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Thanking our Warriors

May 16 2011

Senator Warner visited Hampton Roads today to meet with Navy officials and hand-deliver the more than 1200 messages of thanks collected on our website,Facebook and YouTube page in the two weeks since Navy commandos brought-down Osama bin Laden.
RESTON —Freshmen U.S. senators rarely get starring roles in efforts to solve the nation's biggest problems, but Sen. Mark Warner may be one of the exceptions. The Virginia Democrat formed the "Gang of Six," a group of three Democratic and three Republican senators crafting a massive plan to cut the $14 trillion national debt and solidify the country's fiscal future.

Stopping by NBC 12

May 13 2011

Senator Warner stopped by NBC 12 in Richmond this afternoon to chat with Ryan Nobles about fixing the deficit and thanking the Navy SEALs.
Yesterday afternoon, Senator Warner, U.S. Secretary of Health & Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, and Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) announced the launch of the National Foundation on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition and honored its initial board of directors. The Foundation, established through legislation written by Sen. Warner, allows for corporate and individual contributions to help support the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, and was signed into law by the President last December.
Early this morning, Senator Warner set off for Annandale, where he met with the Korea Times and members of the Korean American Association of Washington Metropolitan Area and Korean-American Association of Virginia before setting off down the street to Shilla Bakery to meet with Korean-American business leaders.