Press Releases

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Finance and Budget Committees, issued the below statement after the Senate voted along party lines 51-48 to approve the budget-busting GOP plan to cut taxes for corporations and the richest Americans:

“This is the worst piece of legislation we have passed since I arrived in the Senate.”

Nonpartisan analyses released yesterday confirm the final Trump-Republican tax bill will hike taxes on millions of middle-class Americans in order to pay for massive cuts for corporations and the wealthiest Americans. By 2027, under the Trump-Republican tax bill, families earning under $75,000 would pay more in taxes than they do today – while the top 1 percent would enjoy the largest tax breaks, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT).

And the Tax Policy Center estimated that 53 percent of American households will face tax hikes in 2027 while the top 0.1 percent of taxpayers will get an average tax cut of nearly $200,000. The top one percent of taxpayers are expected to receive 83 percent of tax benefits.  

On top of this, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget estimated that the true cost of the final, unpaid-for GOP tax bill is roughly $2.5 trillion, adding to our $20 trillion national debt. 

The bill now heads back to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to pass and be sent to the President for his signature without a single Democratic vote.



WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, issued the below statement following the committee’s bipartisan 10-13 vote against former Rep. Scott Garrett’s nomination to lead the U.S. Export-Import Bank, followed by broad bipartisan support for other Ex-Im Bank board nominees:

“For decades, the Export-Import Bank has served as a job-creating tool for U.S. manufacturers and exporters, helping finance over $138 billion in exports across the country – including support for more than 80 companies in Virginia – and supporting hundreds of thousands of middle class jobs.

“In order for U.S. manufacturers to compete in a global economy, we need a fully functional Ex-Im Bank. Without it, U.S. companies are at a major disadvantage against their foreign counterparts. But Rep. Garrett’s long record of attacking and undermining the Export-Import Bank mean that he is not fit to lead it. Today’s bipartisan vote against his nomination is a strong signal to the Trump Administration that it should withdraw this nomination and put forward a qualified nominee who understands the important role the Ex-Im Bank plays in leveling the playing field for U.S. companies overseas.  

“Establishing a quorum for the Bank’s board is long overdue, and I am encouraged that the rest of the board nominees were able to be approved by the Banking Committee on a bipartisan basis. I hope that they will soon be confirmed by the whole Senate so that the Ex-Im Bank can fulfill its important responsibilities to support American manufacturers in selling their products around the world.” 

The Ex-Im Bank has not had a board quorum since 2015, after Senate Republicans blocked two bipartisan nominees to the Ex-Im Board that were put forward by President Barack Obama. Without a full quorum, Ex-Im can only authorize loans under $10 million, which make up only around 15 percent of the Bank’s total business. 

Since 2013, the U.S. Export-Import Bank has helped finance more than $1 billion in exports from nearly 80 Virginia companies, more than half of them small businesses. Sen. Warner has been a longtime supporter of Ex-Im, introducing legislation to reauthorize its operations and increase its spending authority following a historic lapse in Congressional approval in July 2015. Since the Bank’s reauthorization, he has called for the confirmation of qualified nominees to lead a fully functional Ex-Im.  



WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Roger Wicker (R-MS) and Tim Kaine (D-VA), were joined today by Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) and 14 Senators in sending a letter to Department of Defense Secretary James Mattis expressing their support for the Pentagon’s pursuit to block buy two Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers in FY2019.

“Committing to a block-buy for the newest generation of aircraft carriers would save us both time and money while offering much needed stability to our shipbuilders in Hampton Roads and suppliers across the Commonwealth as they build the ships to meet our nation’s national security needs,”Kaine said. “It is critical that we ensure tomorrow’s Navy has the next-generation of warships necessary to meet challenges around the world, and this procurement strategy will ensure that our flexible force continues to be ready and agile.”

“It is the official policy of the United States government – and in the interest of our national security – to meet the Navy’s requirement for 355 ships,”Wicker said. “That requirement includes having a total of 12 aircraft carriers, which are the centerpieces of American power on the seas.  Attaining this goal is going to require better procurement strategies and use of taxpayer dollars. Secretary Mattis has my full support to move forward with a block buy for the next two Ford-class carriers.” 

In addition to Wicker, Kaine, and Warner, the letter was signed by Sens. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Cory Gardner (R-CO), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Patty Murray (D-WA), Bill Nelson (D-FL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Tim Scott (R-SC), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Luther Strange (R-AL), and Thom Tillis (R-NC). 

The letter reads in full:


Dear Secretary Mattis,

As you continue preparation of the Fiscal Year 2019 Budget Request for the Department of Defense, we write to express our support for the block buy of Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers.  It is our understanding that the Navy and industry have been evaluating the feasibility of block-buy for CVN-80 and CVN-81, as well as the potential cost savings from such a procurement strategy.  We applaud the Department of Defense’s efforts to examine smarter and more efficient acquisition approaches and would actively support the Department’s pursuit of a block buy of Ford-class aircraft carriers in Fiscal Year 2019.

Previous block-buys have yielded savings of several percent of the total cost of the ships when compared to annual procurements, which could be in excess of $1 billion for two Ford-class carriers. Total savings could grow to something closer to $2 billion if the procurement intervals between the ships are additionally shortened from five-year centers to three- or four-year centers, which would be consistent with the Navy's goal of achieving and maintaining the 12-carrier force called for in the Navy's 355-ship requirement.

In light of the increased budgetary demands placed on the Department, we believe that revisiting a proven acquisition method, one that could be executed without reducing funding for other vital shipbuilding programs, is not only warranted, but a sound investment. 

As recent events in the Pacific have shown, our nation's carrier fleet is under considerable demand, with 3 of 11 deployed and 7 of 11 carriers underway in recent weeks.  A block-buy of Ford-class will help the Navy achieve its objective of 12 carriers that better meets combatant commander requirements and readiness goals to sustain worldwide operations.  Additionally, a block-buy would continue to signal to the shipbuilding industrial base about our nation’s resolve to field a 355-ship fleet.  Over the past 25 years, our shipbuilding industrial base has undergone a massive consolidation.  The community, which used to tap into more than 17,000 suppliers now relies on fewer than 3,000 across the country. These remaining suppliers would significantly benefit from the predictability and stability of a known future workload.  We believe the stability offered by a block-buy approach would enable suppliers to develop greater efficiencies and invest in their own businesses, which would further benefit other Navy shipbuilding programs as well.

At the forefront of today’s Navy is the Nimitz class carrier and Virginia-class submarine, both of which are successful products of block-buy type initiatives.  As we look to the next 50 years, we believe a wise investment of our precious defense dollars would be in the time-proven acquisition method of block-buy for our next generation of aircraft carrier. Thank you for your consideration and service to our country. 

Click here to view a copy of the signed letter.


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ALEXANDRIA – Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and U.S. Sen. Mark Warner today announced the launch of the Virginia is for Entrepreneurs (VA4E) initiative, an effort to better match entrepreneurs with potential investors across regions, backgrounds and industries. VA4E’s first initiative will feature a standardized online application to better link entrepreneurs with more than 50 equity firms and potential funders to help launch or grow their Virginia-based businesses. 

 Partners in the network include universities ranging from Virginia Tech to the University of Virginia’s College at Wise, angel investment groups such as 757 Angels and Shenandoah Valley Angel Investors, venture funds including Revolution and Village Capital, and statewide organizations including the Center for Innovative Technology.

“The Commonwealth has long been home to innovators and entrepreneurs who make up the backbone of our new Virginia economy,” said Governor McAuliffe. “That’s why it’s so important that we continue to expand our support for promising new ventures. The Virginia is for Entrepreneurs initiative will open new doors for local start-ups by increasing access to the capital they need to thrive and create good-paying jobs.”

“While Virginia boasts a number of innovative communities and ecosystems across the Commonwealth, a consistent problem has been connecting promising entrepreneurs with capital available to support their vision,” Sen. Warner said. “As part of a broader effort to strengthen the connective tissue between Virginia’s startup communities, this tool will help founders evaluate their product fit and maturity, and connect them with venture and angel investors across the Commonwealth.”  

“Whether you're an agriculture entrepreneur in Abingdon or a cyber-security entrepreneur in Arlington, if you've got a great idea and work hard, you should be able to succeed," said Ross Baird, the founder of venture firm Village Capital and one of the organizers of the VA4E initiative. “Today, too often the best ideas don't even get the opportunity to start because of who they are or where they come from. Virginia is for Entrepreneurs is testing ideas statewide to fix that.” 

The pilot initiative announced today, the online application, was successfully tested by more than 200 entrepreneurs and investors statewide at the TomTom Festival in Charlottesville and by the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council.  

The initiative will help build strategic sectors in Virginia. For example, one of the initial areas of focus for the investment portfolio will be a state-led pilot program to promote the growth of early stage unmanned aerial systems companies, which has been identified as a cornerstone industry for Virginia’s 21st Century economy.

For more information, please contact Ross Baird,; Paul Hirschbiel,; or visit



WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine released the following statement after the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) announced they will begin to notify families tomorrow who have one or more family members enrolled in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that they will lose coverage on January 31st if Congress does not pass a bipartisan CHIP reauthorization bill: 

“Today is a scary day for a lot of families in Virginia, and it was completely preventable. We asked Senator McConnell multiple times to help us support the 66,000 children and 1,100 pregnant women in Virginia who receive their health care through the CHIP program, but Republican leadership still hasn't brought it forward for a vote. There is a bipartisan bill on the table, and it’s critical that we pass it before Congress leaves for the holidays so we can give some peace of mind to Virginia parents who are worried about whether their children will have health insurance in the new year.”

Warner and Kaine have urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to immediately pass bipartisan legislation to reauthorize CHIP, with letters in October and December


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, bipartisan members of the Virginia delegation led by U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner and Congressman Tom Garrett (VA-5) sent a letter to Health and Human Services (HHS) Acting Secretary Eric Hargan asking him to extend the open enrollment period for consumers buying health insurance through the Affordable Care Act individual market in light of premium increases in Charlottesville and across Virginia. Earlier this year, the Trump Administration announced that the open enrollment period would be cut in half. Last week, Kaine, Warner and Garrett met with families from Charlottesville facing large premiums increases who expressed support for an extended open enrollment period. Last month, a Kaiser Family Foundation review found that Albermarle County will have the largest increase in premiums in the country.

“We write to ask that you extend the open enrollment period for consumers seeking health insurance through the individual Marketplaces until January 31, 2018. This extension will allow consumers to take into account the effects of any possible market stabilization legislation on their premiums before making any coverage decisions for themselves and their families,” the letter said.

The delegation highlighted other factors causing instability in the marketplace that have added to the premium increases and pain felt by Virginia familiesA longer open enrollment period would give Congress the necessary time to pass bipartisan market stabilization measures. These proposals could help reduce the cost of insurance by impacting the medical loss ratio calculation from insurers at the end of the year or including provisions for potential rebates. These bills, however, would not change base premium rates.

“There are multiple bipartisan legislative proposals meant to address these issues, along with several that have yet to be introduced. The shortened open enrollment period means it is unlikely these proposals will be taken into consideration before enrollment closes on December 15th.  Families deserve to know how much these programs will affect their premiums before they decide which insurance policy to purchase. Lowered premiums through rebates could encourage more individuals to purchase insurance or select a more comprehensive plan,” the letter continued.

Warner and Kaine also mentioned that a shortened open enrollment period limits the amount of information many individuals set to be automatically reenrolled in their current plans have. 

The delegation concluded, “An extended enrollment period will allow these families to take these factors into consideration as they make decisions on which coverage to select for themselves and their families.”

Virginia Delegation members signing the letter also include U.S. Reps. Bobby Scott (VA-3), A. Donald McEachin (VA-4), Don Beyer (VA-8), Barbara Comstock (VA-10), and Gerald E. Connolly (VA-11).


The full text of the letter appears below.


Dear Acting Secretary Hargan:

We write to ask that you extend the open enrollment period for consumers seeking health insurance through the individual Marketplaces until January 31, 2018. This extension will allow consumers to take into account the effects of any possible market stabilization legislation on their premiums before making any coverage decisions for themselves and their families. 

Earlier this year your department announced that the open enrollment period would be from November 1st to December 15th. This window is significantly shorter than those in the past and comes at a time when many consumers across the country face substantial premium increases and a reduced number of choices for coverage. There is unprecedented volatility in the market stemming in part to substantial changes involving the Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) payments to insurers and now a possible repeal of the individual mandate. 

Dramatic premium increases are causing overwhelming financial distress for our constituents. According to an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, residents of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, Virginia are facing the largest premium increases in the country. Families who depend on the Affordable Care Act for their coverage will, in some cases, have their premiums triple next year.

Health insurance plans that were affordable just last year are now out of reach for those middle income families who are unable to rely on subsidies.

There are multiple bipartisan legislative proposals meant to address these issues, along with several that have yet to be introduced. The shortened open enrollment period means it is unlikely these proposals will be taken into consideration before enrollment closes on December 15th.  Families deserve to know how much these programs will affect their premiums before they decide which insurance policy to purchase. Lowered premiums through rebates could encourage more individuals to purchase insurance or select a more comprehensive plan.

The shortened enrollment period precludes many individuals currently set to be automatically reenrolled in their current plans on December 16th from making informed decisions in a changing marketplace. Given the ongoing volatility in the market, many of these individuals could be eligible for more comprehensive plans at the same or lower prices. An extended enrollment period will allow these families to take these factors into consideration as they make decisions on which coverage to select for themselves and their families.     

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.




WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) today urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to immediately pass bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), which provides health care coverage for 128,000 children in Virginia, by including it in any upcoming government funding legislation. The CHIP program is set to run out of funding on January 31st if Congress fails to reauthorize the program, and if no action is taken, Governor Terry McAuliffe and the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services will be forced to notify families in the coming days of their impending loss of health care coverage. This is the second letter to McConnell from Warner and Kaine urging passage of CHIP. 

“We write again to emphasize our support for the prompt reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We ask that you include bipartisan legislation reauthorizing CHIP in any upcoming funding legislation. Prompt reauthorization of this program is necessary to protect the health of thousands of Virginia children and families,” Sens. Warner and Kaine told Leader McConnell in a letter sent today.

Previously, Sens. Warner and Kaine wrote to Leader McConnell in October, asking to expedite a vote on the CHIP reauthorization. The Senators have yet to receive a response to the earlier letter.

“On September 18th, Senators Hatch and Wyden introduced the Keeping Kids Insurance Dependable and Secure (KIDS) Act. This bill represents a bipartisan compromise that will extend CHIP for five years. We wrote you on October 26, 2017, after you had failed to schedule a vote for three weeks, requesting bipartisan legislation reauthorizing CHIP be brought to the floor as soon as possible. It has been more than nine weeks since funding for this essential program expired,” wrote the Senators today.

Added the Senators, “It is imperative that Congress act quickly to end the uncertainty around health care coverage for thousands of Virginia children. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services is preparing to notify families of the impending loss of coverage. As such, we request that a full CHIP reauthorization be included in the next available legislative vehicle, so we can prevent letters from going out in Virginia that will unnecessarily frighten parents whose children are in CHIP. On January 31, 2018, Virginia will have insufficient funds to continue the program, and thousands of children in our state would be at risk of losing health care coverage. We can, and must, put an end to this uncertainty.”

View full text of the letter below and PDF can be found here


Dear Leader McConnell, 

We write again to emphasize our support for the prompt reauthorization of the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). We ask that you include bipartisan legislation reauthorizing CHIP in any upcoming funding legislation. Prompt reauthorization of this program is necessary to protect the health of thousands of Virginia children and families. 

CHIP has been essential to guaranteeing that the children in our state can access health coverage. In FY 2017, Virginia received $285.9 million from CHIP. Between Virginia’s separate CHIP program, the Family Access to Medical Insurance Security, and CHIP-funded Medicaid, our state provides coverage for nearly 128,000 children. This includes 66,000 children on CHIP alone. This coverage includes doctor visits, hospital care, prescription medicines, eyeglasses, immunizations, and regular check-ups for kids under 18 years old with minimal cost sharing and without premiums. Since 2009, dental coverage has also been included in the program.

On September 18th, Senators Hatch and Wyden introduced the Keeping Kids Insurance Dependable and Secure (KIDS) Act. This bill represents a bipartisan compromise that will extend CHIP for five years. We wrote you on October 26, 2017, after you had failed to schedule a vote for three weeks, requesting bipartisan legislation reauthorizing CHIP be brought to the floor as soon as possible. It has been more than nine weeks since funding for this essential program expired.

It is imperative that Congress act quickly to end the uncertainty around health care coverage for thousands of Virginia children. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services is preparing to notify families of the impending loss of coverage. As such, we request that a full CHIP reauthorization be included in the next available legislative vehicle, so we can prevent letters from going out in Virginia that will unnecessarily frighten parents whose children are in CHIP. On January 31, 2018, Virginia will have insufficient funds to continue the program, and thousands of children in our state would be at risk of losing health care coverage. We can, and must, put an end to this uncertainty.

We remain committed to urging you to bring the KIDS Act to the floor quickly and include offsets acceptable to both sides. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.




WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the below statement on Senator Al Franken's announcement of his resignation:

“The allegations against Sen. Franken were disturbing, and he made the correct decision today. We still have a lot of work to do to address the problem of sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace.”

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement regarding the President’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and direct the State Department to begin the process to move the U.S. embassy:   

“The President’s decision today to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital comes at the wrong time and unnecessarily inflames the region. This announcement upends long-standing U.S. policy and international agreements that the status of Jerusalem should be determined as part of a peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians, not unilaterally.

“I have been, and remain a strong and consistent ally of Israel. The relationship between our countries is unique – defined by close friendship, strategic cooperation and mutual respect. As Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I fear the administration’s decision at this time will alienate key partners in the Middle East, fuel growing anti-American sentiment, and put U.S. diplomatic and security personnel at risk in the region and beyond. I further remain concerned that it undermines the ability to broker a peace settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians, and undercuts Israel’s security by placing overwhelming pressures on Israeli-Palestinian security coordination.”


WASHINGTON — U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) joined 44 Senators in a letter urging President Trump to follow the law and swiftly nominate a permanent director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) who will put working families ahead of Wall Street.

In their letter, the senators cited the CFPB’s much-needed “aggressive enforcement and supervision,” which has resulted in $12 billion in relief to 29 million American consumers who were cheated by financial companies.

The senators also expressed serious concerns with the White House installing Budget Director Mick Mulvaney as part-time acting director on November 24th. Mulvaney has a clear record opposing the CFPB, calling it a “sick joke,” and has sought to abolish it.

In his first act as part-time acting director, Mulvaney moved to freeze the payments to working Americans who’ve been cheated.

“Assigning leadership of the CFPB to someone who already has a full-time job reporting to the White House and who does not believe in the CFPB’s mission jeopardizes the agency’s independence and effectiveness,” the senators wrote.  “We urge you to nominate a CFPB Director who will bring to the job both bipartisan support and a track record of being tough on Wall Street. Following the Dodd-Frank succession provision and nominating a Director who will fight for consumers allows the CFPB to continue its work without political interference.”

The full text of the letter is below and available here.


The Honorable Donald J. Trump


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20500


Dear President Trump,

After the 2008 financial crisis wiped out trillions of dollars of wealth and the jobs of millions of Americans, Congress passed important financial reforms and created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), an independent watchdog to protect people from financial scams.[1]

Through aggressive enforcement and supervision, CFPB actions have resulted in $12 billion in relief for more than 29 million American consumers who were cheated by financial companies.[2] The CFPB has taken almost 200 enforcement actions: against mortgage schemes that rip off struggling borrowers, against predatory financial firms that set up shop next to military bases to target servicemembers, against scam for-profit schools that take advantage of veterans’ benefits, and against companies that train their employees to trap consumers in debt.[3]

These are the enforcement results that the National Fraternal Order of Police and a bipartisan group of state attorneys general expected when they endorsed Rich Cordray’s nomination and said he would be “an effective partner in combating fraud and other illegal schemes[.]”[4]

His nomination passed the Senate with 66 votes, including 12 Republicans.[5]

In a 2016 campaign speech, you said “…[T]his election is a choice between taking our government back from the special interests, or surrendering our last scrap of independence to their total and complete control.”[6] Polling shows that the vast majority of Americans agree that the CFPB has been doing great work holding special interests accountable. 74% of Americans -- Republicans and Democrats -- approve of the CFPB’s mission and 55% of Republicans who voted for you believe that the CFPB should be left alone to do its work or even be given expanded authority to do more.[7]

Assigning leadership of the CFPB to someone who already has a full-time job reporting to the White House and who does not believe in the CFPB’s mission jeopardizes the agency’s independence and effectiveness. We urge you to nominate a CFPB Director who will bring to the job both bipartisan support and a track record of being tough on big banks and other financial firms that rip off consumers. Following the Dodd-Frank succession provision and nominating a Director who will fight for consumers allows the CFPB to continue its work without political interference.

Please stand up for American military service members and veterans, students, seniors and workers.



WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) urged Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai to delay a planned December 14th vote to roll back net neutrality rules until an investigation can be completed into reports that internet “bots” – automated computer programs designed to pose as people – filed hundreds of thousands of comments to the FCC during the net neutrality policymaking process.

“A free and open Internet is vital to ensuring a level playing field online, and we believe that your proposed action may be based on an incomplete understanding of the public record in this proceeding,” the Senators wrote in a letter to Chairman Pai. “In fact, there is good reason to believe that the record may be replete with fake or fraudulent comments, suggesting that your proposal is fundamentally flawed.”

“Without additional information about the alleged anomalies surrounding the public record, the FCC cannot conduct a thorough and fair evaluation of the public’s views on this topic, and should not move forward with a vote on December 14, 2017,” the Senators continued.

“The FCC must invest its time and resources into obtaining a more accurate picture of the record as understanding that record is essential to reaching a defensible resolution to this proceeding,” the Senators concluded.

In addition to Sens. Warner and Kaine, the letter was signed by Sens. Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Ed Markey (D-MA), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Gary Peters (D-MI), Patty Murray (D-WA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Jack Reed (D-RI), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Angus King (I-ME), Al Franken (D-MN), and Cory Booker (D-NJ). 

The full text of the letter appears below. A copy of the letter is available here.


December 4, 2017


The Honorable Ajit Pai


Federal Communications Commission

445 12th Street Southwest

Washington, DC 20554


Dear Chairman Pai:


We are deeply concerned by your recently released proposal to roll back critical consumer protections by dismantling the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) current net neutrality rules. A free and open Internet is vital to ensuring a level playing field online, and we believe that your proposed action may be based on an incomplete understanding of the public record in this proceeding. In fact, there is good reason to believe that the record may be replete with fake or fraudulent comments, suggesting that your proposal is fundamentally flawed.


To this end, we request a thorough investigation by the FCC into reports that bots may have interfered with this proceeding by filing hundreds of thousands of comments. Furthermore, an additional 50,000 consumer complaints seem to have been excluded from the public record in this proceeding, according to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed by the National Hispanic Media Coalition.  Without additional information about the alleged anomalies surrounding the public record, the FCC cannot conduct a thorough and fair evaluation of the public’s views on this topic, and should not move forward with a vote on December 14, 2017. 


New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has spent the past six months conducting an investigation into the fraudulent comments, and found that “hundreds of thousands” of comments may have impersonated New York residents, a violation of state law. He further asserts that the FCC has not cooperated with requests for additional data and information. Data scientist Jeff Kao has also run an analysis of the public record, and estimates that over a million comments filed in support of repealing net neutrality may have been fake. These reports raise serious concerns as to whether the record the FCC is currently relying on has been tampered with and merits the full attention of, and investigation by, the FCC before votes on this item are cast. 


A transparent and open process is vitally important to how the FCC functions. The FCC must invest its time and resources into obtaining a more accurate picture of the record as understanding that record is essential to reaching a defensible resolution to this proceeding.  As a result, we are requesting that you delay your planned vote on this item until you can conduct a thorough review of the state of the record and provide Congress with greater assurance of its accuracy and completeness.  


Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.







WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the following statement on the guilty plea by former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn:  

“The Special Counsel’s probe has found illegal behavior stretching into the senior most levels of the White House. Mike Flynn has pled guilty to criminal conduct, while he was serving as National Security Adviser to the President of the United States, involving his contact with Russian officials. This follows the guilty plea of a Trump campaign aide; charges against a Trump campaign manager; and charges against a key aide to the Trump campaign and transition.

“This guilty plea also comes on the heels of a new report about the President’s efforts to silence the independent, bipartisan Senate investigation into ties between Trump associates and Russia. It is part of an alarming pattern in which the President has already fired the FBI Director; pressured the Attorney General and top U.S. intelligence officials to interfere with an ongoing investigation; and contemplated issuing pardons for his associates or firing the special counsel, according to numerous press reports. Members of Congress from both parties must make clear that those actions would be fundamentally unacceptable and incompatible with the rule of law.

“The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence takes seriously our responsibility to continue a thorough, bipartisan probe that follows the facts wherever they may lead.”


WASHINGTON – Virginia’s two Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine, along with U.S. Reps. Don Beyer and Gerry Connolly (both D-VA) and Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) , today announced that after years of effort by the Senators and House members, the National Park Service (NPS) has approved $227 million to initiate a long-awaited contract to fully repair and rehabilitate Arlington Memorial Bridge. The 85-year-old bridge, owned and maintained by NPS, is a vital daily route connecting Arlington, Virginia and the District of Columbia.  

The Virginia and D.C. delegations, with support of D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, played a decisive role in successfully advocating for a federal FASTLANE project grant, as well as secured additional appropriations to launch the Memorial Bridge rehabilitation project in January. Construction will begin in the fall of 2018, with the project being completed in 2021, giving the bridge a lifespan of an additional 85 to 100 years. During construction, at least three lanes of traffic will remain open at all times to allow for continued use of the span. Identifying the remaining required funds allows the NPS to save $35 million in costs by completing the project in one phase rather than two, and will allow the project to be finished 18 months sooner than previously estimated.

“It is hard to overstate the importance of this progress on a key transportation project for this region,” Sen. Warner said. “It required the combined efforts of all of us from the national capital region – those of us serving in both houses of Congress, as well as the District government, the National Park Service, and the U.S. Transportation Department. These partnerships allowed the Park Service to design an innovative project that will save money and time for  the region’s commuters and visitors.”   

“Arlington Memorial Bridge is among the nation’s most deteriorated bridges, and I’m extremely proud that after years of hard work, the National Park Service has committed full funding for rehabilitation of the bridge. This is a huge win for Northern Virginia commuters, as well as visitors to the nation’s capital,” Sen. Kaine said. “As we celebrate this good news, we should also redouble our efforts to pass a major infrastructure bill so other aging bridges don’t degrade to such a terrible condition in the first place.”

“After years of work to secure funding to fix Arlington Memorial Bridge, today’s announcement gives us hope that the bridge will remain safe and serviceable into the 22nd century,” Rep. Beyer said. “Our tour of the bridge and press conference in 2015 crystalized the dire need for this funding. Since then I have worked together with my colleagues in Congress, leaders from Virginia and the District, and two Administrations to secure the money for these structural repairs. This truly is great news, and I thank everyone whose efforts brought us here.”

"This is a victory for Northern Virginia commuters and the effort to improve our nation’s ailing infrastructure,” Rep. Connolly said. “I am pleased the National Park Service stepped up to the plate to address this uniquely federal transportation challenge. Communities across the country deserve this kind of good news about their old and failing infrastructure.”

“As Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, I could not be more delighted that the National Park Service has secured full funding to repair a critical priority, the iconic Memorial Bridge, with significant cost and time savings,” Rep. Norton said.  “When I visited the bridge before construction, I saw firsthand how it was barely standing, and why traffic has to be rerouted, bringing even more traffic congestion on both sides of the river.  With full funding rather than the phased dollars we already secured, we can finally break ground.”

The Memorial Bridge, which carries 68,000 vehicles daily between Washington, D.C. and Arlington, Va., was originally opened in 1932 with a 75-year design life. It is now structurally deficient, having never undergone a major rehabilitation. As a result a 10-ton load limit remains in effect, and large vehicles, including trucks and buses, are prohibited from crossing. Without a major overhaul, it has been expected that the Bridge would have to be closed to vehicular traffic beginning in 2021. However, NPS has an annual budget of just $20 million for transportation projects across all its assets in the National Capital Region.

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments has previously estimated that closing the Memorial Bridge could cost local governments $75 million per year in transportation outlays alone. Moreover, transit studies suggest that traffic from the bridge would spill over onto other area bridges, particularly the 14th Street Bridge and Roosevelt Bridge, further exacerbating congested roadways in Northern Virginia and Washington, DC.

Last year, the region’s congressional delegation was instrumental in securing $90 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation for Phase 1 of the reconstruction of the Arlington Memorial Bridge, with NPS providing an additional $60 million in matching funds. At the time, NPS estimated that more than $100 million in additional funding would be needed in order to bring the Memorial Bridge into a state of good repair.

Due to years of chronic underfunding, NPS has been forced to defer billions of dollars in necessary maintenance on transportation infrastructure such as Memorial Bridge, as well as other facilities it operates, like visitor centers, rest stops, trails and campgrounds. In March, Sen. Warner and Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) announced legislation, the National Park Service Legacy Act, to address the maintenance backlog at the National Park Service, which is currently more than $11 billion, and Sen. Kaine is one of a dozen bipartisan co-sponsors who have signed on to support the effort.


WASHINGTON – With the cost of college at an all-time high, U.S. Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced today updated legislation to provide critical information to help students, families, policymakers and taxpayers better understand the costs and outcomes associated with higher education.

The bipartisan Student Right to Know Before You Go Act makes data available to prospective college students about schools’ graduation rates, debt levels, how much graduates can expect to earn and other critical education and workforce-related measures of success. Importantly, under the bill, these outcome measures would be available and broken down by individual institution and program of study. The bill also protects student privacy by requiring the use of privacy-enhancing technologies that encrypt and protect the data that are used to produce this consumer information for students and families.

“For college-bound students, choosing where to enroll and what to study are critical choices. Yet students and their families don’t have access to all the information they need to know whether they are making a smart investment,” said Sen. Warner. “Students’ choices of school and program have a host of real-world implications, including on their earning potential, likelihood to graduate, and accumulated student loan debt. This legislation does more to protect student privacy, while making meaningful, contextualized information readily accessible to students as they make key decisions about their futures.”

“Deciding where to go to college shouldn’t be based on guesswork,” said Sen. Wyden. “The Know Before You Go Act puts the power back in students’ and families’ hands by giving them the opportunity to make the best possible choices for themselves about where to spend their hard-earned dollars. Our updated, bipartisan bill empowers students and families without forcing tradeoffs that sacrifice individual privacy or data security.”

“A college education is one of the most important investments that many students and families will make in their lifetime,” said Sen. Rubio. “Students could benefit from a comprehensive system detailing the projected costs and financial outcomes of the school and area of study the student is planning to pursue – before they take out thousands of dollars in student loans. The Student Right to Know Before You Go Act could help American families make better informed and more cost-effective higher education decisions.”

Currently, prospective students make costly and critical decisions about furthering their education based on information that is often inadequate, inaccurate or both. For example, many states try to publish similar information, but the data typically only looks at first-time, full-time students or students who remain in the same state after college. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Education makes available to the public a small slice of institutional data through its College Navigator.

The updated bill requires the use of secure multiparty computation (MPC), an advanced encryption technique, to generate statistical data based on student information from colleges and universities as well as loan and income information from government agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of Education. The process ensures the protection of the underlying data, so no entity is forced to “give up” sensitive information in a form that is accessible to others.

Sen. Warner has introduced several bills to improve transparency, accountability, and affordability in higher education, and help borrowers better manage their student loan debts. The Dynamic Student Loan Repayment Act would make income-based repayment the default option for borrowers. The Employer Participation in Repayment Act would allow employers to apply pre-tax income to help their employees with student loan payments. Finally, the Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act would promote financial literacy by providing students who are recipients of federal financial aid with comprehensive counseling services.

Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Scott Peters (D-CA), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), and Andre Carson (D-IN) have introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives. Sen. Warner previously cosponsored legislation by the same name in the 113th and 114th Congresses. 

The bill text can be found here. A summary and chart of the bill’s key provisions can be found here. A section-by-section summary of the bill can be found here.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Ranking Member of the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance and Investment, today pressed Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi on the company’s recent disclosure that hackers accessed the personal information of 57 million users last year.  Uber paid the hackers $100,000 to pledge to destroy the data – which included the names and driver’s license numbers of 600,000 drivers, and names, phone numbers, and email addresses of millions of riders – and did not disclose the hack to regulators or users until last week.

Warner posed the following questions to Khosrowshahi: 

  1. According to reports, Uber’s systems were breached after the attackers discovered log-in credentials to an AWS account used to handle payments. Why weren’t more robust access management mechanisms, including strong multi-factor authentication, enabled to prevent unauthorized access to passenger and driver data?
  2. Who conducted the initial investigation for Uber that successfully identified the hackers? What “assurances” were provided by the hackers to prove they did, in fact, delete the compromised data? 
  3. Unlike ransomware payments, in which payment is made to recover or regain access to inaccessible data or systems, it appears the motivation behind this payment was principally to prevent the public or authorities from learning of the breach. What rationale was provided by senior executives for covering up this breach?
  4. Uber has alleged that it was required to provide information relating to the breach and subsequent cover-up to prospective investors. Can you explain why Uber chose not to disclose the breach to drivers and users prior to, or at least at the same time as, a prospective investor?
  5. Reports indicate that Uber successfully “tracked down the hackers and pushed them to sign nondisclosure agreements.” While some information necessary to accomplish this could certainly have been gleaned from traditional digital forensic tools, these reports – combined with Uber’s past pattern of conduct – raise serious questions about how Uber was able to track down the criminals who breached Uber’s systems and blackmailed the company, and whether these actions might have constituted violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. As you know, no private right exists for companies to “hack back” those who compromise their systems. In the process of tracking down these hackers, did Uber or any authorized party acting on its behalf engage in unauthorized access of third party systems?
  6. Uber’s decision to identify the responsible parties and commit them to a non-disclosure agreement thwarts law enforcement’s ability to bring criminal hackers to justice. To the extent Uber had lawfully acquired information enabling it to identify the hackers who had compromised its systems, ensure they would abide by agreements to delete the data and not to disclose the breach, and transfer them $100,000, it conceivably had enough information at hand to assist law enforcement in the apprehension of these criminals. Why did Uber choose not to provide relevant forensic information to law enforcement and has this information been provided to law enforcement in the last week?

Sen. Warner is a former technology executive and the co-founder of the Senate’s bipartisan Cybersecurity Caucus. Sen. Warner is working to finalize bipartisan legislation to create a comprehensive, nationwide and uniform data breach standard, requiring timelier consumer notification for breaches of financial data and other sensitive information, and setting national data-protection standards for companies handling sensitive personal information. 

A PDF of the signed letter is available here.




WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the below statement on the Federal Communications Commission's plan to repeal net neutrality rules:

“The FCC Chairman has decided to move forward to repeal net neutrality rules without any plan in place to uphold longstanding open internet principles supported by both Democratic and Republican Administrations. I am deeply concerned that the FCC’s current plan would amount to a green light for potential anti-competitive practices by certain internet service providers, with the Chairman signaling the Commission’s unwillingness to protect consumers and small businesses from potential abuse.”

Warner, Kaine Announce More Than $2 Million for Infrastructure in HRVA Damaged by Hurricane Matthew

Funds will help repair or reconstruct federal highways, roads, and land damaged by the storm

Nov 22 2017

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced today that communities in Hampton Roads will receive $2,201,300 from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to provide assistance in repairing or reconstructing federal roads and land damaged by Hurricane Matthew. The October 2016 storm brought torrential rains, high winds, coastal flooding and road closures across Hampton Roads due to washouts and flooding.

“These funds will give communities in Hampton Roads needed resources to continue repairs to area roads damaged by the storm so they can be brought back to a safe and suitable condition,” the Senators said.

The first grant of $2,000,000 will go to the Virginia Department of Transportation to help with the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid highways and roads on federal lands in Southampton County and the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk, and Norfolk that suffered serious damage or catastrophic failures as a result of the storm. The second grant of $201,300 will go to the Virginia Fish and Wildlife Service to do similar repairs in the cities of Virginia Beach, Suffolk, and Gates. 


Warner, Kaine Announce More Than $300,000 to Help Rural Communities in SWVA Combat Opioid Epidemic

Funds will provide Virginia youth and families living in rural areas with health education to prevent opioid abuse

Nov 21 2017

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will provide $321,638 to support health education initiatives spearheaded by the Virginia Cooperative Extension aimed at preventing opioid abuse among vulnerable communities in rural Southwest Virginia.  

“This grant will help educate young Virginians and other at-risk individuals about the growing risks of prescription drugs, which now claim as many as 60,000 lives every year,” said the Senators. “The funds will help empower rural communities in the fight against this growing health epidemic by promoting the responsible use of opioids and helping save lives.”

The grant will fund a project to target those individuals in rural Southwest Virginia who are most at risk of the negative effects of prescription opioids. Its goal is to provide prevention education for youth at a vulnerable stage in their development and their families in order to provide skills and support to make healthy decisions with drugs. The project will also target hospital patients to help make them aware of the dangers associated with use of opioid pain medications and provide access to support should they or a family member experience problems related to opioid use.

The grant is provided through NIFA’s Rural Health and Safety Education Competitive Grant Program, which seeks to address the needs of rural Americans through individual and family health education programs delivered via cooperative extension. The program assist relevant, evidence-based, non-formal education programs and services informed by the human, social, and behavioral sciences to promote and aggrandize rural health, strengthen economic vitality and, in the long run, mollify the effects of rural privation.

Virginia Cooperative Extension is an educational outreach program of Virginia's land-grant universities: Virginia Tech and Virginia State University, and a part of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Banking Committee, today joined Republicans and Democrats, including Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) and Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), to introduce the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, bipartisan legislation to reduce regulatory burdens on community banks and credit unions and provide new protections to consumers.

The legislation is the result of bipartisan negotiations among Warner, Crapo, and Banking Committee members Sens. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) and Jon Tester (D-MT).

“This bipartisan bill is the result of years of tough negotiations among Democrats and Republicans,” said Sen. Warner. “The goal is simple: to help Main Street by rolling back unnecessary and burdensome regulations on credit unions and small community banks while ensuring that larger banks remain subject to the rules I helped put in place after the financial crisis to prevent another meltdown on Wall Street. This proposal makes targeted, commonsense fixes that will provide tangible relief to the community banks that are lifelines for smaller and rural communities. It also strengthens protections for veterans, the elderly and other consumers, and encourages community-based lending to boost economic growth and create jobs.”

“A strong and vibrant economy is important for American consumers, businesses, and the stability of the financial sector,” said Chairman Crapo. “The bipartisan proposals on which we have agreed will significantly improve our financial regulatory framework and foster economic growth by right-sizing regulation, particularly for smaller financial institutions and community banks.”

Following the 2008 financial meltdown, Sen. Warner helped write and pass into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and he continues to support the important reforms included in the law. The legislation introduced today is carefully written to provide needed regulatory relief to main street—community banks and credit unions—which were inadvertently burdened by rules and regulations intended to hold Wall Street accountable. This bill will promote economic growth by making commonsense reforms to increase consumer lending, while protecting consumers.

Among provisions in the regulatory relief package are several proposals to protect and deliver relief to Virginia consumers:

  • Community Banks and Credit Unions: This package includes a number of provisions related to community banks and credit unions that would increase their ability to extend credit to Virginia small businesses and families, while maintaining important consumer protections.
  • Free Annual Credit Freeze for Consumers: This provision would require credit bureaus to include one free credit freeze and a free credit unfreeze per year, which would help protect consumers after the massive Equifax data breach that may have compromised the personal information of approximately 145 million Americans.
  • Protecting Veterans Credit: This provision would protect the credit ratings of veterans wrongly penalized by medical bill payment delays by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This measure would prohibit medical debt from services received through the Choice Program and other VA community care programs from being reported to credit reporting agencies for one year. In addition it would establish a dispute process for veterans seeking to remove adverse actions already on their reports.

Full bill text is available here. A section-by-section can be accessed here.

“I thank Virginia's Congressional Delegation for their support of this legislation. Virginia's more than 725,000 veterans have served and sacrificed for our Nation and our Commonwealth. This service can sometimes lead to wounds and injuries that require ongoing care - which is not always fully covered by their veterans benefits. When they must incur out of pocket expenses for themselves and their families’ medical care, we must ensure that this does not also come with a bad credit score that could affect them for years to come. This bill will help our veterans in addressing credit issues or preventing a small credit problem from escalating,” said Virginia Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs Carlos Hopkins.

Virginia Bankers Association (VBA) President and CEO Bruce Whitehurst stated, “This package represents an important first step toward better tailoring of regulation to allow banks to serve their customers and communities more effectively and efficiently, much to their benefit. This bipartisan compromise also underscores the fact that the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 took the regulatory pendulum too far and created unintended consequences for borrowers. It is great to see movement toward a more balanced approach to financial regulation and we appreciate the leadership of Senators Warner and Kaine.”

“This is a major step forward. Our community bankers are eager to do more to build their local economies, but over-regulation holds them back. The best provisions in this bill make getting a mortgage less complicated and more possible, and other good provisions simplify rules and reports, freeing bankers to do more good work with their customers and their communities,” said Virginia Association of Community Banks (VACB) President Steve Yeakel. “In particular, we want to acknowledge the leadership of both Senator Warner, who helped to forge the compromise, and Senator Kaine, whose early support gives the bill a strong foundation and a real chance at success on the Senate floor.”

“ICBA strongly supports the bipartisan regulatory relief package announced today and thanks Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo and Sens. Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitkamp, Jon Tester and Mark Warner for driving this agreement,” Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA) President and CEO Camden R. Fine said. “Community bank regulatory relief is needed to improve lending and strengthen economic growth at the local level. We are pleased to see many provisions of ICBA’s Plan for Prosperity included in the agreement and thank all senators from both sides of the aisle who have contributed to this important initiative.”

“NAFCU thanks Chairman Crapo and his Democratic partners in the Senate for including provisions in this package that would lead to regulatory relief for credit unions,” said National Association of Federally-Insured Credit Unions (NAFCU) President and CEO Dan Berger. “We look forward to working with members of the Senate Banking Committee, their staff and other senators as this package moves through the legislative process. This bill is a step in the right direction, and we will continue to push for more relief for the industry and its 110 million member-owners.”

“This bill includes credit union-specific provisions that provide meaningful regulatory relief, a sign that policymakers are paying close attention to the needs of credit union members,” Credit Union National Association (CUNA) President/CEO Jim Nussle said. “We thank Sen. Crapo and his colleagues for working across party lines to advance regulatory relief legislation, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with them as the bill moves through the legislative process.”

In addition to Sens. Warner and Kaine, the bill was introduced by Democratic Sens. Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Jon Tester (D-MT), Joe Manchin (D-WV), Claire McCaskill (D-MO), Gary Peters (D-MI) and Michael Bennet (D-CO). Republican sponsors of the bill are Sens. Mike Crapo (R-ID), Bob Corker (R-TN), Tim Scott (R-SC), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Mike Rounds (R-SD), David Perdue (R-GA), Thom Tillis (R-NC), John Kennedy (R-LA), Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Jim Risch (R-ID). The bipartisan bill was also sponsored by Sen. Angus King (I-ME).


WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the below statement on Senator Al Franken:

“Sexual harassment, misconduct and assault is never all right, and cannot be tolerated. The behavior described is deeply troubling, and I am glad to see that Senator Franken will cooperate with an Ethics Committee investigation.”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced today that the Redevelopment & Housing Authorities in the cities of Roanoke and Petersburg will receive $666,661 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing assistance for Virginia families and veterans.

“These funds will allow local communities to focus their efforts on helping Virginia families live in safe housing they can afford,” the Senators said. “We are confident this additional funding will make a significant and necessary impact in improving living conditions in the Commonwealth.” 

Last year, up to $75,000,000 was made available by Congress to public housing agencies to use for administrative costs associated with housing voucher renewals, supportive housing for veterans, and other unforeseen circumstances that would prevent the agency from continuing rental assistance to families.

Individual amounts are listed below:

  • Roanoke Redevelopment & Housing Authority: $533,621
  • Petersburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority: $133,040

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine expressed their concern over the House Republicans’ tax plan that would eliminate the Federal Historic Tax Credit, which communities across Virginia use to draw in new business, create jobs, and revitalize cities and towns. The Federal Historic Tax Credit, a critical component of public-private partnerships, helps to attract development projects by providing a tax credit to developers after the restoration of a qualifying historic building. Virginia has been a top recipient of this federal funding, which has been used to redevelop more than one thousand buildings across the Commonwealth since 2002, including affordable housing, office space, restaurants, hotels, retirement homes, child care centers and shopping centers. Notable projects that have used these funds include the Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro, the Paramount Theater in Charlottesville, and the Bolling Wilson (George Wythe) Hotel in Wytheville.

“This tool has helped Virginia communities preserve historically significant buildings while creating quality jobs and stimulating long-term economic growth,” said Warner. “We should not be targeting this proven economic engine, which would leave many localities hanging while some companies and high income earners receive a tax break.”

“I’ve heard from mayors and local leaders across Virginia who agree it would be a short-sighted mistake to eliminate a successful program that’s strengthened local economies in every corner of the Commonwealth,” said Kaine. “We should be helping Virginia’s rural communities get ahead, but instead this cut in the Republican tax plan hurts their ability to succeed and redirects funds toward tax cuts for those at the very top.”

Between Fiscal Years 2002 and 2016, developers completed more than one thousand projects in Virginia using the Federal Historic Tax Credit. Elected officials have also voiced concern that eliminating this credit may impact the completion of buildings that are part of existing projects, which localities have already invested in.

The Senate version of the Republican tax plan similarly aims to limit the Federal Historic Tax Credit. Warner, a member of the Senate Finance Committee that is debating the Republican plan this week, has cosponsored a measure that would amend the legislation to protect and expand this tax tool.

Below is a list highlighting some of these notable projects throughout Virginia. For a more comprehensive list please click here


Original Name




Current Use


Bristol Warehouse Company

221 Moore St



Studio Brew


Bristol Building Supply Company Building

220 Lee Street



Bristol School Board Offices

Buena Vista

Peoples Bank Of Buena Vista

128 21St Street





The Paramount Theater

215 East Main Street



The Paramount Theater


John W. Ferrell & Company Furniture Store

533-535 Main Street





North Theater

629 North Main Street



The Historic North Theatre Performing Arcts Center


Continental Tobacco Company

610 Craghead St



The Continental Lofts complex


Ye Ole Galax Post Office

201 N. Main





Cassco Ice House

217 S. Liberty Street



Harrisonburg Ice House


Nuckolls Drug Store

510 North Main Street



Pizza Perfect On Main


McCampbell Inn

11 N Main St



The Georges Inn


Craddock Terry Shoe Corp. Southland

1326-1328 Commerce Street



Craddock Terry Hotel


Marion High School Building

203 N Church St



Wayne C. Henderson School for the Arts


Lincoln Theatre

117 E. Main Street



General Francis Marion Hotel


Portlock Building

241 Granby Street



Brick Anchor Brew-House


Maggie L. Walker High School

1000 N. Lombardy Street



Maggie Walker School


Lady Byrd Hat Company Building

140 Virginia Street





Patrick Henry Hotel

617 South Jefferson Street



The Patrick Henry Ballroom & Conference Center


Jefferson Center Auditorium

550 West Campbell Avenue



Jefferson Center


Burrell Memorial Hospital

611 Mcdowell Avenue SW



Blueridge Behavioral Healthcare

South Boston

Taylor Tobacco Prizery

340 Ferry Street



Taylor Lofts Apartments

South Boston

The Prizery-R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Warehouse

900 Bruce Street (Previously 716 Seymour Drive)



Performing arts venue called the Prizery


Stonewall Jackson Hotel And The Blackfriars Playhouse

24 S. Market Street



Stonewall Jackson Hotel & Conference Center


Wayne Theatre

521 W Main St



Wayne Theatre - Ross Performing Arts Center


The Old Star Building

29-31 33-35 East Boscawen Street



Commercial/Office space and apartments


George Wythe Hotel

170 East Main Street



Bolling Wilson Hotel

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine announced $115,700 in Economic Impact Initiative Grants from the United States Department of Agriculture towards the purchase of police vehicles, public works vehicles, and equipment for rural communities in the towns of Orange, Pound, Pulaski, Weber City, Wise, and Page County.

“We are pleased to announce funding for these communities to upgrade and improve public safety equipment,” the Senators said. “This funding will help ensure that our first responders in these communities have the resources they need to keep Virginians safe.”

The following localities will receive funding through the USDA:

·         The Town of Orange will receive $25,000 towards the purchase of three police vehicles and equipment.

·         The Town of Pound will receive $25,000 towards the purchase of one police vehicle, one public works vehicle and equipment.

·         The Town of Pulaski will receive $25,000 towards the purchase of two police vehicles and equipment.

·         The Town of Weber City will receive $25,000 towards the purchase of one police vehicle and equipment.

·         The Town of Wise will receive $5,200 towards the purchase of one police vehicle and equipment.

·         Page County will receive $10,500 towards the purchase of two police vehicles and equipment.

The USDA’s Economic Impact Initiative Grant program provides funding for rural communities facing high unemployment and economic challenges. Funding awarded through this program seeks to improve community facilities that are used for health care, public safety, and public service.

Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) led a group of 15 Senators in urging the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to take immediate action to improve transparency for political advertisements online. Today is the final day of a month-long comment period considering whether the FEC should update rules that currently exempt many online ads from the requirements applied to political ads that air on television and radio.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking him to work with them to fulfill the assurances he made to local leaders on Virginia’s Tangier Island about the future of their community. In a widely reported June 2017 call, President Trump reached out Tangier Mayor James "Ooker" Eskridge after seeing a CNN report on the Island and assured him that the Island would be around for hundreds of years. Right now, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers estimates that if immediate action is not taken, Tangier Island could be substantially uninhabitable within the next 50 years due to erosion, commonly believed to be caused by sea level rise due to climate change. The island currently shrinks by 15 feet each year.

“We write to follow up on your commitment to Tangier Island, Virginia,” Warner and Kaine wrote. “It meant a great deal for the President of the United States to call Tangier’s mayor and give personal assurance of the island’s future. As Virginia’s U.S. Senators, we wish to work with you to preserve this unique community for future generations.”

The Senators also stressed that whatever one believes the causes of the problem are – sea level rise, erosion, or other – the time is now for solutions.

“We can debate the causes for why this is happening, but regardless, the effects are clear. It is urgent that we address those effects.”

Warner and Kaine, both former governors of Virginia, have each traveled to Tangier Island and seen the island’s vulnerability to rising sea levels, erosion and storm surge first hand. In the letter, they list several ways President Trump and his Administration can work with them to help residents on the island:

  • Expedite a proposed study on Tangier’s infrastructure needs that is currently working its way through the Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Give full and fair consideration to an Army Corps proposal for Tangier to be selected for a new beneficial re-use dredge fill pilot project authorized in the WIIN Act (WRDA 2016).
  • Instruct the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to become more involved in managing an area of the island that was formerly inhabited but has become too low-lying and now serves only as wildlife habitat as, “an opportunity to advance the agency’s wildlife mission while also helping out a community in need.”

Full text of the letter is below:

Dear President Trump:

We write to follow up on your commitment to Tangier Island, Virginia. It meant a great deal for the President of the United States to call Tangier’s mayor and give personal assurance of the island’s future. As Virginia’s U.S. Senators, we wish to work with you to preserve this unique community for future generations. To that end, we have several suggestions we hope you will direct your administration to pursue further.

A proposed study of Tangier’s infrastructure needs is working its way through the Army Corps of Engineers for potential authorization by Congress in the next Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). This is a lengthy process, and time is of the essence. Tangier Island has gradually decreased in size, resulting in the abandonment of previously habited parts of the island. If present trends continue, the entire island could be uninhabitable within decades, or sooner in the event of a Harvey or Maria-type storm. We can debate the causes for why this is happening, but regardless, the effects are clear. It is urgent that we address those effects.

We understand that Tangier Island has been submitted for consideration under a new beneficial reuse dredge fill pilot project authorized in the WIIN Act (WRDA 2016). While we are sure competition for this opportunity is intense, we request your administration give Tangier’s application full and fair consideration.

In addition, we understand Tangier leaders have discussed with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service a proposal for the Service to become more involved in managing an area of the island that is now home only to wildlife after it became too low-lying to support permanent human habitation. We hope you will ask agency leaders to seriously consider this.

We know the Service has limited funds and other wildlife assets in the Chesapeake Bay region, but this is an opportunity to advance the agency’s wildlife mission while also helping out a community in need. Given the ban on congressional earmarks and the challenges of small rural communities like Tangier (pop. under 500) in getting federal attention, it is important to secure equities from as many federal and private partners as possible. Tangier residents have pointed out to us that sizable investments have been made in similar nearby islands, such as the uninhabited Port Isobel Island, VA (right off Tangier); uninhabited Poplar Island, MD; and an even smaller (less than 300) community on Smith Island, MD. Tangier Island deserves no less.

We fully appreciate that communities across America much larger than Tangier also have pressing infrastructure needs, particularly in light of recent disasters. It is appropriate to follow robust cost-benefit calculations to determine the best use of limited federal dollars. But there are also rare circumstances under which a project may not score highly on traditional metrics yet is profoundly valuable.

Tangier Island is such a community. Its history and culture predate the United States, and its linguistic characteristics are unlike any in the world. Letting this island wither away due to bureaucratic inertia – or worse, an active decision to write it off – would not only result in the loss of people’s homes and way of life, but would be a cultural and historical loss to America. We should not let that happen. You will note that we agree on this even though the island’s political inclinations are well known. Some fights are important regardless of political benefit.

Tangier Island’s residents have put their faith in you, and we stand ready to work with you. Thank you for your consideration.

