Press Releases
Bipartisan Coalition of Senators Renew Legislation to Combat Sexual Assault on College & University Campuses
Group of Republican and Democratic Senators reintroduce Campus Accountability and Safety Act to prevent sexual assault on college campuses, protect survivors, and provide accountability and transparency for institutions
Apr 06 2017
Group of Republican and Democratic Senators reintroduce Campus Accountability and Safety Act to prevent sexual assault on college campuses, protect survivors, and provide accountability and transparency for institutions
Warner & Kaine Introduce Bill to Reform Black Lung Benefits Program
"Miners put their health and, often, their lives on the line to help power our nation. We owe it to those battling black lung disease to make sure they get the care they need..."
Apr 05 2017
"Miners put their health and, often, their lives on the line to help power our nation. We owe it to those battling black lung disease to make sure they get the care they need..."
Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Provide Financial Stability to Muni Bonds
Allows high quality municipal debt to be classified at a level equivalent to debt issued by corporations
Apr 05 2017
Allows high quality municipal debt to be classified at a level equivalent to debt issued by corporations
“It’s unbelievable that it’s 2017 and we’re still having to talk about equal pay for equal work,” said Warner.
“Despite his impressive academic credentials, Judge Gorsuch’s record and evasive responses – even refusing to answer questions regarding his views of cases like Roe v. Wade and Citizens United – do not give me confidence..."
Sen. Warner Presses Trump Administration on DATA Act Implementation
DATA Act allows taxpayers, policymakers to ‘follow the money’
Mar 31 2017
DATA Act allows taxpayers, policymakers to ‘follow the money’
Sen. Warner Introduces Legislation to Ease Burden of Student Loan Debt
Student loan debt now stands at $1.4 trillion nationwide, average debt for Va. students tops $29,000 per graduate
Mar 31 2017
Student loan debt now stands at $1.4 trillion nationwide, average debt for Va. students tops $29,000 per graduate
“As we approach the 400 year anniversary of a searing moment in our nation’s history, a commission provides us with a chance to acknowledge the struggles and document the victories over adversity by generations of African Americans.."
Bipartisan Group of Senators Urges President Trump to Restore Funding to Appalachian Regional Commission
Warn of “devastating consequences” for 25 million residents of Appalachia
Mar 29 2017
Every dollar invested in ARC leverages $6.40 in private support
Warner & Kaine Introduce Reclaim Act
Legislation accelerates $1 billion to revitalize coal communities over the next five years
Mar 28 2017
Legislation accelerates $1 billion to revitalize coal communities over the next five years
Warner, Portman Introduce Legislation to Address NPS Service Maintenance Backlog
~ NPS has a $12 billion backlog in deferred and overdue maintenance – half is critical transportation infrastructure ~
Mar 28 2017
NPS has a $12 billion backlog in deferred and overdue maintenance – half is critical transportation infrastructure
“Today’s funding will continue promoting economic growth and agricultural research in the Valley and Southwest Virginia.."
Chairman Burr and Vice Chairman Warner Statement on Kushner’s Voluntary Participation in SSCI Investigation
Mar 27 2017
"From the beginning of this investigation we have committed to follow the facts wherever they lead us..."
Warner, Kaine Introduce Legislation to Overhaul Broken V-A Appeals Process
VA appeals process has not been updated since 1933, more than 450,000 appeals are currently pending
Mar 24 2017
VA appeals process has not been updated since 1933, more than 450,000 appeals are currently pending
"Mr. Friedman has been confirmed despite my opposition, and it is my sincere hope that he will moderate his views to better align with historically bipartisan U.S. policies, demonstrate an openness to all members of the Jewish community, and serve as an ambassador worthy of our special relationship with Israel.”
In response to a January memorandum from President Donald J. Trump, Sens. Kaine and Warner called on President Trump to reconsider his decision of halting all hiring in key government agencies.
Warner, Collins, Sánchez, Roe Introduce Legislation to Assist Small Businesses in Offering Retirement Plans to Employees
Only 22 percent of workers at small firms currently have access to a workplace savings plan or pension
Mar 22 2017
Only 22 percent of workers at small firms currently have access to a workplace savings plan or pension
Warner, Kaine Call for Reversal of Proposed EPA Cuts That Would Threaten America's Clean Air and Water
Senators: Trump’s pledge for clean air and water is “meaningless” when followed by proposal for drastic cuts that would undercut EPA’s core mission
Mar 22 2017
Senators: Trump’s pledge for clean air and water is “meaningless” when followed by proposal for drastic cuts that would undercut EPA’s core mission
With three Virginians dying daily from an opioid overdose, Trumpcare would jeopardize coverage for 24 million Americans, including 2.8 million suffering from a substance use disorder
“Four hundred years after the death of Pocahontas, our country continues to do a disservice to her descendants by failing to recognize the major role Virginia’s tribes have played in American history and the fabric of our nation..."
Joint Statement from Senate Intel Committee Leaders on Wiretapping Evidence at Trump Tower
Mar 16 2017
“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016..."
Sen. Warner on President Trump's Proposed Budget
Mar 16 2017
“This budget proposal from President Trump does not reflect a balanced approach. Instead, it includes many short-sighted choices that if implemented could actually harm our country's strength and long-term growth..."
“I applaud the Department of Justice for naming names and bringing criminal charges against the individuals responsible for the Yahoo hack, including two individuals who are on the payroll of the Russian government..."
“I voted against Seema Verma’s nomination to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)..."
Sen. Warner on CBO Report on Trumpcare
Mar 13 2017
“Today’s estimates from the Congressional Budget Office show that Trumpcare will raise costs for consumers, particularly seniors, and leave millions of Americans without coverage..."