Press Releases

“Today, the House passed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act – an important piece of legislation that will establish a new era of transparency for the federal government. I want to thank Chairman Darrell Issa and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings for their bipartisan work on this legislation."

Postal reform bill includes Warner amendment to fix fed. pension backlog

~ Amendment speeds cumbersome process with more technology, transparency, accountability ~

Apr 25 2012

Postal reform legislation adopted by the Senate today included an amendment written by Senator Warner that aims to accelerate and improve a federal benefits processing system that still relies on the hand-processing of paper records. Virginia is home to an estimated 250,000 federal retirees, and hundreds of them have contacted Senator Warner about delays, sometimes as long as 12-18 months.

Sens. Warner, Collins introduce bipartisan Alzheimer's resolution

~ Supports Goal of Prevention, Treatment Plan by 2025 ~

Apr 24 2012

U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Susan Collins (R-ME), the Senate co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease, today introduced a bipartisan Senate resolution affirming the national goal of preventing and treating Alzheimer’s by 2025.
“On this fifth anniversary, I join the entire Virginia Tech community in pausing to reflect upon and celebrate the lives that were lost and those that have been forever changed. We salute the strength and resilience of the entire Hokie community, and we celebrate Tech’s positive and continuing commitment to public service as an appropriate way to honor all of those who were touched by the April 16th tragedy."

Menendez, Reed, Warner, Merkley lead call for FHFA to fix flawed study on principal reductions

Taxpayers and homeowners deserve fair and complete answers, the Senators wrote

Apr 04 2012

Senator Warner led a group of 30 Senators today calling on Acting Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Edward DeMarco to provide Congress with an accurate analysis of the effects on taxpayers of using principal forgiveness versus other mortgage modification options such as principal forbearance for loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Sen. Warner urges U.S. House to pass transportation bill

~ Further delays could harm Virginia road projects ~

Mar 28 2012

Senator Warner today urged the U.S. House to take up a bipartisan Senate transportation bill before the March 31st cut-off of federal funding impacts jobs and ongoing transportation projects across Virginia and the rest of the country. The Senate’s two-year proposal supports an estimated 39,800 highway construction and transit jobs in Virginia, and nearly two million transportation-related jobs nationwide.

Senators introduce bipartisan Volcker fix to ease market confusion

Links effective date to regulators completing their work

Mar 22 2012

Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mark Warner (D-VA), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Kay Hagan (D-NC), Tom Carper (D-DE) and Bob Corker (R-TN) today introduced bipartisan legislation that provides for the implementation of the Volcker rule after the agencies have issued their final rules, rather than two years after the date Dodd-Frank was signed into law.

Senate votes 74-22 to approve two-year highway funding bill

~ Legislation includes Warner proposals ~

Mar 14 2012

Senator Warner today joined colleagues in a bipartisan 74-22 vote to adopt the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), which reauthorizes highway, transit, and safety programs for two fiscal years at current funding levels. It includes several of Sen. Warner’s proposals, including improved federal safety standards for rail transit systems such as Metro, and specific programs that will enhance transit-friendly development.
"Col. Barfoot was a remarkable man who demonstrated tremendous bravery in military service to his country during three wars. The actions that earned Col. Barfoot the Medal of Honor, the Silver Star and the Bronze Star still have the power to inspire. We all saw a bit of that same determination and grit when Col. Barfoot fought his neighbors over a flagpole he constructed in his front yard."

Senator Warner honored by intl. campus police association

Receives 2012 Congressional Champion Award from Int’l. Assoc. of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators

Mar 01 2012

Senator Warner today was awarded the 2012 Congressional Champion Award from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators for his leadership in promoting college campus safety issues. Sen. Warner was honored for introducing legislation that would create a National Center for Campus Public Safety.

New GAO report makes the case for reducing fed. overlap & duplication - AGAIN

~ GAO’s 2012 Report Also Shows Little Progress on 2011 Recommendations ~

Feb 28 2012

"We are reaching a point where GAO reports on government duplication and redundancy are becoming duplicative and redundant. The 2011 report made more than 80 specific recommendations to reduce overlap and duplication, but we have implemented only four of those recommendations so far."
Today the House Financial Services Committee passed with strong bipartisan support legislation that would make it easier for growing firms to access the public markets so they can expand and create jobs. The proposal is co-sponsored in the Senate by Sens. Charles Schumer (D-NY), Pat Toomey (R-PA), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and Tom Carper (D-Del.).
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., and Senator Mark Warner, D-Va., issued the following statement after the Committee received the Administration’s formal request for authority to reorganize government agencies.
"The Pentagon is making difficult but responsible choices as military planners work to cut a half-trillion dollars in defense spending. Due to the consistent, coordinated and bipartisan efforts of Virginia’s congressional delegation, and our strong partnership with state and local officials, the Navy has made the correct decision by committing to maintain the current number of carriers in Norfolk through the year 2020."

Va., Md. Senators urge selection of region as test range for unmanned aircraft

~ “Mid-Atlantic provides existing test ranges, personnel and expertise” ~

Feb 08 2012

U.S. Sens. Jim Webb (D-VA), Mark Warner (D-VA), Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) and Ben Cardin (D-MD) today sent a joint letter to the Secretaries of Defense, Transportation and the NASA Administrator urging them to select the Virginia/Maryland region to host an Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) test range.

Bipartisan FAA bill improves service & safety for passengers

~ Senator Warner successfully worked for compromise to limit additional West Coast-DC slots ~

Feb 06 2012

Sen. Warner praised today’s passage of a bipartisan, four-year reauthorization for the Federal Aviation Administration that will improve airline service and safety for travelers. The compromise legislation, H.R. 658, allows airports to move forward on critical improvement projects, gives FAA tools to modernize the nation’s outdated air traffic control system, and authorizes eight additional daily round trip flights from Reagan National Airport to the West Coast.
Senators Webb and Warner today announced $3,247,990 in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds will go to the Louisa County School Board (LCSB) to pay for new school construction following damage caused by the August 2011 earthquake. After FEMA initially refused to provide disaster aid in October 2011, both Senators objected and intervened.
Senator Warner joined colleagues on both sides of the aisle in passing legislation out of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs to make improvements to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s public transportation programs.
"No area of government spending should be exempt, but before we authorize another round of base closings and realignments we should first determine if there is excess capacity not just here but also at our overseas installations, especially in Europe."
Senators Warner (D-VA) and Jerry Moran (R-KS) today invited President Obama to join them in helping startups and small businesses succeed. In December, Sens. Moran and Warner introduced legislation called The Startup Act (S. 1965) to jumpstart the economy through the creation and growth of new businesses.
“This is a promising start to what I hope will be a sustained effort to look for improved performance and greater efficiency among every agency and department across the federal government. Make no mistake: there’s still plenty to do. In 2012, it makes absolutely no sense that the federal government operates 82 teacher quality programs within 10 separate agencies – and 56 separate programs spread across 20 agencies that deal with financial literacy."

Sen. Warner pushes 'onshoring' of jobs, investment during trip to India

~ As White House Hosts ‘Insourcing American Jobs’ Forum, Warner Promotes CEOs in India ~

Jan 11 2012

Senator Warner, the leader of a five-member congressional delegation currently visiting India, is promoting bipartisan legislation that encourages Indian companies to create new manufacturing jobs here in America. Senator Warner discussed his America Recruits Act onshoring proposal in meetings with India’s Finance Minister and other government officials in New Dehli on Monday.

Sen. Warner, VA community colleges announce consulting agreement in India

~ Va. college foundation to consult with non-profit on skills-based training ~

Jan 10 2012

Senator Warner today announced a consulting agreement between the Virginia Foundation for Community Colleges Education and the India-based Wadhwani Foundation to promote skills-based education in India. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Ajay Kela, President and CEO of Wadhwani Foundation, and Dr. Glenn DuBois, Chancellor of Virginia’s Community College System.