Press Releases

Sen. Warner Showcases Local Virginia Artists

~ Senator Warner selects Virginia artwork to display in his Washington, D.C. office ~

Apr 17 2015

Each year, Senator Warner works with curators and talented Virginia artists to select artwork that is seen by a wide variety of visitors to Capitol Hill.

After Tax Day, Warner Presses IRS on Identity Theft & Fraudulent Tax Returns

Sen. Warner requests more information on IRS efforts to protect taxpayers and assist victims of identity theft

Apr 16 2015

Following the April 15th federal income tax deadline, U.S. Sen. Warner is requesting more information from the Internal Revenue Service about procedures in place to help taxpayers who have been victims of identity theft, and what might be done going forward to proactively alert taxpayers identified as possible victims of identity theft.

Warner Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act

Bipartisan compromise unanimously approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Apr 14 2015

"The bipartisan compromise that passed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on a unanimous vote contains new, important provisions that will result in an thoughtful and orderly review of any potential deal with Iran."

Six Senators Offer Recommendations to Strengthen Education Bill

Senators highlight priorities for Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization

Apr 14 2015

In a letter to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the HELP Committee, the Senators identified specific priorities necessary to ensure that every child receives a high-quality education that prepares him or her for higher education and a 21st century career.

Senators Call for Offshore Energy Legislation with Revenue Sharing

Bipartisan Southern Atlantic Coastal delegation calls for the same offshore drilling revenue sharing system as Gulf Coast states

Apr 07 2015

A bipartisan group of Senators comprising the Southern Atlantic delegation is pushing for offshore energy legislation that allows Atlantic coastal states to share in the revenue from energy resources developed offshore.
Sen. Warner applauded Virginia AG Mark Herring for joining 14 other states and the District of Columbia in filing an amicus brief advocating for recently announced immigration enforcement reforms that would create substantial economic and public safety benefits for Virginia.

Warner, Kaine Voice Concern Over Lack of Progress in South African Poultry Negotiations

Senators warn that continued blockage of American poultry imports – in violation of international trade obligations – could affect trade relationship with U.S.

Mar 31 2015

Sens. Warner and Kaine joined a group of bipartisan Senate colleagues in expressing concern about the lack of progress being made in negotiations with South Africa over antidumping duties that have effectively blocked the import of American chicken for the last 15 years.
In an effort to spur substantive and structural housing finance reform, Senators Corker (R-Tenn.) and Mark Warner (D-Va.), members of the Senate Banking Committee, today offered a component of the Jumpstart GSE Reform Act as an amendment to S.Con.Res.11, the fiscal year 2016 budget resolution.