Press Releases

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement in response to results of a United Kingdom’s referendum on whether to remain a member of the European Union:

“The United States respects the decision of the British people. The special friendship between our two nations has endured the test of time, and will remain as strong as ever. While volatility in the global markets will likely continue for some time, the American economy is resilient and well positioned to recover from any short-term impacts. The Federal Reserve has been preparing for this outcome by providing additional liquidity and keeping interest rates low. While there is more Congress can and should do to invest in the economy and help working Americans who are hurting from the economic disruption of the last decade, we shouldn’t lose sight of this fact: There is nothing in the world that can take away the innovative and entrepreneurial spirit that has always been the life-force of the American economy. With smart, targeted policies to respond to this current instability, the U.S. can withstand this temporary turbulence as we continue to out-compete and out-innovate every other nation on earth.”

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