Press Releases

"While the Court's Hobby Lobby decision is narrow, I believe these conversations should be between women and their doctors, not a woman and her boss. I trust the women of Virginia to make their own healthcare decisions."

Warner, Kaine Announce Virginia-Led Consortium Receives $5M Grant for Research on High Tech Transportation

~ Grant awarded to accelerate research and development for energy efficient transportation systems ~

Jun 20 2014

Senators Warner and Kaine announced today that a consortium of universities including the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech and Old Dominion University have received a $5 million grant to conduct crucial research and development of energy efficient and environmentally sustainable modes of transportation.

Bipartisan Senate Package Includes Sen. Warner's Proposal to Allow Private Sector to Assist V-A at No Cost to Taxpayers

~ Measure passes as part of bipartisan Senate legislation to fix V-A ~ ~ Warner proposal modeled on successful work to fix back office mess at Arlington National Cemetery ~

Jun 11 2014

The U.S. Senate today passed Sen. Warner’s bipartisan proposal to enlist private sector technology companies to assist the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (V-A) assess and fix problems with the V-A scheduling system.

Bipartisan Group of Nine Senators Urges V-A to Accept Free Private Sector Help to Fix VA

~ In letter to President Obama, Senators urge top-level private sector review of V-A systems ~

Jun 05 2014

WASHINGTON – A bipartisan group of nine U.S. Senators called on the Obama Administration today to accept private sector assistance in fixing the broken Department of Veterans Affairs (V-A) scheduling system.  In a letter, Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Mike Johanns (R-NE), Patty Murray (D-WA), Richard Burr (R-NC), Al Franken (D-MN), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Saxby Chambliss (R-GA), and Michael Bennet (D-CO), urged the V-A to follow the example of the Army, which in 2010 allowed a consortium of leading technology companies to provide expertise in designing a corrective plan, at no cost to the taxpayers, to fix widespread data management issues uncovered at the Army’s Arlington National Cemetery.

“Because of the immediacy of the many challenges at the VA, we urge you to work with us to implement a similar cost-effective, private sector initiative so we can begin restoring the trust of our veterans and the American public in the ability of the VA to meet the commitments our nation has made to our veterans.  Our military men and women, their families, and our veterans deserve nothing less.”

“Engaging the tech sector and the best minds from leading American IT firms produced a comprehensive business plan to help the Army modernize its workflow procedures and upgrade the data management systems at Arlington.  That effort, conducted at no cost to the taxpayers, represented the very best traditions of corporate citizenship,” the senators wrote.

Full text of the letter is below, and a PDF of the signed letter can be accessed here.

“Mame Reiley was a force of nature. She could be your strongest ally and your most demanding critic at the same time. Most of us knew Mame through politics, but her closest friends knew that her family, her faith and her church were very important parts of her life."

Statement of Sen. Warner on EPA Draft Regulations on Existing Power Plants

~ On Today’s EPA Announcement of Draft Regulations for Existing Power Plants ~

Jun 02 2014

These draft regulations on existing source carbon power plant emissions are complicated, consequential and far-reaching, and I am pleased the Administration wisely decided to accept our recommendation to double the comment period from 60 to 120 days.

“I honor General Shinseki's military and civilian service, and support his decision to step aside to allow new leadership at the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Now we can place our focus where it rightly belongs: fixing the problems.”

Sens. Warner and Kaine Applaud Designation of Chesapeake Bay as Critical Conservation Area

~ Area producers eligible to receive funding to support agricultural conservation programs~

May 27 2014

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has designated the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as one of eight national Critical Conservation Areas, a new designation that ensures Bay region producers are eligible to receive a portion of more than $100 million in annual funding to help implement a variety of conservation projects and increase the sustainability of regional water, soil, wildlife and natural resources. Sens. Warner and Kaine, with other Bay State Senators, fought to preserve funding for the watershed by consolidating multiple conservation programs into a new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) as part of the 2014 Farm Bill.  

"I am proud that we able to push the USDA to recognize the importance of the Chesapeake Bay by designating it as a Critical Conservation Area," Senator Warner, who as Governor of Virginia toughened standards and made a historic investment in water quality improvements, said. "This will allow us to continue protecting the Commonwealth’s 3,300 miles of coast, which provide vital economic contributions to tourism, recreation, commercial and sport fisheries, as well as important environmental resources."

“I applaud USDA for designating the Chesapeake Bay as a Critical Conservation Area, which will bolster the Bay’s share of federally-funded conservation projects that benefit both farmers and the environment,” said Senator Kaine, who made Chesapeake Bay cleanup and conservation a priority as Governor of Virginia.  “I was proud to support the bipartisan farm bill containing these important priorities.”

The Chesapeake Bay is the world’s largest and most productive estuary. With a 64,000 square mile watershed and 11,684 miles of tidal shoreline, more than the entire U.S. West Coast, the Bay has been deemed a national treasure by President Obama and his predecessors. It has an economic value over $1 trillion, but that value is dependent on the health of the Bay’s waters and fisheries. Twenty-five percent of lands within the watershed are used for agricultural purposes.

WASHINGTON - The office of U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the follow statement today after a group of Senators released a letter calling on the NFL to change the name of the Washington Redskins football team.

"Senator Warner believes that it’s not for Congress to dictate what the league does. He believes that over time, team names will change to reflect the times, as happened with the Washington Wizards. "

Senator Warner, and Colleagues to President: Reassess NSPS proposal

~ Senators Urge Administration to Evaluate More Appropriate Ways to Regulate Emissions ~

May 22 2014

Senator Mark R. Warner (D-VA), with six Senate colleagues, expressed their deep concerns with and asked for a reassessment of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed New Source Performance Standard (NSPS) for carbon dioxide emissions from new affected fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating units.

Sen. Warner Named 'Hero of Main Street' by National Retail Federation

~ Warner recognized for leading on consumer protections, fixing the Affordable Care Act ~

May 15 2014

The National Retail Federation (NRF) has named U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) a “Hero of Main Street” for his consistent support for small businesses and the retail industry, which supports over one million jobs in Virginia.

Virginia Interfaith Leaders Urge More Coordinated Action on Kidnapping of Nigerian Girls

~ In joint letter, interfaith leaders condemn distortion of religion to oppress girls seeking education ~

May 12 2014

More than 80 Virginia religious leaders representing nearly every faith and denomination have signed a joint letter to world leaders, urging them to take more coordinated action to return more than 220 Nigerian girls who were kidnapped from their school by the terrorist group Boko Haram.