Press Releases

Senator Warner, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement after today’s committee vote to approve John Brennan as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency:

“I congratulate John Brennan on his confirmation by the Senate Intelligence Committee to serve as the nation’s next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and I look forward to voting for him in the full Senate. 

“I am proud to represent many of the thousands of men and women of the CIA and our other intelligence agencies who live in Virginia, and I am also a strong supporter of robust intelligence oversight. 

“I am encouraged that the White House provided the Committee with access to the Justice Department’s legal opinions related to the nation’s counterterrorism program, which I reviewed prior to today’s vote.  The Committee is charged by law with providing this independent oversight so that the American people can have confidence that this program is being carried out in full compliance with the nation’s laws and our values.”  
