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While the Obama administration and Congressional Republicans fight in Washington over cutting a small slice of the federal budget, deficit hawks from both parties have taken to the road to persuade the public that the only way to really fix the nation’s finances is to shrink the growth of popular entitlement programs and to raise revenues.
Today the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report outlining more than 80 ways we can reduce waste, modernize operations and eliminate duplication across the entire federal government. “This report confirms what we all know – that there is room to trim back our government spending, but we’ve got to do it carefully,” Senator Warner said in response to the report.

Senators Warner, Webb work for Senate passage of new FAA bill

‘Slots’ compromise limits effort to overburden Reagan National Airport operations

Feb 17 2011

Senators Warner and Webb today worked to promote airline safety by modernizing the Federal Aviation Administration’s outdated, radar-based air traffic control system. The Senators also blocked efforts to make large-scale changes that could have significantly overburdened flight operations at Reagan National Airport in Northern Virginia.