Press Releases

Senator Warner today filed legislation that would end the improper and unofficial system of "reserved" gravesites for VIPs at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition, Senator Warner's legislation directs the U.S. Army to fully investigate -- and report back to Congress within 180 days -- on the number of plots that may have been set aside in violation of a 1962 Army policy which clearly states that Arlington National Cemetery plots must be provided to any qualified military veteran, without regard to rank or status.

Senator Warner calls on drug company to roll-back dramatic pricehike on prenatal drug

~ $10-$20 weekly injections to prevent premature births will now cost $1,500 each ~

Mar 30 2011

U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner today called on Ohio-based K-V Pharmaceutical to voluntarily roll-back its dramatic increase in the price of a drug used to prevent premature labor for women in high-risk pregnancies. The prenatal progesterone treatment, which had been priced between $10 and $20 per weekly injection when compounded and dispensed by pharmacies, now will be sold under the brand name Makena at a cost of $1,500 per week.
U.S. Senators Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and Mark Warner (D-Virginia) today introduced bipartisan legislation to strengthen technical resources and expertise at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The legislation would allow Commissioners to appoint a technical staff member and require the National Academy of Sciences to launch a study and examine the technical policy decision-making process and the availability of technical personnel at the FCC.

Senate Budget Task Force holds hearing on government duplication & inefficiency

Task force hears from GAO's Dodaro, former White House Chief of Staff Podesta

Mar 16 2011

Senator Warner, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee's bipartisan Task Force on Government Performance, convened a hearing today on duplicative and inefficient federal programs that included testimony from GAO Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, Center for American Progress president and former Clinton White House chief of staff John Podesta, and former Bush Administration Associate OMB Director Robert Shea.
Senators Webb and Warner today commended President Obama’s nomination of Robert “Bobby” Mathieson to serve as United States Marshal for the Eastern District of Virginia. Recommended by Senators Webb and Warner last May, Mathieson would bring over three decades of local and state law enforcement experience to the federal post.

Senators Warner, Wicker introduce bill to improve future relocation of federal spectrum

~ Bill also promotes broadband deployment ~

Mar 09 2011

U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Roger Wicker (R-MS) introduced a bill today to promote broadband deployment by improving the process for future federal wireless spectrum auctions. “Demand for mobile devices and services are expected to skyrocket over the next 5 to 10 years,” Senator Warner said. “This bill is one element of our strategy to make better use of spectrum - a finite resource - and keep America on the cutting-edge of wireless technology."

Senators Warner, Webb work for Senate passage of new FAA bill

~ ‘Slots’ compromise limits effort to overburden Reagan National Airport operations ~

Feb 17 2011

U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Jim Webb (D-VA) today worked to promote airline safety by modernizing the Federal Aviation Administration’s outdated, radar-based air traffic control system.
The President’s budget shows a willingness to cut spending on programs he cares about. It also demonstrates there is only so much that can be achieved in a one-year budget when the problem is a significant, long-term structural imbalance in our country’s budget.
The President’s budget shows a willingness to cut spending on programs he cares about. It also demonstrates there is only so much that can be achieved in a one-year budget when the problem is a significant, long-term structural imbalance in our country’s budget.

WASHINGTON  –  U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner issued the following statement today on the death of Virginia Supreme Court Justice Leroy R. Hassell, Sr.

“I am deeply saddened to hear of the sudden passing of my friend, Supreme Court Justice Leroy Hassell.

“Leroy was a groundbreaking lawyer, a dedicated public servant and my good friend. I was fortunate to know Leroy from the time we met as law school classmates more than 30 years ago, and as Governor it was a tremendous honor to witness his swearing-in as the first African American chief justice of the Virginia Supreme Court.

“Leroy spent his life working to ensure that our justice system was fair and open to all, and his tireless work ethic and strong sense of personal responsibility and morality will be missed.

“My deepest sympathies go out to Justice Hassell’s family, friends, colleagues and admirers.”

.S. Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today introduced the “STOP the OverPrinting Act” (S. 210), the Senate version of House legislation requiring the Government Printing Office to post legislative bills and resolutions on-line instead of automatically printing and distributing them to each Congressional office. It should result in significant savings in the $7 million GPO is expected to spend on Congressional printing this year.

Senator Warner announces new FDIC hotline to help Virginia small businesses access credit

~ Hotline provides “second look” for denied loans, referrals to add’l. resources ~

Jan 13 2011

Senator Warner today announced that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has established a new hotline to help small businesses struggling to access credit. The hotline was announced today by FDIC Chair Sheila C. Bair at a small business forum with Senator Warner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke.
"I am shocked by this senseless violence in Arizona, and my thoughts and prayers are with all of those who have been impacted by this awful event. As we learn more about the circumstances of the shooting, we should pray for the victims and their families and urge a return to civility and mutual respect for one another in our nation's politics."

House adopts Sen. Mark Warner's legislation on gov't transparency and accountability

Bipartisan bill will be signed into law by the President

Dec 21 2010

On December 21 the House passed Senator Warner’s bipartisan legislation requiring federal agencies to identify their top priorities, publicly report program results, and identify ineffective and overlapping federal programs for possible consolidation or elimination. The legislation passed the Senate last week by unanimous consent, and will now be sent to President Obama to be signed into law.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate has unanimously endorsed legislation by U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) to create a nonprofit, charitable foundation to raise private funds to support the work of the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. This new public-private partnership will allow the President’s Council to leverage private contributions to expand its focus on exercise and wellness, especially among young people, at no cost to taxpayers.

Sen. Warner calls for prompt action on U.S. deficit & debt

”Every day, week, month” of delay “limits our options, makes the choices harder”

Dec 06 2010

U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today urged the White House and the bipartisan Congressional leadership to allow consideration of the recommendations of the bipartisan Deficit Commission despite the Commission’s inability on Friday to reach the “supermajority” consensus that would have triggered Congressional action.
A group of 14 Senators today asked the White House and the bipartisan leadership of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to move forward to address the urgent fiscal challenges facing our nation regardless of the outcome of today’s scheduled vote by members of the bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform.

Senators Snowe, Warner Introduce Legislation to Increase Wireless Coverage

Bill would require federal buildings to install small wireless base stations to free up commercial network capacity

Dec 03 2010

U.S. Senators Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine) and Mark R. Warner (D-VA) introduced legislation requiring the installation of small wireless base stations in all publicly accessible federal buildings in order to increase wireless coverage and free up essential commercial network capacity.