Press Releases

“I opposed today's effort in the Senate to reopen a loophole that prevents individuals with serious mental impairments who should not possess firearms from being reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System..."

Sen. Warner Speaks Out Against Treasury Nominee

Cites concerns with Mnuchin’s positions on Dodd-Frank, dynamic scoring, and economic sanctions

Feb 10 2017

"...I rise today in opposition to the nomination of Mr. Steven Mnuchin to serve as our nation's next secretary of the Treasury."

Sen. Warner Speaks Out Against Nominee for HHS

Shares stories of Virginians benefiting from the Affordable Care Act

Feb 09 2017

"Congressman Price has advocated for dismantling the ACA and made it clear that as Secretary of HHS, he would seek to implement policies that I believe will make healthcare more expensive and less accessible to Virginians.."

Warner Fights to Protect Federal Workers

Joins colleagues in sponsoring Senate resolution outlining steps to defend the civil service from politically motivated attacks

Feb 09 2017

Joins colleagues in sponsoring Senate resolution outlining steps to defend the civil service from politically motivated attacks