Press Releases

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, submitted an amicus brief urging the Supreme Court to reverse a dangerous injunction that would limit the government’s ability to communicate with social media companies regarding foreign threats on their platforms ahead of the 2024 election. The brief was submitted following the decision of the Court to hear arguments in Murthy v. Missouri, a case that will decide the role that government officials can play in communicating with private social media companies when it comes to countering foreign disinformation campaigns.

In his capacity as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee, Sen. Warner stressed the need for continuing communication between social media platforms and the federal government, on a voluntary basis, in order to prevent foreign adversaries, including Russia, Iran, and China, from using these sites to carry out campaigns threatening our national security.

“The best way to combat foreign malign influence is cooperation between the public and private sectors,” Sen. Warner wrote in his brief. “Threat sharing allows the government and social media companies to combine disparate data sets and share appropriate information.”

“[T]he U.S. government has long relied on threat sharing including defensive briefings—to alert unwitting U.S. persons and organizations to efforts by foreign adversaries and intelligence services to target, exploit, or infiltrate them. That information sharing is crucial in the information security context due to the increasing sophistication and organization of the attackers,” he wrote.

“Threat sharing not only allows organizations to leverage collective knowledge and capabilities to identify and increase awareness of certain threats, but it also permits those organizations to improve their systems and minimize susceptibility to threats going forward,” Sen. Warner continued.  

Since the 2016 election, the Intelligence Community (IC) has regularly engaged social media companies on a voluntary basis, including Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, Twitter (now X), and YouTube to help identify foreign accounts operating with the purpose of misleading the American public, sowing dissent among users, intimidating minority groups, threatening election officials, and even seeking to incite violence between Americans.

Sen. Warner’s brief underscores the importance of this work, noting that social companies have expressly communicated with government officials their willingness to work together to combat the coordinated influence campaigns by adversaries taking place on their platforms – noting his experience in 2017 in jointly leading a bipartisan investigation into Russia’s influence activity targeting the 2016 election.

“Social media platforms share the Intelligence Committee’s concern regarding foreign malign influence. They categorically do not want to be a vector or facilitate these campaigns. To that end, they proactively share intelligence information with the government and request that government agencies and officials share knowledge with them too,” Sen. Warner continued.

Sen. Warner argues that the current Fifth Circuit ruling has severely limited the federal government’s ability to engage with social media companies on a voluntary basis over threats that have been identified on their platforms, and would cause lasting repercussions if not reversed. With less than a year before the presidential election, and with a recently-declassified intelligence assessment emphasizing the continuing threat of foreign election influence, a Supreme Court ruling that preserved or expanded the Fifth Circuit’s injunction could have lasting damage.

“Any injunction here would prevent or limit the government’s ability to communicate with social media companies and would leave the United States vulnerable to attack. Foreign malign influence campaigns have grown in number, scope, and sophistication since 2016, and any progress gained through improved threat sharing processes may be entirely lost if the injunction is not lifted.” Sen. Warner stated.

Sen. Warner concludes by asking the Supreme Court to reverse the Fifth circuit decision, writing: “There is no substitute for real time threat sharing between the government and social media companies when it comes to combating foreign malign information campaigns. The government and social media companies have access to different types of information and benefit form exchanging such information where appropriate. It is essential to our national security that the government can communicate freely with social media companies about threats that foreign malign influence campaigns pose to their platforms and users. To preserve America’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to foreign malign influence campaigns that target our national security and elections, this Court should reverse the judgement of the Fifth Circuit in relevant part and direct that the preliminary injunction be vacated in its entirety.”

The full amicus brief is available here.



 WASHINGTON– Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine—who serves on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee—released the following statements applauding Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi for officially lowering the cost of their insulin products to $35 per month for most patients. The companies’ moves, which came in 2023 for Eli Lilly and January 1, 2024 for Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, followed the implementation of provisions from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which both senators voted for and passed by one vote in the Senate, to incentivize drug manufacturers to slash prices.

“When we capped insulin at $35 a month for Medicare patients as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, we put pressure on big pharmaceutical companies to do the same, and we are seeing the impact,” said Sen. Warner. “As we start the New Year, millions of Americans are will pay less for the medication they need. As we move into 2024, the Senate Finance Committee will keep working on measures to lower drug prices and improve transparency for all Americans.”  

“I appreciate Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, and Sanofi’s decisions to step up to the plate with these $35 monthly insulin caps,” said Sen. Kaine. “No Virginian should have to ration the medication they need to stay alive. That’s why I was proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed in the Senate by one vote, to push drug manufacturers to lower the cost of lifesaving medications, including insulin. Making prescription drugs more affordable is one of my top priorities on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, and I look forward to building on this progress.”

Specifically, the IRA set an out-of-pocket price cap for insulin at $35 per month for Americans covered by Medicare, and required drug companies to pay a rebate to the government if drug prices rise faster than inflation, spurring manufacturers to make similar changes to the cost of insulin for other patients who aren’t on Medicare.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis, one in four people with private health insurance paid more than $35 per month for their insulin in 2018. The Kaiser Family Foundation also estimates than more than 5% of insulin users pay more than $150 per month for insulin. The American Diabetes Association found that diabetics account for $1 of every $4 spent on health care in the U.S.

The senators have long prioritized lowering the cost of and expanding the domestic supply chain for prescription drugs. Last year, Sens. Warner and Kaine announced the designation of the Richmond/Petersburg Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Tech Hub, which they supported to help ensure that critical pharmaceuticals, including insulin, are manufactured in America using innovative, cost-saving techniques. The senators repeatedly introduced legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate the best price of prescription drugs for seniors enrolled in Medicare Part D—a major cost-reducing measure that is now law thanks to the IRA.

Additionally, Warner, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, helped author the Modernizing and Ensuring PBM Accountability (MEPA) Act, bipartisan legislation approved by the Committee in July 2023 to help address rising prescription drug prices by regulating the middlemen who manage prescription drug benefits on behalf of health insurers. The Finance Committee also recently approved Warner-authored legislation to help lower-income seniors enroll in Medicare.

Kaine has led the introduction of the Medicare-X Choice Act, which would improve health care coverage and lower costs for Americans, and cosponsored legislation to allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug costs for seniors. 2023, Kaine worked with Senators Jon Tester (D-MT) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) to introduce the Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging (DRUG) Act to lower drug costs and prevent massive Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) from price gouging consumers. Last month, Kaine and Marshall led a bipartisan group of senators in urging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Department of Labor (DOL), and the Department of the Treasury to lower out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs by enforcing a rule limiting the use of harmful “copay accumulators.”  


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, led Sens. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Angus King (I-ME), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Tom Carper (D-DE) Jack Reed (D-RI), and Ron Wyden (D-OR) in sounding the alarm about the economic deterioration in the West Bank and the troubling rise in violent acts perpetrated by extremist Israeli settlers. In a letter to President Biden, the lawmakers stressed the need for Israel to take steps to address the growing instability in the West Bank, including by ensuring that the Palestinian Security Forces are able to ward off violence against innocent Palestinian civilians and prevent further destabilization, which could open an additional front to the conflict.

This letter follows a decision by Israel to withhold a significant portion of tax revenues that its government collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA). These revenues – meant to be collected and transferred based on longstanding agreement – are critical for the PA’s civil administration and security purposes.

“A range of factors since October 7 – including a loss of wages for the thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank whose work permits Israel revoked – have contributed to an economic situation that has shuttered thousands of West Bank businesses and reduced the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) revenues by roughly 80 percent. Those revenues support a range of critical functions for the PA, including paying public-worker salaries as well as the salaries of members of the Palestinian Security Forces, whose local law enforcement and security efforts are critical to maintaining stability in the West Bank,” wrote the Senators. “A significant source of the PA’s revenue derives from Palestinian import tax revenues, which according to long-standing agreement, the Israeli government collects on behalf of, and then transfers to, the PA. We are concerned that the Israeli government’s decision following the October 7 attacks to withhold a significant portion of these revenues, and the PA’s decision to not accept the reduced sum, is dramatically exacerbating the economic volatility in the West Bank.”

“In addition to harming the well-being of Palestinians, the current lack of revenue transfers directly threatens the economic standing of the security services in the West Bank. Absent these funds, salaries for the more than 30,000 members of the Palestinian Security Forces cannot be paid in full. The possibility of these forces declining to serve, absent pay – and the possibility of militant groups attempting to step in and financially coerce these services – represents a significant security threat, risking the opening of a new front to this conflict to the detriment of Israeli and regional security,” they continued. “We urge you and senior members of your Administration to continue to prioritize the resumption of these transfers in any conversations with the Israeli government as well as Palestinian Authority officials. A commitment by Israel to immediately transfer the full allotment of Palestinian Authority revenues is vital to staving off a significant rise in instability, and would represent a crucial step by Israel towards deescalating tensions in the West Bank.”

A copy of the letter is available here and below:

Dear President Biden,

We write with ongoing concern about the alarming conditions in the West Bank. As Israel continues to address the lethal and ongoing threat posed by Hamas following the terrorist group’s horrific October 7 attacks, Israel must take steps to address growing instability in the West Bank. Israeli settlers’ violence and deteriorating economic conditions are compromising the lives of innocent Palestinian civilians and threaten further destabilization. We are concerned that these conditions risk opening an additional front to the conflict, to the significant detriment of Israeli and regional security.

Members of Congress have joined you in voicing concerns about the alarming rise in violent acts perpetrated by extremist Israeli settlers in the West Bank over the past two months. We believe the Israeli government must address these attacks against Palestinians, and we applaud your Administration’s recent actions – including visa bans – targeting those carrying out these attacks.

We are also concerned about the conflict’s economic impact in the West Bank, and the risk it poses for further violence. A range of factors since October 7 – including a loss of wages for the thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank whose work permits Israel revoked – have contributed to an economic situation that has shuttered thousands of West Bank businesses and reduced the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) revenues by roughly 80 percent. Those revenues support a range of critical functions for the PA, including paying public-worker salaries as well as the salaries of members of the Palestinian Security Forces, whose local law enforcement and security efforts are critical to maintaining stability in the West Bank.

A significant source of the PA’s revenue derives from Palestinian import tax revenues, which according to long-standing agreement, the Israeli government collects on behalf of, and then transfers to, the PA. We are concerned that the Israeli government’s decision following the October 7 attacks to withhold a significant portion of these revenues, and the PA’s decision to not accept the reduced sum, is dramatically exacerbating the economic volatility in the West Bank.

In addition to harming the well-being of Palestinians, the current lack of revenue transfers directly threatens the economic standing of the security services in the West Bank. Absent these funds, salaries for the more than 30,000 members of the Palestinian Security Forces cannot be paid in full. The possibility of these forces declining to serve, absent pay – and the possibility of militant groups attempting to step in and financially coerce these services – represents a significant security threat, risking the opening of a new front to this conflict to the detriment of Israeli and regional security.

We acknowledge the need for a number of reforms related to PA governance, including those that would address corruption concerns, as well as its martyr and prisoner payment system. These reforms remain important, alongside supporting near-term stability and security.

In recent testimony before the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Secretary of State Blinken testified that the PA is “vastly under resourced,” and that import tax revenues have indeed been a topic of negotiation with the Israeli government. We urge you and senior members of your Administration to continue to prioritize the resumption of these transfers in any conversations with the Israeli government as well as Palestinian Authority officials. A commitment by Israel to immediately transfer the full allotment of Palestinian Authority revenues is vital to staving off a significant rise in instability, and would represent a crucial step by Israel towards deescalating tensions in the West Bank.


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA), and Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA-03) announced $3,000,000 to initiate the Peninsula Regional Flood Risk Management feasibility study for the City of Hampton, VA and the surrounding region.  

As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the lawmakers previously secured $1.5 million for the Virginia Beach and Vicinity Coastal Storm Risk Management Study and nearly $399 million for the Norfolk Coastal Storm Risk Management Project. Today’s announcement builds on that progress by extending the study of flood risk management strategies to the Peninsula. The study will investigate flood threats ranging from sea level rise, coastal storm surge, and rainfall events, and will develop mitigation solutions to reduce flood risk. This funding will allow work on the study to begin immediately.

 “Rising sea levels threaten lives and livelihoods, and in no place has that been more evident than this region, which has experienced record flooding in recent years,” the members said. “We’re glad to see this crucial funding finally head to the region in order to develop a comprehensive resilience plan for all of Hampton Roads.”

The Hampton Roads region is subject to the highest rate of historic relative sea level rise on the U.S. east coast and tenth worldwide in terms of value of assets exposed to flooding. Sea level rise conditions underscore the necessity for a comprehensive study to identify and address flooding challenges to ensure continued quality of life, economic growth, and ecosystem health for the region.

Since 2021, Sens. Warner and Kaine have requested funding for this project in order to build a comprehensive flood management and storm resilience plan for the region.   


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and John Kennedy (R-LA), both members of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, introduced the Financial Artificial Intelligence Risk Reduction Act, bipartisan legislation to require financial regulators to address uses of AI-generated content that could disrupt financial markets.

“AI has tremendous potential but also enormous disruptive power across a variety of fields and industries – perhaps none more so than our financial markets,” said Sen. Warner, a former business executive and venture capitalist. “The time to address those vulnerabilities is now.”

“AI is moving quickly, and our laws should do the same to prevent AI manipulation from rattling our financial markets. Our bill would help ensure that AI threats do not put Americans’ investments and retirement dreams at risk,” Sen. Kennedy said.

The legislation requires the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to coordinate financial regulators’ response to threats to the stability of the markets posed by AI, including the use of “deepfakes” by malign actors and other practices associated with the use of AI tools that could undermine the financial system, such as trading algorithms. The legislation also requires FSOC to identify gaps in existing regulations, guidance, and exam standards that could hinder effective responses to AI threats, and implement specific recommendations to address those gaps.

In response to the potential magnitude of the threat, the Financial Artificial Intelligence Risk Reduction Act would also provide for treble penalties when AI is used in violations of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules, including acts of market manipulation and fraud. The legislation also makes clear that anyone who uses an AI model is responsible for making sure that everything that model does complies with all securities laws.

The legislation also provides the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) and Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) with the authority necessary to oversee AI service providers, similar to the authority the other financial regulators have had for decades.

A copy of the legislation is available here.





WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine urged the Administration to avoid further delays in the appointment of a Special Envoy for Sudan. Nearly 4.8 million people have been internally displaced since the war in Sudan began in April 2023—resulting in one of the largest internal displacement crises in the world. It’s estimated that there have been 10,000 civilian casualties, and approximately 24 million people are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. In their letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the senators emphasize the crucial role a Special Envoy would play in coordinating and leading U.S. diplomatic efforts to address this crisis and facilitate the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

“At the onset of this conflict in April 2023, we strongly advocated for U.S. leadership in coordinating a robust international diplomatic response, the safe and swift delivery of humanitarian assistance, the protection of civilians, and, crucially, that a special envoy be appointed to provide a single address within the U.S. government, as well as a clear U.S. lead for foreign parties when participating in direct negotiations with the Rapid Support Forces, Sudanese Armed Forces, and regional partners,” wrote the senators. “Although we welcome the progress to-date in facilitating humanitarian action to meet the urgent needs of civilians, we once again reaffirm our request that you immediately appoint a special envoy to manage the Sudan crisis.”

They continued, “We are concerned that the lack of a dedicated special envoy, who would report directly to the Secretary of State and who would internally coordinate and lead U.S. government efforts, and who may serve as a focal point and driver for international diplomatic and humanitarian efforts, is severely inhibiting the United States’ ability to engage most forcefully towards a resolution to the crisis.”

“To ensure a prosperous future for Sudan, the U.S. government must serve as a lead negotiator in peace discussions via a special envoy for Sudan,” the senators concluded. “We would welcome additional information, whether via a briefing to our staff or in a written response, regarding the rationale for why our request for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Sudan remains unmet.”

Warner and Kaine have been longtime advocates for the Sudanese community in Virginia. Last week, Warner and Kaine applauded the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) announcement that it will extend the re-registration period for Temporary Protected Status for migrants from Sudan, which they urged in May. Earlier this year, Warner spoke out about the violence in Sudan and hosted a virtual town hall for Sudanese Americans. Kaine has pushed the Administration to ensure the safety and security of U.S. citizens in Sudan and urged both sides to commit to a permanent ceasefire. He held an event in Richmond with members of Virginia’s Sudanese American community to hear their perspectives on the conflict and discuss ways he can be helpful.

Full text of the letter is available below:

Dear Secretary Blinken,

The destructive conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has been raging for eight months. It has resulted in 4.8 million people internally displaced, 1.2 million fleeing to neighboring countries and regions, 10,000 civilian casualties, and approximately 24 million people in need of immediate humanitarian assistance. Sudan’s health systems have reached their breaking point, and the country is plagued with widespread sexual violence, looting, and killing.

At the onset of this conflict in April 2023, we strongly advocated for U.S. leadership in coordinating a robust international diplomatic response, the safe and swift delivery of humanitarian assistance, the protection of civilians, and, crucially, that a special envoy be appointed to provide a single address within the U.S. government, as well as a clear U.S. lead for foreign parties when participating in direct negotiations with the RSF, SAF, and regional partners. Although we welcome the progress to-date in facilitating humanitarian action to meet the urgent needs of civilians, we once again reaffirm our request that you immediately appoint a special envoy to manage the Sudan crisis.

We are grateful for the efforts from you, Assistant Secretary Molly Phee, Ambassador John Godfrey, Ambassador Daniel Rubinstein, and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Mike Hammer have put into facilitating negotiations between the RSF, SAF, and global partners in Jeddah. We also welcome your December 6 atrocities determination for the crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing conducted by the SAF and RSF. However, much more needs to be done to end this brutal conflict, and the need is urgent. We are concerned that the lack of a dedicated special envoy, who would report directly to the Secretary of State and who would internally coordinate and lead U.S. government efforts, and who may serve as a focal point and driver for international diplomatic and humanitarian efforts, is severely inhibiting the United States’ ability to engage most forcefully towards a resolution to the crisis. We are pleased that the negotiation talks between the SAF and RSF in Jeddah have resumed, but a stronger and more cohesive U.S. diplomatic effort is long overdue. The tally of Sudanese lives taken by this conflict is mounting by the day.

As global stability is threatened by multiple destructive conflicts, we cannot forget about the people of Sudan. To ensure a prosperous future for Sudan, the U.S. government must serve as a lead negotiator in peace discussions via a Special Envoy for Sudan. We would welcome additional information, whether via a briefing to our staff or in a written response, regarding the rationale for why our request for the appointment of a Special Envoy for Sudan remains unmet. Thank you for your time and attention to this request.



WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and Sens. Tim Kaine (D-VA), Ben Cardin, and Chris Van Hollen (both D-MD) wrote to President Biden requesting that the administration include at least $30 million in their FY25 budget request for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) to specifically address the agency’s operational costs related to national security and counterterrorism. This request comes as WMATA faces a $750 million budget shortfall that threatens safety and services starting next summer.

In their letter, the senators stress that WMATA, more than other transit authorities, shoulders a heavy security burden because of its role in federal government operations and national security activities. The agency estimates that it spends between $30 and $33 million annually on operations relating to its national security and counterterrorism mission.

“Given this sui generis role played by WMATA, it should come as no surprise that the agency shoulders some burdens that are unique among transit providers. Perhaps most important of these burdens is WMATA’s responsibility to prevent terrorism targeting our Nation’s capital—a responsibility far out of proportion to the size of the system,” the senators wrote.

They continued, “Unfortunately, this responsibility is more than hypothetical. In 2010, an anti-government extremist opened fire at the Pentagon station. A year later, a man was convicted in connection with the targeting of four WMATA stations in a terrorist bomb plot.  And let us not forget that it was a Metro Transit Police officer who, while assisting Capitol Police, discovered the bomb planted at the Democratic National Committee on January 6, 2021.”

Sens. Warner, Kaine, Cardin, and Van Hollen have long been active supporters of WMATA, working to secure critical funding, expand service, and improve safety.  

A copy of the letter is available here and below:

Dear President Biden:

We write today to respectfully request that the President’s budget request for Fiscal Year 2025 include at least $30 million for transfer to Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for the agency’s operational costs associated with national security activities and countering terrorism on the system.

WMATA’s operations are critical to the functioning of the federal government in the National Capital Region. A majority of WMATA’s 19.6 million riders are federal workers.  Over one-third of all Metrorail stations are located on federal property, serving federal facilities. Two stations on Capitol Hill serve Members of Congress and their staffs. Federal facilities served by WMATA include our most sensitive national security installations, like the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security. Pentagon Station, for example, provides convenient rail access to the global headquarters of our Nation’s Department of Defense and uniformed services.

Given this sui generis role played by WMATA, it should come as no surprise that the agency shoulders some burdens that are unique among transit providers. Perhaps most important of these burdens is WMATA’s responsibility to prevent terrorism targeting our Nation’s capital—a responsibility far out of proportion to the size of the system. Unfortunately, this responsibility is more than hypothetical. In 2010, an anti-government extremist opened fire at the Pentagon station. A year later, a man was convicted in connection with the targeting of four WMATA stations in a terrorist bomb plot. And let us not forget that it was a Metro Transit Police officer who, while assisting Capitol Police, discovered the bomb planted at the Democratic National Committee on January 6, 2021.

WMATA estimates that it spends between $30 and $33 million on operations relating to its national security and counterterrorism mission. Similar to the Federal Payment for Emergency Planning and Security Costs for the District of Columbia, these costs are directly attributable to the unique role WMATA plays in ensuring the safety and smooth operation of our Nation’s federal government. Accordingly, it is appropriate that the federal government provide funding to WMATA for these expenses. Therefore, we respectfully request that the President’s budget for FY25 include at least $30 million to support WMATA’s national security operational expenses necessary to keep the system and the National Capital Region safe.



WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) applauded Senate passage of legislation they cosponsored with Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mike Rounds (R-SD) to provide back pay, retroactive promotion dates, and other needed administrative fixes for military officers whose promotions were delayed in the Senate. Passage of this legislation comes one week after Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) released his months-long block of more than 400 military promotions.

“The brave men and women of our military do not serve any particular political party. They serve our nation as a whole – working to defend our national interests and the values that we hold sacred as Americans. As such, we owe it to the members of our military to prevent them from becoming pawns in any political game. After a months-long blockade by a single Senator, we’re glad to see over 400 military promotions finally moving forward, and are proud to pass legislation to ensure that this senseless hold does not affect the pay, seniority, or benefits, of our brave men and women in uniform,” said the senators.

The  Military Personnel Confirmation Restoration Act of 2023 – which applies to any officer that was held by Sen. Tuberville and confirmed by the end of the 2023 calendar year – would grant retroactive pay, allowances, benefits, and seniority for the grade or rank to which a servicemember had been appointed.


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), applauded congressional passage of the nation’s annual defense bill, which includes key priorities for Virginia and a series of measures championed and backed by Sen. Warner. 

“Despite all the current chaos in Congress, I’m encouraged that we were finally able to pass this annual defense spending bill that strengthens our military, provides support for our troops, bolsters our nation’s defense capabilities, and delivers for Virginia. Once signed by the president, this legislation will ensure that our military and Department of Defense have what they need to safeguard our national security interests and continue to keep Americans safe. I hope that my colleagues in both the House and the Senate will look to this deal, realize that bipartisan agreement is within reach, and reach the consensus needed to fund the government and fulfill our commitment to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel.”  

The legislation supports $886.3 billion in funding for our nation’s defense, and includes crucial measures supported by Sen. Warner.

Servicemembers and the civilian defense workforce:

  • Authorizes a 5.2 percent pay raise for military servicemembers and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian workforce – the largest raise in two decades.
  • Improves living conditions for enlisted servicemembers by greenlighting improvements to the quality and oversight of barracks. This provision specifically authorizes the replacement of substandard barracks and establishes new requirements that enlisted housing meet the same basic standards as all other military housing.
  • Improves living conditions for junior Navy Sailors whose vessels are undergoing an extended maintenance overhaul. This legislation authorizes basic allowance for housing (BAH) payments that allow these servicemembers to live in commercial housing, rather than aboard the ship.
  • Supports more equitable housing rates in markets with limited housing inventory by modifying the calculation of basic allowance for housing (BAH) rates.
  • Allows for additional financial support for servicemembers, by reducing the threshold used to determine high cost-of-living areas for the purpose of providing a cost-of-living allowance to servicemembers assigned to locations in the continental United States.
  • Takes a number of steps to address critical childcare shortages and improve availability for military families. To help address the overwhelming demand for childcare, last year Sen. Warner was able to secure $3.5 million in planning & design funding to support two new child development centers at Hampton Roads installations. This bill authorizes $104 million to fund two Child Development Centers, one at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story and one at Naval Station Norfolk.

Strengthening our nation’s defense and cyber defense capabilities:

  • Authorizes funding, provides legal authorities, and enhances congressional oversight for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) through inclusion of the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 – legislation authored by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Warner.
  • Authorizes $16.7 billion for military construction projects, including $570 million for 20 military construction projects in Virginia. This includes $104 million to fund two Child Development Centers, one at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story and one at Naval Station Norfolk. It also includes authorization for $20 million for a replacement hanger and additional airfield infrastructure in Sandston for the Virginia National Guard, and $4 million in planning and design funding for a new Army Reserve training center in Richmond.
  • Authorizes the Navy to enter into one or more contracts for the multiyear procurement of the next block of 13 Virginia-class submarines.
  • Requires the development of a regional cybersecurity strategy to support the operations of each geographic combatant command.
  • Requires the establishment of a dedicated cyber intelligence capability to support information-sharing on technology developments, capabilities, operations, and intentions of actors who pose cyber threats.
  • Directs DoD to support institutions of higher education on cyber workforce education and development efforts in the fields of cybersecurity, intelligence, data science, information security management, and quantum information science.
  • Increases transparency surrounding the DoD’s investments in Artificial Intelligence by requiring DoD to provide information to Congress by mid-June of 2024 detailing the applications of AI technologies and their respective investment amounts, and an analysis of how these investments align with the Department’s stated objectives regarding AI. This provision stems from an amendment led by Sen. Warner.
  • Takes steps towards securing the nation’s supply of domestic energy by establishing a Nuclear Fuel Security Program to boost domestic uranium mining, production, and enrichment for the types of nuclear fuel used in commercial reactors and anticipated for next-generation reactors, including small modular reactors (SMRs). Sen. Warner was an original cosponsor of this legislation.

Countering aggression by adversaries like Russia and China:

  • Prohibits the purchase of drones from countries like China that pose a national security concern. This provision, championed in part by Warner, prohibits federal dollars from being used to procure or operate drones from countries or companies identified as posing a national security threat. 
  • Authorizes the full budget request for the European Deterrence Initiative (EDI) and the Pacific Deterrence Initiative (PDI).
  • Underscores the United States’ commitment to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a unified response to the Russian Federation’s unjust war in Ukraine. Sen. Warner has been a strong supporter of NATO, which conducts crucial work in Virginia at NATO Allied Command Transformation in Hampton Roads.
  • Supports Ukraine in its fight against Russian attacks and aggression by extending the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) through 2026 and authorizing $300 million in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. The USAI is one of the main tools used by the U.S. in support of Ukraine’s defensive needs. This legislation also extends waivers for the streamlined acquisition of defense stocks related to Ukraine and authorizes additional munitions eligible for multiyear procurement contracts.
  • Supports advancement of the AUKUS Partnership between the U.S., Australia, and the UK, including through additional funding and authorizations to operationalize the agreement, and support close engagement between these three nations – which has a particular relevance to Virginia’s naval and industrial base infrastructure.
  • Provides support to Taiwan by establishing a comprehensive training, advising, and institutional capacity-building program for the military forces of Taiwan.

Now that it’s been passed by the Senate and House of Representatives, this legislation will head to President Biden’s desk for his signature. 


WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL) released the following statements on passage of the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) for Fiscal Year 2024, which was included the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The IAA authorizes funding, provides legal authorities, and enhances congressional oversight for the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). After the House of Representatives approves the legislation, it will head to the president for his signature.

“The Intelligence Authorization Act plays a crucial role in ensuring that America’s intelligence agencies have the tools they need to protect the American people,” said Chairman Warner. “This year’s bill improves the IC’s ability to track threats posed by our adversaries while promoting much-needed reforms to our nation’s security classification system and expanding the Committee’s efforts to reform the security clearance process in order to attract the best and brightest talent to the intelligence space. I am glad that Congress is coming together to pass this package that meets the needs of our Intelligence Community.                                                                                                                                                                       

“Our adversaries, especially China, Russia, and Iran, are growing increasingly aggressive and collaborative in their efforts to weaken America and degrade the international rules-based system,” said Vice Chairman Rubio. “The Intelligence Community (IC) has a critical role to play in identifying and mitigating these significant threats. This Intelligence Authorization Act strengthens our Committee’s ongoing oversight of intelligence activities, makes important reforms to preserve our American values, and ensures that the IC effectively manages critical resources, authorities, and personnel to protect our national security.


The IAA for Fiscal Year 2024 authorizes funding for the IC and ensures that it has the resources, personnel, and authorities it needs to protect our country and inform decision makers, while ensuring continued robust congressional oversight. The bill’s provisions focus on the following key areas:

  • Increases oversight of the national security threats posed by People’s Republic of China, including its economic practices, foreign malign influence operations, military capabilities, and investments in, and attempts to dominate, the supply chains of artificial intelligence (AI), next-generation energy technologies, and biotechnology, among many others.
  • Establishes a new IC atrocities coordinator to increase collection, analysis, and intelligence support to government-wide efforts to hold China accountable for its egregious human rights abuses, including the Uyghur genocide. 
  • Improves the IC’s procurement, adoption, and integration of emerging technologies by requiring the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) to establish policies for the IC’s acquisition, adoption, development, and use of AI, to create an intelligence innovation board, and to submit a plan for implementing an Intelligence Community Innovation Unit to integrate commercial emerging technologies.
  • Enhances insight into the Maduro regime’s imprisonment of United States persons in Venezuela.
  • Ensures the IC has a first-class workforce by improving workforce mobility among IC agencies to meet national security needs; and increasing recruitment priorities for candidates with financial intelligence and technical expertise.
  • Establishes new requirements for reporting and investigating allegations of sexual assault and sexual harassment with the CIA.
  • Increases transparency by strengthening Unidentified Aerial Phenomena funding limitations and reporting requirements.
  • Promotes reform of the nation’s security classification system to ensure accountability, increase transparency, and strengthen trust between the American people and their elected government.
  • Continues to drive improvement in the security clearance process by requiring a policy framework to facilitate the mobility of the Intelligence Community workforce; renewing a report on the number of clearance holders in the government and industry; requiring updated timeliness standards the granting of clearances to reflect progress under the Trusted Workforce (TW) 2.0 initiative; annually measuring satisfaction among agencies, industry, and applicants with TW 2.0; and promoting shared IT among Intelligence Community elements to harmonize their clearance processes.
  • Prohibits the Department of Homeland Security Intelligence and Analysis from conducting custodial briefings in certain circumstances, collecting on journalists, and hiring personnel who collect information on domestic terrorism for a period of one year.
  • Requires intelligence assessments of the strategic competition in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as assessments of certain cartels.
  • Ensures continued support to the victims of anomalous health incidents (AHIs or “Havana Syndrome”) by improving the CIA’s funding flexibility for payments to qualified victims; and requiring each IC element to issue regulations and procedures for implementing HAVANA Act of 2021 authorities.



WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) praised an announcement by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that it will extend the re-registration period for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for migrants from countries including El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Sudan. The announcement follows a Warner-led letter to advocate for TPS for migrants from Sudan and a Kaine-led letter to advocate for TPS for migrants from El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. This move will extend the amount of time allotted for TPS recipients to re-register for the program and its benefits from 60-days to the full 18-month validity period for each country with a TPS designation.

“We are very encouraged by DHS’ move to extend the re-registration period for those needing to renew their TPS status. Virginia is home to tens of thousands of TPS recipients who play essential roles in their communities and serve as a key part of our economy. This needed extension will provide these individuals – who are unable to safely return to their countries of origin due to extreme circumstances – with the additional time they need to carefully navigate the re-registration process and ensure that they can retain their lawful status, continue to work legally, and avoid deportation,” said the senators.  

Established by the U.S. Congress through the Immigration Act of 1990, TPS is a temporary, renewable program that provides relief from deportation and access to a work permit for foreign nationals from certain countries who are unable to return safely to their home country due to natural disasters, armed conflicts, or other extraordinary conditions.

Under this extension, the TPS re-registration periods are as follows:

  • El Salvador: July 12, 2023, through March 9, 2025
  • Honduras: November 6, 2023, through July 5, 2025
  • Nepal: October 24, 2023, through June 24, 2025
  • Nicaragua: November 6, 2023, through July 5, 2025
  • Sudan: August 21, 2023, through April 19, 2025
  • Haiti: January 26, 2023, through August 3, 2024


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s meeting with senators:

“For nearly two years, President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people have defended their country against Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion. I am proud that the United States has led the world in support of Ukraine’s efforts to push back against Vladimir Putin’s aggression, and today’s meeting highlighted the importance of continuing this support. The time to act is now. We must honor our commitments and pass a security package before the year ends.” 


WASHINGTONOn Friday, U.S. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA), and Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (D-VA-04) sent a letter to the Virginia District Manager of the United States Postal Service (USPS) requesting answers and improved transparency regarding the recent mail delivery issues in the Richmond area. In their letter, the lawmakers urge Virginia District Manager Gerald Roane to address these issues and communicate directly with impacted residents. 

“We write to advocate on behalf of our constituents, who have continued to share countless stories of mail delays and mail security concerns throughout Virginia and the Fourth Congressional District. While we appreciate your outreach with our offices, we feel our constituents would greatly benefit from direct communications from you or an appropriate United States Postal Service (USPS) representative,” wrote the lawmakers. “Therefore, we request your office to facilitate a town hall for concerned residents regarding their postal service concerns no later than January 19, 2024.” 

Over the past few months, the lawmakers received hundreds of reports of mail delivery issues, including late and missing deliveries, sudden stops in service, and mail theft. In their letter, the lawmakers highlight various cases currently under investigation, including a local small business owner in the Bellevue neighborhood and a constituent in the Fan neighborhood. 

“One notable case involves a 38-year resident of the Bellevue neighborhood and small business owner who has been grappling with mail delivery issues for over four months. Weekly missed deliveries since September have resulted in the non-receipt of crucial items such as paychecks, credit card bills, and insurance policies. This has, in turn, led to the imposition of late fees and, in some instances, the cancellation of essential services,” they continued. “Similarly, a constituent in the Fan neighborhood of Richmond reported a mail hiatus lasting up to eight days. Despite reporting the issue to their local post office, USPS made no efforts to follow up or notify the family about the status of their case. Ultimately, an automated message from the postal service declared the matter resolved without any prior communication.” 

The lawmakers continue to open constituent cases to advocate on their behalf and resolve these issues.

 Copy of the full letter available here.



  WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine announced $25,668,909 in federal funding to make safety improvements along the Virginia Beach Trail and in Richmond. The funding was awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant Program, which funds initiatives to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. The program was created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which the senators helped pass.

“It’s critical that our transportation networks have the infrastructure needed to keep Virginians safe while they walk, bike, and drive,” said the senators. “We’re glad this funding made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law we passed will be used to make safety improvements along the Virginia Beach Trail and help prevent serious injuries and deaths at intersections in Richmond.”

The funding will be awarded as follows:

  • $14,900,000 for Virginia Beach to make multiple safety improvements for the Virginia Beach Trail project to address unsafe pedestrian conditions in the Hampton Roads area and create an active transportation link between downtown Norfolk and the Virginia Beach Town Center. Once completed, the shared-use path will have over three miles of pedestrian and bicycle trails completely separated from vehicles and move people walking and biking off a busy road. The trail will link multiple universities, businesses, and employment opportunities to underserved communities along the corridor. The project also includes a pedestrian bridge over the 10-lane road, high-visibility crosswalks, and improved lighting.
  • $10,768,909 for Richmond to address safety issues at 13 different corridors across the city. About 40% of the killed or seriously injured traffic incidents in Richmond occur on 3% of the street network, and many occur at intersections. The funding will be used to implement the Federal Highway Administration’s Proven Safety Countermeasures and the Virginia Department of Transportation’s Systemic Safety Countermeasures, including high visibility signal backplates (for 56 projects); flashing yellow arrows (72 projects); LED street lights (733 projects); infrastructure upgrades for unsignalized intersections, where the control of right-of-way is determined by the presence of a YIELD or STOP sign, or no sign at all (132 projects); red light enforcement cameras (11 projects); pedestrian hybrid beacons (7 projects); transit stop ADA accessibility enhancements (86 projects); permanent bicycle lane separation (1.93 miles); and other intersection improvements (26 projects).

Sens. Warner and Kaine have long supported efforts to improve transportation infrastructure across the Commonwealth. Earlier this year, the senators announced over $38 million in federal funding to improve shared-use and bicycle paths and roadway safety in Northampton, Accomack, Chesterfield, Rockingham, and Fairfax Counties. The senators also announced nearly $2 million in federal funding to promote increased safety for Virginia drivers and motorists.


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced $2,000,000 in federal funding to study huge improvements to passenger rail in Virginia and surrounding states by potentially extending Amtrak service to new cities, increasing frequency, and creating faster routes. The funding was awarded through the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Corridor Identification and Development (Corridor ID) Program, which supports comprehensive intercity passenger rail planning and development in order to create a pipeline of intercity passenger rail projects ready for implementation.?The Corridor ID Program was authorized and funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law, legislation strongly supported by Sens. Warner and Kaine. 

“For years, we’ve been championing the expansion of rail to every corner of the Commonwealth because it’s a slam dunk for local economies, cuts traffic, and protects the environment,” said the senators. “We’re thrilled the bipartisan infrastructure law is taking a big step towards expanding service across the entire Commonwealth so communities along the I-95 corridor and beyond can be connected by more convenient, consistent passenger rail.”

The funding is broken down as follows: 

  • $500,000 for the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation for a proposed project that would extend Amtrak service to Bristol. The proposed corridor would also include new frequencies, improved travel times, improvements to reliability, and new stations, including an infill stop in Bedford.
  • $500,000 for the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation for a proposed project that would connect Newport News with Richmond, Charlottesville and the New River Valley. The proposed corridor would provide new service on existing alignment, complementing existing state-supported Northeast Regional services connecting Washington, DC with Newport News and Roanoke, VA.
  • $500,000 for the North Carolina Department of Transportation for a proposed project that would address infrastructure capacity constraints along the existing Carolinian service between Charlotte, NC and Washington, DC by improving services in Petersburg, Richmond, Fredericksburg and Alexandria, Virginia and several stops in North Carolina. Improvements include rehabilitating a partially abandoned alignment between Raleigh, NC and Petersburg, VA that is more direct than the existing routing, potentially shaving more than an hour off the travel time between the two states.
  • $500,000 for Amtrak for a proposed project that would increase existing Amtrak Cardinal Service frequency from three days per week to daily. The Amtrak Cardinal Serve currently connects Alexandria, Manassas, Culpeper, Charlottesville, Staunton, and Clifton Forge, Virginia to cities including New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, and more.

With the announcement of funding, each project now enters “Step 1” of the Corridor ID Program to develop a scope, schedule, and cost estimate for preparing, completing, or documenting its service development plan. 

Sens. Warner and Kaine have long supported efforts to improve and expand rail service across Virginia. Yesterday, the senators announced a $729 million investment in the Long Bridge Project, a transformative initiative that will alleviate a major passenger and freight rail bottleneck between Virginia and Washington, DC. The announcement is the result of years of work by the senators, from passing the Long Bridge Act, which authorized critical land transfers that allowed construction of the project to move forward, to previous announcements of $20 million for the project. Additionally, the bipartisan infrastructure law represented the largest investment in passenger rail since the creation of Amtrak, and since its passage, Sens. Warner and Kaine have announced several seismic rail projects including $100 million for the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority to design and build the Franconia-Springfield Bypass, a historic $58 million investment in the Raleigh to Richmond (R2R) rail corridor, and the opening of the Silver Line Extension to Dulles International Airport. Sens. Warner and Kaine have also been longtime advocates for one of the routes proposed today, extending rail service all the way to Bristol. Sens. Warner and Kaine also advanced Amtrak service to Lynchburg, which in 2017 was extended to Roanoke.


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Jack Reed (D-RI) and Mitt Romney (R-UT) today introduced bipartisan legislation to crack down on terrorist organizations like Hamas by applying sanctions to foreign parties that facilitate financial transactions with terrorists.

Currently, these sanctions are imposed only in limited circumstances, primarily on the terrorist group Hezbollah following passage of the Hizballah International Financing Prevention Act in 2015. The Terrorism Financing Prevention Act introduced today will expand this type of sanctions to cover all U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs), including Hamas, and other foreign parties that are controlled by or act on behalf of those FTOs.

“The Terrorism Financing Prevention Act will make sure that the Treasury Department has the tools necessary to enforce our sanctions against Hamas and other terror groups,” said Sen. Warner. “I’m pleased to join Senators Rounds, Reed, and Romney in introducing this bipartisan legislation to improve our national security.”  

“It is critical that the Department of the Treasury has the necessary counter-terrorism tools to combat modern threats,” said Sen. Rounds. “The Terrorism Financing Prevention Act takes commonsense steps toward rooting out terrorism by sanctioning foreign financial institutions and foreign digital asset companies that assist them in committing these heinous acts. Cutting off funding for terrorist organizations at the source will save lives. I am pleased to co-lead this bipartisan legislation that takes decisive action to disrupt terrorist finance networks.”

“It is critical to bolster the Treasury Department’s tools to protect our national and economic security. With this bill, we are forcing foreign financial institutions and foreign crypto firms to choose between doing business with terrorist organizations or maintaining access to the U.S. financial system,” said Sen. Reed. “We must protect the integrity of our financial system from new and emerging threats from terrorist organizations, including Hamas that carried out the despicable attacks on Israel on October 7.”

“The October 7 attacks on Israel perpetrated by Hamas have made it more urgent and necessary for the U.S. to counter the role that cryptocurrency plays in the financing of terrorism. Our legislation would expand financial sanctions to cover all terrorist organizations—including Hamas—and it would equip the Treasury Department with additional resources to counter terrorism and address emerging threats involving digital assets,” said Sen. Romney.

Under the terms of the Terrorism Financing Prevention Act, the U.S. Department of the Treasury is required to identify any foreign bank or foreign digital asset transaction facilitator that knowingly facilitates transactions with an FTO or related party. Once these actors are identified, the bill requires imposition of sanctions on them, restricting either their use of U.S. correspondent bank accounts (in the case of a bank), or barring their digital asset or other transactions with U.S. persons (in the case of a digital asset transaction facilitator). 

The bill also contains a key provision from the Crypto-Asset National Security Enhancement and Enforcement (CANSEE) Act the senators previously introduced, giving FinCEN authority to restrict transactions with “primary money laundering concerns” that do not involve a U.S. correspondent bank account.  This provision will provide FinCEN with appropriate tools to address threats involving digital assets and non-traditional finance networks, just as they currently can where correspondent accounts are involved. 

The Terrorism Financing Prevention Act also authorizes the resources the Treasury Department needs to carry out these programs.

A copy of the full bill text is available here. 


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and U.S. Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA-08), Gerry Connolly (D-VA-11), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07), and Jennifer McClellan (D-VA-04) held an event in Arlington to announce $729,000,000 in federal funding they secured for the Transforming Rail in Virginia (TRV) Phase 2 projects. The funding will support the completion of a new Long Bridge across the Potomac River to connect D.C. and Virginia, make improvements to L’Enfant Station, and lay a third track along key sections of the corridor in Prince William, Stafford, and Spotsylvania Counties. This will help alleviate current bottlenecks, expand capacity, and improve reliability for Virginia commuters, travelers, and freight. The TRV projects will help expand Amtrak and Virginia Railway Express (VRE) rail services between D.C. and Raleigh, North Carolina. In addition to additional service to current destinations, these projects are also a necessary intermediate step for future passenger rail service for the New River Valley and Bristol. The funding was awarded through the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Grant Program made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which Warner, Kaine, Beyer, Connolly, and Spanberger helped pass in 2021.

“We’re thrilled we secured federal funding to support the construction of a new Long Bridge across the Potomac River and expand rail capacity and reliability in Virginia,” said Sens. Warner and Kaine. “This is another example of how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is improving transportation networks, reducing congestion, and supporting economic growth in communities across Virginia and the country.”

“This investment will help transform the rail system in Virginia, improving the flow of people and goods not only within the Commonwealth, but up and down the entire East Coast. I appreciate the collaboration between our senators, our congressional delegation, and our Secretary of Transportation to finalize the funding for this critical project this year and get this accomplished expeditiously. This project’s impact on the Commonwealth cannot be overstated — it will ease congestion, make our supply chain more resilient, improve freight movement in and out of our world-class port, and boost local economies,” said Gov. Youngkin.

"The funding we announced today is a huge deal for Northern Virginia and the National Capital Region. This grant will support the completion of a new Long Bridge to connect Virginia and Washington, D.C., doubling capacity at a bottleneck for much of the freight rail traffic in the mid-Atlantic and bringing billions of dollars in projected economic benefits,” said Rep. Beyer. “Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which I was proud to help pass, this historic infrastructure investment will benefit Virginians by expanding rail capacity, enhancing connectivity, and promoting economic growth. This project is a fantastic example of the good we can do with smart investment and forward-thinking public policy.”

“Today, we celebrate the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law in action,” said Rep. Connolly. “This is an historic investment in our future and a transformative project for all Virginians that will reduce rail and road congestion, improve commutes, and increase our regional transportation capacity. I am proud to have helped secure this critical funding and I can’t wait to see these federal dollars at work.”

“This federal investment is proof that the bipartisan infrastructure law is continuing to deliver for Virginia’s communities,” said Rep. Spanberger. “In Congress, I’ve had the honor of representing Virginians up and down the I-95 corridor. And for years, they have been calling for stronger investments in reliable passenger rail. On behalf of the hundreds of thousands of Virginians I serve, I look forward to seeing these major and historic improvements in action.”

“The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act continues to improve our Commonwealth’s public transportation infrastructure and strengthen the capacity and resiliency of our passenger and freight rail network,” said Rep. McClellan. “Virginia Democrats called on the Department of Transportation to support the Long Bridge Project. Today, we celebrate this robust federal funding, which will have profoundly beneficial impacts in Virginia.”

“This grant is great news for Virginians,” said DJ Stadtler, Executive Director of Virginia Passenger Rail Authority. “The full funding of our Transforming Rail in Virginia Phase II projects, in particular, Long Bridge will result in a transformative increase in rail travel in the Commonwealth and along the East Coast.  VPRA is grateful for the immense support we have received from our Virginia senators and Congressional delegation for this initiative. Their support has been immeasurable.”

The existing Long Bridge is the most significant choke point along the East Coast. It’s the only rail bridge connecting Virginia to D.C. and serves as the main rail connection between the Southeast and Northeast for passenger and freight rail. The Long Bridge expansion is estimated to contribute $1.1 billion annually to the national economy and support 17,750 jobs.

Specifically, the funding will be used for:

  • Long Bridge Project: Design and construct a new Long Bridge between Arlington and D.C., including five rail bridges and two pedestrian/bicycle bridges. Once completed, the four-track corridor will allow for the separation of passenger and freight rail.
  • L’Enfant Fourth Track and Station Improvements: Construct approximately one mile of mainline track through and around L’Enfant Plaza in D.C., VRE’s busiest station, and make improvements to the existing station platform.
  • Neabsco Creek to Woodbridge Third Track: Design and construct three miles of a third track in Prince William County.
  • Aquia Creek Third Track South: Design and construct approximately two miles of a third track in Stafford County.
  • Crossroads Third Track: Design and construct approximately four miles of a third track in Spotsylvania County.

Sens. Warner, Kaine, Beyer, Connolly, Spanberger, and McClellan have been vocal advocates for the completion of the TRV Phase 2 projects and sent a letter in support of the project to Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg in October. Warner and Kaine successfully worked to pass the Long Bridge Act, which authorized critical land transfers that allowed construction of the project to move forward. Warner and Kaine previously secured $20,000,000 in federal funding to create a new bicycle-pedestrian bridge that crosses the Potomac River between Long Bridge Park in Arlington and West Potomac Parks in D.C. Warner and Kaine also secured $100 million in federal funding to the Virginia Passenger Rail Authority to design and build the Franconia-Springfield Bypass, which will allow Amtrak and VRE trains to seamlessly cross over two freight rail tracks, preventing delays and expanding capacity for additional service. Warner and Kaine applauded $58 million in federal funding to support the construction of the Raleigh to Richmond (R2R) corridor, which will eventually result in new intercity passenger rail service between Raleigh and Richmond.



THE NORTH POLE – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and his Washington, D.C. staff are ready for Christmas! Today, Sen. Warner welcomed kindergarteners from Bel Air Elementary School in Woodbridge, VA to his Capitol Hill office to kick off the holiday season with carols, milk and cookies, and decoration of the office Christmas tree. This year’s tree, a 12-foot Fraser fir, is from Mt. Rogers Tree Farm in Grayson County, Va.


Students helped Sen. Warner decorate his tree with handmade ornaments while serenading members of his staff with classic carols such as “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.” 


Sen. Warner has hosted students from across the Commonwealth to help him get in the holiday spirit nearly every year since taking office in 2009.



WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) introduced legislation to rename a federal building in Roanoke, VA the “Reuben E. Lawson Federal Building” in honor of the life and legacy of civil rights lawyer Reuben Lawson. Today, December 6th, marks what would have been Lawson’s 103rd birthday.

“Reuben Lawson dedicated his life and career to fighting against segregation and paving the way for historic civil rights action,” said the senators. “We are proud to introduce this legislation, which would ensure Mr. Lawson’s relentless pursuit of social justice is cemented in Roanoke and remembered across Virginia.”

Lawson graduated from Howard Law School in 1945 and spent his career in Roanoke, working closely with civil rights titan Oliver Hill. Lawson filed the first desegregation case in Southwest Virginia, which resulted in the admission of 13 African American students into Floyd County’s high school, which until then had only admitted white students. Similar efforts then followed in Pulaski, Grayson, and Roanoke Counties. Lawson also played a key role in convincing the Roanoke City Council to defy Virginia’s segregation law in 1961 and integrate Roanoke’s Victory Stadium.

In September of this year, Sens. Warner and Kaine met with Roanoke attorney and former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia John Fishwick, Reverend Edward Burton, and members of the Roanoke community who have championed the effort to honor Mr. Lawson through renaming this Federal Building.

“Reuben E. Lawson was a trailblazing civil rights attorney in Roanoke, Virginia,” said former U.S. Attorney John Fishwick. “His legacy and fearlessness during a turbulent time of civil unrest throughout our country has long been overlooked, and naming Roanoke’s federal building in his honor will give Mr. Lawson the recognition he deserves.”

“I knew Reuben Lawson through our work in the Roanoke Chapter of the NAACP in the 1960s. Reuben was soft-spoken and easy to relate to, but worked tirelessly and enthusiastically to integrate the schools in our region through the courts. He led us in that day and time, and I am proud of the effort to honor his legacy,” said Rev. Edward Burton.

“Mr. Lawson deserves to be recognized for his contributions to ending Jim Crow. The Roanoke Branch NAACP has a shared history with Mr. Lawson and continues to advocate for justice as Mr. Lawson did those many years ago; we can think of no more deserving honor than naming the Federal Courthouse in Roanoke—where Mr. Lawson valiantly fought segregationist policies—after him. Mr. Lawson was truly Roanoke's own civil rights attorney, embodying not only the city, but the spirit of its diverse population,” said Dr. Brenda L.  Hale, President of the Roanoke Chapter of the NAACP. 

The building is currently named after former Virginia Congressman and State Supreme Court Justice Richard H. Poff, who opposed integration and voted against the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.



WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence issued a statement after the Senate failed to reach the 60 votes needed to move forward on a supplemental spending package to provide crucial aid to aid our allies and protect our national security:

“Vladimir Putin’s hopes for victory rest on the U.S. walking away from Ukraine. In 21 months, Ukraine has succeeded in decimating the military and morale of one of our chief geopolitical adversaries in Vladimir Putin’s Russia without the loss of a single American or NATO soldier. We know from intelligence community assessments that Putin believes Ukraine will fall within just months without renewed U.S. support. Why, at this moment in time, would we prove Putin right?

“I believe Congress can and must pass a supplemental spending package that supports the fight for democracy in Ukraine, supplies our partner Israel, provides much-needed humanitarian aid to Gaza, and secures our border. But given the urgency of what’s facing the Ukrainians this winter, we cannot afford to wait. Autocrats around the world, including President Xi, are watching.”


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA), and Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Morgan Griffith (R-VA), Jen Kiggans (R-VA), Jennifer McClellan (D-VA), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Jennifer Wexton (D-VA), and Rob Wittman (R-VA) have sent a letter to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget requesting that the FBI headquarters relocation process be paused in order to allow the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to properly investigate the site selection process.

The OIG review comes in response to a November 15 letter penned by the lawmakers, who requested that the Inspector General investigate significant concerns that the GSA site selection process was fouled by political interference and alleged impropriety – a concern echoed by the FBI Director himself.

“It is vital that both GSA and the FBI fully cooperate and provide relevant information to the Inspector General’s review, and that they allow time and space for investigatory efforts to reach a thorough conclusion,” wrote the lawmakers. “We urge the Administration to pause efforts to advance this headquarters process, allowing for transparent and fair review.”

They continued, “For more than a decade there has been a clear and shared understanding of the critical nature of this project. The decision bears significant impact on the law enforcement and national security missions of the FBI – GSA’s client agency on this project. All of the parties involved, including GSA and the FBI, had previously stated publicly the need for a process that was fair, transparent, and determined by the merits of the prospective sites. In light of the objections from the FBI, there is concern that this standard was not met. This process must be paused to allow for a fair and transparent review to address these concerns.”

The effort to relocate the FBI spans years of work and multiple presidential administrations. For months, the lawmakers have been making the case that Virginia is the best home for the FBI in part because of its diverse and developed workforce, proximity to critical national security facilities, and easy access to transit. Last month, after a flawed selection process that included last-minute changes to the selection criteria and allegations of political interference, a political appointee overruled the unanimous recommendation of a three-person panel of career experts and selected Greenbelt, Maryland as the site for the new FBI headquarters.

A copy of the letter is available here and text is below.

Dear Director Young,

We write regarding the site selection process for a new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters, led by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). On November 30, GSA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) confirmed that they were initiating an evaluation of the site selection to “assess [GSA]’s process and procedures for the site selection to relocate the FBI Headquarters.” This review follows a November 15 letter that we sent to OIG outlining our significant concerns with the site selection process, including credible allegations of impropriety and politicization.

The FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has raised strenuous objections to both the process and outcome of the GSA-administered site selection process. These concerns were brought directly and repeatedly to GSA throughout the agencies’ deliberations. As Director Wray noted in a message to FBI personnel on November 9, following GSA’s announced selection, “our concerns about the process remain unresolved.”[2] The nature of these concerns draws into question the integrity of a site selection process that demanded fairness and transparency, and they warrant thorough review.

It is vital that both GSA and the FBI fully cooperate and provide relevant information to the Inspector General’s review, and that they allow time and space for investigatory efforts to reach a thorough conclusion. We urge the Administration to pause efforts to advance this headquarters process, allowing for transparent and fair review.

For more than a decade there has been a clear and shared understanding of the critical nature of this project. The decision bears significant impact on the law enforcement and national security missions of the FBI – GSA’s client agency on this project. All of the parties involved, including GSA and the FBI, had previously stated publicly the need for a process that was fair, transparent, and determined by the merits of the prospective sites. In light of the objections from the FBI, there is concern that this standard was not met. This process must be paused to allow for a fair and transparent review to address these concerns.




WASHINGTON – Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA), and Reps. Don Beyer (D-VA), Gerry Connolly (D-VA), Morgan Griffith (R-VA), Jen Kiggans (R-VA), Jennifer McClellan (D-VA), Bobby Scott (D-VA), Abigail Spanberger (D-VA), Jennifer Wexton (D-VA), and Rob Wittman (R-VA) today welcomed the news that the Inspector General (IG) of the General Services Administration (GSA) will initiate an investigation into the site selection to relocate the new Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters, issuing the following statement:

“Given the overwhelming evidence suggesting that the General Services Administration (GSA) administered a site selection process fouled by politics, we agree that an inspector general investigation is the appropriate next step. We applaud the inspector general for moving quickly and encourage him to move forward to complete a careful and thorough review. In the meantime, the GSA must pause all activities related to the relocation until the IG’s investigation is complete.” 


 WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine announced $10,801,611.50 in federal funding to improve coastal resilience and combat sea level rise in Norfolk and Virginia’s coastal communities. The funding was awarded by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s National Coastal Resilience Fund (NCRF), which provides funding to restore, increase, and strengthen natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities and enhance habitats for fish and wildlife.

“Severe flooding and sea level rise hurt Virginia communities, businesses, and economies. It’s important that we have the infrastructure in place to protect these communities,” said the senators. “We’re glad this funding will help Norfolk and other coastal communities in Virginia improve resilience and address challenges created by flooding, storms, and sea level rise.”

The funding is distributed as follows:

  • $10,000,000 for Norfolk to improve flood management and water quality at St. Paul’s Blue-Greenway, a multipurpose park that will be located in St. Paul’s Redevelopment Project in Tidewater Gardens, one of Norfolk’s largest public housing complexes. The area is susceptible to frequent flooding due to stormwater events and the current stormwater system's ineffective connection to the river through canals and box culverts. The funding will be used to construct a nine-acre stormwater wetland, a shallow area with vegetation that captures stormwater and removes pollutants, which helps mitigate flooding and improves water quality. The wetland will also provide habitats and open spaces to support various species of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, bats, and other small mammals and insects.
  • $493,702.82 for the Old Dominion Research Foundation to address flooding and sea level rise in Southside Norfolk. The funding will be used to collect data related to flooding, engage the Southside community in designing infrastructure and nature-based solutions to alleviate recurring problems caused by flooding, storms, and sea level rise, and provide training and employment opportunities to community members living in underserved river front neighborhoods.
  • $307,908.65 for Anthropocene Alliance to support 10 community-based organizations in the Atlantic Coastal Plain – which includes Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina – to address issues of climate risk, displacement, relocation, and the deployment of nature-based solutions to provide protection from storm surges, high tides, and sea level rise. The project will provide each community-based organization with a detailed road map for community resilience development and implementation of projects that builds off existing priorities and plans for addressing coastal hazards.

Warner and Kaine have long supported efforts to build coastal resilience and address sea level rise in Virginia’s coastal communities. Earlier this month, the senators applauded $10 million in federal funding for the development of St. Paul’s Blue-Greenway. They also announced $25 million to protect critical infrastructure from flooding in Virginia Beach.


WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine announced $62,362,000 in federal funding for the Virginia Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund (VCWRLF) to make clean water infrastructure upgrades across the Commonwealth. The funding was awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund, a federal-state partnership that provides low-cost financing to communities for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects, including municipal wastewater facilities, pollution control, wastewater treatment systems, stormwater runoff mitigation, green infrastructure, and water reuse. More than $47 million of this funding was made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which Sens. Warner and Kaine helped pass.

“Clean water is important for the health of all Virginians,” the senators said. “We’re glad this funding will help improve infrastructure throughout Virginia and ensure our communities have access to safe water.”

Virginia will use the funding to help communities across the Commonwealth fund necessary water projects that some communities may not have been able to afford otherwise.

Specifically, the funding may be used to:

  • Improve wastewater collection and treatment facilities,
  • Upgrade stormwater management systems,
  • Clean up contaminated brownfields such as abandoned factories, gas stations, and dry cleaners,
  • Build living shorelines, which are made from natural materials such as plants, sand, or rock and purify water, buffer floods, and reduce erosion, and
  • Conserve lands.

Sens. Warner and Kaine have long supported efforts to improve water infrastructure. Earlier this month, the senators announced over $8.1 million in federal funding to improve wastewater treatment in Kilmarnock and Clarksville. the senators also announced over $4 million in federal funding, courtesy of the BIL for clean water improvement in September of this year.  



WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine secured $4.1 million in federal funding for the Virginia Small Business Financing Authority (VSBFA) to help small businesses across Virginia access capital. Specifically, the funding will provide small business owners with technical assistance like webinars, workshops, one-on-one mentoring, job and resource fairs, and community events. The funding was awarded under the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Technical Assistance Grant Program, which was reauthorized and expanded by the American Rescue Plan. The American Rescue Plan was supported by Sens. Warner and Kaine and passed the Senate with a one vote margin.

“Small businesses help keep our communities and economy running, but many of the smallest and most underserved businesses face significant barriers accessing capital,” said the senators. “Thanks to the American Rescue Plan we passed, Virginia is receiving funding for the SSBCI program to help ensure entrepreneurs across the Commonwealth have the resources they need to access capital and grow their business.”

In December 2022, Virginia received $230.4 million in American Rescue Plan funding for the SSBCI program, which will enhance access to capital for Virginia’s small businesses. The $4.1 million in funding will help ensure very small and underserved businesses receive technical assistance to assist them in applying for funding through this and other federal programs. The VSBFA anticipates providing technical assistance to 1,000 beneficiaries, resulting in 500 pitch applications submitted to the state’s SSBCI capital programs and other federal programs.

Sen. Warner, the co-chair of the Senate CDFI Caucus, has been a longtime leader in Congress for increasing access to capital for small businesses in underserved communities. To combat hemorrhaging jobs and the loss of economic opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, Warner authored legislation to make a record $12 billion investment in CDFIs and Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) and successfully fought to include it in the December 2021 COVID-19 relief package, which the senators voted to pass. Sen. Kaine pushed for permanent authorization of the Minority Business Development Administration, including his Reaching America’s Rural Minority Businesses Act, as part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
