Press Releases

Today’s vote will have very real and disastrous consequences for millions of Americans. The only question is how many people will be harmed, since Senate Republicans voted to move forward on a bill no one has yet seen but which we already know will raise costs and kick millions off their health insurance, including millions of children, elderly and disabled Americans who depend on Medicaid.
"Russia's interference in the 2016 elections was an attack on our democracy. Both the Senate Intelligence Committee and Special Counsel Mueller are currently investigating whether any coordination occurred between Russia and individuals associated with the Trump campaign..."

Sen. Warner Applauds Unmanned Systems Priorities in FAA Reauthorization Bill

Bipartisan 2017 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization bill that passed Senate Commerce Committee includes five-year extension of UAS test site at Virginia Tech

Jun 30 2017

Bipartisan 2017 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization bill that passed Senate Commerce Committee includes five-year extension of UAS test site at Virginia Tech
“Here’s what we know about the Senate proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act: Twenty-two million more Americans will be uninsured. Medicaid will be cut $772 billion. And consumers will have less comprehensive coverage than they do now, with higher out-of-pocket costs..."

Sen. Warner on Senate Trumpcare Proposal

“This bill would kick millions of people off their insurance, raise healthcare costs for Virginians..."

Jun 22 2017

“This bill would kick millions of people off their insurance, raise healthcare costs for Virginians..."