Press Releases

Statement of Sen. Warner on GAO's Report on Program Duplication

We need a more collaborative culture," says Warner, "These silos must be broken down."

Apr 09 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on today’s report by the Government Accountability Office, which cited specific examples of duplication, overlap and other inefficiencies in programs administered across the federal government. The report identified an additional 31 areas where agencies could achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness, and identified 81 specific actions to reduce overlapping, duplicative and inefficient federal spending.

Sens. Warner & Kaine Urge Confirmation of Marilyn Tavenner as CMS Administrator

Former nurse, hospital CEO, Va. Health & Human Resources Secretary nominated at CMS

Apr 09 2013

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sens, Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Tim Kaine (D-VA) today urged Senate confirmation of the Presidential nomination of Marilyn B. Tavenner of Virginia to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. CMS is the lead federal agency responsible for health care for millions of Americans through its administration of Medicare, Medicaid and programs related to implementation of The Affordable Care Act

Sen. Warner Seeks Assurances that Military Families are Safe from Lead in Drinking Water

Letter to Secretary Hagel follows discovery of lead at 2 Navy child centers in Virginia

Apr 04 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today asked Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to take action to protect military families from unsafe levels of lead in drinking water. Recent tests at two Hampton Roads Navy child care centers found lead in drinking water that far exceeded Environmental Protection Agency safety levels.

Sen. Warner Successfully Amends Senate Budget Bill

Amendments help federal retirees, boost online transparency, and eliminate duplicate reports

Mar 15 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today successfully amended the 2014 Senate budget resolution, adding three amendments which collectively promote more effective, transparent and cost-efficient government. Each of Sen. Warner’s three proposals received unanimous bipartisan support today. The Budget Committee is scheduled to vote on the overall 2014 budget bill within the hour, and it is expected to be considered by the full Senate next week.

Sen. Warner's Remarks at Senate Budget Committee Hearing

~ at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Release of FY2014 Budget ~

Mar 13 2013

“I share the concern of a lot of our members on both sides of the aisle. The fact is we’re $16 trillion in debt, $16.5 trillion in debt, and it goes up $3 billion every night. None of this is self-correcting. It’s going to have to be reduced and dealt with."

Sen. Warner Receives U.S. Navy Distinguished Public Service Award

~ Navy Sec’y. notes Sen. Warner’s work to ease impact of sequester ~

Mar 13 2013

Sen. Warner has been awarded the U.S. Navy’s Distinguished Public Service Award, the highest recognition the Navy can confer upon a civilian. In making the award, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus cited Sen. Warner’s efforts on both the Senate’s Budget and Intelligence committees to support military men and women and their families.

Sens. Warner & Corker ask Holder to Clarify "Too Big to Jail" Comments

~ Bipartisan letter: “No institution, individual or executive should be above the law” ~

Mar 12 2013

Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Bob Corker (R-TN), members of the Senate Banking Committee, wrote to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder today asking him to clarify his "too big to jail" remarks, comments he made last week regarding enforcement actions on money laundering and terrorism financing activities based on the size of the culpable institution.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner released the following statement on today’s votes in the U.S. Senate to limit sequestration:

“I voted for the Reid proposal because I favored its 50/50 blend of targeted spending cuts and new revenues, which would have avoided sequester and moved us further toward a balanced approach to fix the debt. I voted for the Republican counterproposal because it would have provided flexibility in making the required cuts. While I continue to work for a broad, balanced and bipartisan approach to deficits and debt, both of these approaches represented a less stupid approach than sequestration and its disproportionate impact on Virginia.”

Sen. Warner to reintroduce bipartisan CAMPUS Safety Act

~ Urges DoJ to Act on Campus Safety Measures ~

Feb 21 2013

Senator Warner announced today that he will reintroduce the bipartisan CAMPUS Safety Act, which would consolidate existing federal campus safety programs into a single, National Center for Campus Public Safety, to strengthen training and research initiatives and improve collaboration.

New Analysis Forecasts Sequester's Harmful Impact on Virginia Economy

Warner: "Frustrating that more people in Washington do not share a sense of urgency"

Feb 19 2013

WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today highlighted a new economic analysis revealing that Virginia would be hurt more than almost any other state from the sweeping automatic federal budget cuts scheduled to take effect in two weeks.
WASHINGTON, DC – Members of Virginia’s Congressional Delegation today sent a letter to President Barack Obama, Speaker John Boehner, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid expressing their unity for immediate action to avert looming cuts set to hit March 1, stressing the disproportional impact to the Commonwealth of Virginia. The bicameral, bipartisan group of members also stressed the enormous impacts on the country’s national security and federal government, and the ripple effect on Virginia’s economy.

Sens. Warner, Warren Urge Action on Consumer Credit Reporting

Call for more transparency, accountability at credit reporting agencies

Feb 15 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) today sent a letter to the heads of the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) urging them to take action to improve consumer credit reporting. Recent CFPB and FTC reports found that 20 percent of consumers could identify at least one error in a credit report issued by one of the three major credit reporting agencies and that more than five percent of consumers found significant errors. These mistakes could force consumers to pay more for insurance and loans, and could impact their access to security clearance.

Sen. Warner Introduces Startup Act 3.0

Bipartisan jobs and high-skilled immigration bill promotes creation & growth of new businesses

Feb 14 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) today introduced Startup Act 3.0, an updated version of a bipartisan jobs and high-skilled immigration plan to strengthen the economic recovery through the creation and growth of new businesses. Co-sponsors of Startup Act 3.0 include Sens. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Chris Coons (D-DE) and Roy Blunt (R-MO). Startup 3.0 builds upon Startup 2.0, which was introduced in the last Congress.
"I was pleased the President began his speech with a strong call for a bipartisan grand bargain to continue to address our deficits and debt. A balanced plan that includes additional revenue, smarter spending cuts and responsible entitlement reform -- and avoids the self-inflcted wounds from sequester -- is a key component of any economic growth agenda."
“I’m proud to have cosponsored the Violence Against Women Act, which passed the Senate today on a strongly bipartisan vote of 78-22. In Virginia, this Act has doubled the resources available for prevention and intervention of sexual violence in communities and on campus."
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), and Chris Coons (D-Del.) urged President Obama to highlight startups and small businesses in his State of the Union address next Tuesday. In May 2012, Sens. Moran, Warner and Coons introduced legislation called the Startup Act 2.0 to jumpstart the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses.

Sen. Warner Invites Immigration Reform Advocate to State of the Union

College student Ambar Pinto of Fairfax attends NVCC

Feb 06 2013

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) announced today that his special guest at next Tuesday’s Presidential State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress will be immigration reform advocate Ambar Pinto, 19, of Fairfax County. Pinto, an undocumented immigrant from Bolivia, arrived in Virginia seven years ago, along with her parents and younger brother. She graduated from Fairfax High School, and currently is a sophomore majoring in international business at Northern Virginia Community College.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement upon today’s retirement announcement by U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA):

“Leadership is about taking risks when you don’t have to. That’s why I respect Saxby Chambliss for his willingness to partner with me and other members of what became known as the Gang of Six as we worked for bipartisan solutions on debt and deficits.