Press Releases

Congress Sends K-12 Education Reform Bill to President's Desk

Bipartisan bill includes Warner reforms on fiscal efficiency, dual enrollment

Dec 09 2015

The bipartisan legislation includes a number of provisions championed by Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), which will improve school efficiency and expand access to dual and concurrent enrollment programs for high school students.
“This legislation represents a step in the right direction towards reforming our criminal justice system and better protecting Virginia communities from violent criminals. Ensuring that every punishment matches the crime will reduce over-incarceration and prison overcrowding, strengthen families, and save taxpayer dollars."
“Due to a prior commitment, I regret I was not present to vote on six amendments to H.R. 3762, the Budget Reconciliation Act."

Bipartisan Coalition of Senators Introduces New Legislation to Improve Staffing at VA Health Centers

Legislation includes “Docs-to-Doctors” provision to allow servicemembers who have served in medical roles to transition directly into the VA; would make it easier for veterans to access the health care they need

Nov 10 2015

Sen. Warner and a bipartisan group of Senate colleagues held a press conference in the U.S. Capitol to announce the introduction of the Veterans Health Care Staffing Improvement Act, bipartisan legislation to make commonsense changes in staffing policies at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and improve veterans care at VA health care facilities.

Members of Congress Introduce Resolution to Award Congressional Gold Medal to OSS Veterans

Office of Strategic Services members conducted intelligence and espionage activities during World War

Nov 05 2015

U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee members Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Roy Blunt (R-MO) along with U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R-OH) have introduced legislation to award the Congressional Gold Medal to the members of the Office of Strategic Services, the World War II-era predecessor to today’s Central Intelligence Agency and the
Sen. Warner joined Sens. Tim Kaine (VA), Bill Nelson (FL), and Angus King (ME) today on a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency requesting the agency provide greater clarity and more precise guidelines on compliance with EPA’s new Clean Water Rules.

Sen. Warner Applauds CMS Final Rule to Pay for Advance Care Planning

Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services finalizes new rule to provide a Medicare benefit to discuss end-of-life care

Oct 30 2015

“By confirming that it will reimburse for advance care planning in accordance with the recommendation of the American Medical Association, CMS has taken an important step forward in moving the conversation around end-of-life care beyond political scare tactics."

Sen. Warner on SEC Approval of Crowdfunding Rules

Warner has been calling for crowdfunding rules since 2012

Oct 30 2015

"As someone who has pushed the SEC since 2012 to move forward these rules, I applaud the Commission’s vote to allow more smaller investors to participate in America’s entrepreneurial economy.”

Sen. Warner Introduces Bipartisan Legislation To Improve H-2B Visa Program

Legislation provides certainty for seasonal employers who depend on temporary workers and supports Virginia jobs dependent on seasonal industries

Oct 30 2015

Sen. Warner introduced the bipartisan Save our Small and Seasonal Businesses Act of 2015 to strengthen the H-2B temporary non-agricultural visa program to help seasonal employers better prepare for fluctuations in demand during peak seasons.