it more effective and efficient.

Sen. Warner Urges Colleagues to Replicate William & Mary Law School Veterans Clinic Model

W&M law students help veterans verify and file most complicated VA

May 14 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner sent a letter to each of his Senate colleagues today encouraging them to consider an innovative program developed by the College of William & Mary Law School as a national model in efforts to reduce the processing backlog for military veterans with complicated disability claims.
Today Sen. Warner continued his mission to highlight the work of ‘Great Federal Employees,’ those individuals who, despite receiving little recognition for their hard work, perform vital functions every day that make this country a better and safer place to live. This time, Sen. Warner chose to recognize three Virginians working behind the scenes to make our government more efficient and effective.