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Academy Day 2011

Apr 04 2011

This past Saturday, our office had the honor of hosting Academy Day 2011 at Albemarle High School, just outside Charlottesville, VA. The day began with over 300 high school and middle school students and their families arriving to acquire information about the application process to our nation’s service academies, as well as information on alternative options to the service academies.
Senator Warner appeared on CNN’s State of the Union this weekend with Republican John Cornyn (R-TX) to discuss budget negotiations and the need to tackle the nation’s debt and deficits. There also was a lot of talk about whether or not there would be government shutdown later this week.

Profiting on preemies is beyond the pale

$10-$20 weekly injections to prevent premature births will now cost $1,500 each

Mar 30 2011

U.S. Sen. Warner today called on Ohio-based K-V Pharmaceutical to voluntarily roll-back its dramatic increase in the price of a drug used to prevent premature labor for women in high-risk pregnancies. The prenatal progesterone treatment, which had been priced between $10 and $20 per weekly injection when compounded and dispensed by pharmacies, now will be sold under the brand name Makena at a cost of $1,500 per week.

Fairfax Mega Job Fair

Mar 28 2011

Our office co-hosted the Fairfax Mega Job Fair and Entrepreneurship Expo this weekend, which helped more than 3,000 job seekers connect with about 45 employers, from Deltek to the Secret Service. The enthusiastic attendees ranged from younger people about to graduate from college to mid-career folks who were seeking a new opportunity.
Big-versus-small? How about effective.

Senator Warner’s work on improving federal agency performance and reducing waste and duplication is the focus of a new Federal Times video. The two-minute clip includes Senator Warner’s appearance at last month’s Center for American Progress event and a recent hearing of the Budget Committee’s Government Performance Task Force.
Thankfully, Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas has taken a big step in leadership on this issue, crossing party lines to support Democratic Sens. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Mark Warner of Virginia in proposing a national infrastructure bank. It’s a bold step to help rebuild America in a year when a Republican-led Congressis aggressively targeting new spending.

Semper Fi

Mar 21 2011

Over the weekend, we spotted a special message on Senator Warner’s Facebook wall. Casey Scott, a Young Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant, had written: My name is Casey Scott and I am a member of the Quantico Young Marines. I recently had the pleasure to go on a trip with your father to Guam for the 66th anniversary of the battle of Iwo Jima.
Many of the 85,000 dams in the United States are so old — an average of half a century — that every time one is repaired, two more become dangerously weak. Cities across the country discharge billions of gallons of untreated wastewater into rivers and lakes, and more than a quarter of all bridges are either deficient or obsolete.
The Consumer Public Safety Commission and Department of Housing and Urban Development today released new remediation guidance for families whose homes were damaged by toxic Chinese drywall. The new protocols will better help homeowners to correctly identify problem drywall and provide more comprehensive remediation for any potential health and safety issues associated with the problem drywall.
U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) and John Kerry (D-MA) announced today they will co-sponsor The BUILD Act creating a new infrastructure bank to help finance infrastructure projects. The BUILD Act, which will help close America’s widening infrastructure gap, create jobs throughout the next decade, and strengthen America’s competitive position, has the support of the AFL-CIO and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.