Press Releases

Sen. Warner Speaks Out Against Treasury Nominee

Cites concerns with Mnuchin’s positions on Dodd-Frank, dynamic scoring, and economic sanctions

Feb 10 2017

"...I rise today in opposition to the nomination of Mr. Steven Mnuchin to serve as our nation's next secretary of the Treasury."

Sen. Warner Speaks Out Against Nominee for HHS

Shares stories of Virginians benefiting from the Affordable Care Act

Feb 09 2017

"Congressman Price has advocated for dismantling the ACA and made it clear that as Secretary of HHS, he would seek to implement policies that I believe will make healthcare more expensive and less accessible to Virginians.."

Warner Fights to Protect Federal Workers

Joins colleagues in sponsoring Senate resolution outlining steps to defend the civil service from politically motivated attacks

Feb 09 2017

Joins colleagues in sponsoring Senate resolution outlining steps to defend the civil service from politically motivated attacks
“Iran’s ballistic missile test on Sunday was provocative, violating the spirit, and possibly the letter, of the United Nations Security Council Resolution on Iran’s missile program..."

Senate Ranking Members Write to Secretary of Defense & CIA Director Opposing Return to Ineffective, Immoral Policies on Torture & Detention

According to press reports, the Trump Administration is considering an Executive Order that would review a return to torture, re-open CIA black sites, and direct DoD to continue using the prison at Guantanamo Bay

Feb 03 2017

According to press reports, the Trump Administration is considering an Executive Order that would review a return to torture, re-open CIA black sites, and direct DoD to continue using the prison at Guantanamo Bay

Warner Sponsors Bill to Expand Agricultural Exports to Cuba

Bipartisan legislation would support American farmers and jobs by allowing private financing of U.S. agricultural exports to Cuba

Feb 02 2017

Bipartisan legislation would support American farmers and jobs by allowing private financing of U.S. agricultural exports to Cuba