Press Releases
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced a huge step towards the deployment of $1,481,489,527.87 in federal funding to expand access to high-speed internet in Virginia. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) approved Volume 2 of Virginia’s Initial Proposal under the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, an important step that demonstrates Virginia has a strong plan to expand broadband and is on track to receive its funding allocation.
“Today’s announcement brings us one step closer to accessing our historic $1.5 billion award and expanding high-speed internet access to more families and businesses across Virginia,” said Sen. Warner. “Virginia has a strong plan to get us closer to universal coverage, and this funding will help make that plan a reality. I’m proud to have authored and negotiated the law that made this possible, and I’m ready to work to make sure it’s implemented as quickly and efficiently as possible so more Virginians have access to high-speed internet.”
“Broadband is a necessity for Virginians to access telehealth, online education programs, job opportunities, and so much more. Boosting access to broadband is key to building on our economic progress, which is why I’m happy that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration has approved the next step in Virginia’s BEAD program plan,” said Sen. Kaine. “I’m glad to have helped pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that made this investment possible.”
Following the approval, Virginia has one year to submit a final proposal that will detail how the Commonwealth will ensure service to all unserved locations. Once the final proposal is approved, funds will be deployed and implementation can begin.
In June 2023, Sens. Warner and Kaine announced the $1.5 billion allocation, which was made possible by the BEAD Program in the bipartisan infrastructure law – landmark legislation authored and negotiated by Sen. Warner and Sen. Kaine. The BEAD Program seeks to expand high-speed internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment and adoption programs. Specifically, the funding will be utilized by the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative (VATI) to get Virginians high-speed internet, defined as 100 Megabits/second (Mbps) for downloads and 20 Mbps for uploads. VATI will first prioritize 134,000 unserved locations (those lacking internet service speeds of 25 Mbps for downloads and 3 Mbps for uploads) and then 28,000 underserved locations (those lacking 100 Mbps/20 Mbps upload/download speeds).
Also through the bipartisan infrastructure law, Sens. Warner and Kaine secured $65 billion in funding to help deploy broadband and decrease costs associated with connecting to the internet. As part of that funding, Virginia received $5 million to help make a strategic plan to deploy coverage.
Sens. Warner and Kaine have long fought to expand access to broadband in Virginia, including by advocating for the accurate reporting of Virginia’s connectivity status. In 2022, Sen. Warner called on Virginians to contact the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding internet coverage in their communities. Following the FCC’s reporting deadline, Sen. Warner called attention to a significant number of locations in Virginia that were incorrectly reported on the FCC broadband coverage map.
Warner Introduces Legislation to Modernize Federal Reserve Discount Window, Restore Intended Use
Jul 26 2024
WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), a member of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, introduced the Discount Window Enhancement Act of 2024, legislation to improve the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve Discount Window, a liquidity tool that provides short-term loans to depository institutions, such as commercial and community banks in order to help reduce the fallout of bank failures fueled by panic-induced bank runs.
In the wake of multiple bank failures in 2023, including the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, Sen. Warner voiced the need for legislation to improve the function of the Fed’s Discount Window.
“The failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank last year highlighted the urgent need to reform the Federal Reserve’s discount window for the 21st century economy, where bank runs can occur over hours, rather than days. My legislation will implement key reforms to make sure that banks can actually use the discount window, reduce the unnecessary stigma associated with that use, and improve the window’s operations to meet the challenges of the digital age. We need to modernize the window and return this important liquidity tool to its intended role,” said Sen. Warner.
The Discount Window Enhancement Act of 2024 will:
- Mandate Testing of the Discount Window: Mandates that eligible depository institutions operating in the United States engage in test borrowing at the Federal Reserve’s Discount Window:
- Large Institutions (> $100 Billion): Quarterly.
- Smaller and Larger Institutions ($10 Billion – $100 Billion): Semi-annual.
- Small Institutions (Under $10 Billion): Not in scope.
- Require Regulators to Reflect Banks’ Ability to Use the Discount Window in Liquidity Evaluations: Regulators must “give credit” in their evaluations of bank liquidity preparedness to depositories that can use the discount window successfully – “positive consideration” must be given to successful testing and pre-pledged collateral;
- Require Financial Institution Risk Committees or Equivalent to Review and Approve Liquidity Contingency Plans: Depositories’ liquidity contingency plans are to include detailed policies and procedures for seeking advances and be submitted to Federal Reserve Board, Regional Federal Reserve Bank of membership, and primary supervisor;
- Require the Federal Reserve Board to Modernize Discount Window Operations;
- Require the Federal Reserve System to Simplify and Harmonize Collateral Processes with Federal Home Loan Bank System: The Federal Reserve Board must work with the FHFA and the FHLB system to simplify and harmonize policies and procedures for pledging and transferring collateral among FHLBs and Federal Reserve Banks.
- Require Review of Weekly Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Reporting: The Federal Reserve Board must comprehensively review the weekly reporting of its balance sheet activities, and consider changes to avoid market distortions that could inadvertently place individual financial institutions at a disadvantage.
- Require Federal Reserve Study and Report to Congress on Discount Window Stigma: Requires the Federal Reserve Board to conduct a study and submit a report to Congress about additional measures that could be taken to reduce discount window stigma and improve the process for obtaining advances on behalf of depository institutions.
Sen. Warner has also led efforts to hold those responsible for bank failures accountable. In the aftermath of the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, Sen. Warner cosponsored the DEPOSIT Act, the Bank Management Accountability Act, and the Failed Bank Executives Clawback Act, efforts to ensure that bank executives do not profit in the wake of bank failures.
“The Federal Reserve Discount Window is a critical tool that gives financial institutions of all sizes access to liquidity and prevents panic in the broader financial system. Stigma associated with accessing the window and some legacy operational issues have limited the power of this tool and forced the Fed to take dramatic steps to meet recent needs. This legislation would help modernize the window to ensure immediate access by all eligible institutions in today’s lightning-fast financial system,” said Betsy Duke, Former Federal Reserve Board Governor.
“As evident from events in March 2023, it is clear that the current discount window mechanism at the Federal Reserve has deficiencies that have led to severe stigma, increasing the risk of banking panics and deposit runs. This bill will provide a good basis for regulators to implement operational improvements and reduce frictions that hinder the effectiveness of discount window,” said William C. Dudley, Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
“Senator Warner and other supporters of this bill should be commended. De-stigmatizing the Fed’s Discount Window so that it can be a more effective liquidity tool for banks is a major step forward. This bill is thoughtful and important, and one that makes U.S. banking safer and sounder,” said Eugene A. Ludwig, Former U.S. Comptroller of the Currency.
“We thank Senator Warner for introducing this bill that will ensure banks are operationally ready to borrow from the discount window to meet liquidity needs while also reflecting that readiness in corresponding liquidity regulations and requirements. This is a sensible piece of legislation that seeks to actually respond to the regional banking crisis of March 2023 and help make our financial system work as it is intended,” said Greg Baer, President and CEO of the Bank Policy Institute.
“The 2023 banking crisis and the 2020 COVID crisis each revealed vulnerabilities in the current design of the discount window. The events of March 2023 in particular showed that bank runs can occur faster than they did in the past. To illustrate this point: SVB experienced a total outflow of 25% of deposits in one day. Given this, what is needed is an operational system that allows the transfer of collateral and funds at the push of a button. At the same time, it is also imperative that the Federal Reserve maintain its independence as a liquidity provider to banks, given its clear mandate under Section 10B to act independently. This bill is a foundation in which regulators can build off of to bring the discount window into the 21st century,” said Hal S. Scott, Nomura Professor and Director of the Program on International Financial Systems at Harvard Law School; Director of the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation.
“This bill raises the bar on discount window effectiveness for bank, regulator, and (importantly) supervisor alike; it addresses several operational issues and sources of stigma. The bill makes clear that the default supervisory assumption should no longer be to assign zero value to the approximately $3 trillion of collateral already prepositioned at the Federal Reserve—an amount set to continue to grow, particularly under the direction of this bill. Importantly, the bill also calls for examination of the Fed’s current practice of publishing district-by-district activity, which risks ‘outing’ a bank’s discount window borrowing on a weekly basis—as opposed to only after a two-year lag as legislated under the Dodd-Frank Act,” said Steven Kelly, Associate Director of Research at the Yale Program on Financial Stability.
A copy of the legislation is available here. A one-pager of the legislation is available here.
Warner & Kaine Vote to Keep Kids Safe Online
Jul 25 2024
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) released statements after helping to advance the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act, which includes key provisions from legislation that Warner and Kaine cosponsored, to help keep children safe online. The legislation will receive a final vote in the Senate next week.
“I was thrilled to vote today to advance a commonsense set of online safety provisions for kids,” said Sen. Warner. “For years, I’ve been pushing for basic guardrails that would keep kids and teens safer online, because it’s clear the status quo isn’t working. Let’s get the Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act across the finish line and then keep working towards a future where more Americans are safe from harassment, intimidation, and dark patterns online.”
“We need to take commonsense steps to protect children from the adverse impacts of social media, which we know can include bullying, higher rates of anxiety and depression, and other issues,” said Sen. Kaine. “I’m glad to have voted today to advance bipartisan legislation that can help us do that, by banning targeted ads, disabling addictive product features, strengthening privacy settings, and more for minors online. I look forward to voting on the bill’s final passage next week, and will continue to do all that I can to keep Virginians safe, both online and offline.”
Broadcast-quality video of Warner and Kaine discussing the bill is available here and here, respectively.
The Kids Online Safety and Privacy Act would:
- Ban advertisements targeted toward children.
- Require social media platforms to provide minors with options to protect their information, disable addictive product features, and opt out of algorithmic recommendations.
- Require social media platforms to enable the strongest privacy settings by default on accounts created by minors.
- Provide parents and children with a dedicated channel to report harms to kids—such as anxiety, depression, physical violence, online bullying, or sexual exploitation—to the platform.
- Create a responsibility for social media platforms to prevent and mitigate harms to minors, such as promotion of suicide, eating disorders, substance abuse, sexual exploitation, and unlawful products for minors (e.g. gambling and alcohol).
- Require social media platforms to perform an annual independent audit that assesses the risks to minors, their compliance with this legislation, and whether the platform is taking meaningful steps to prevent those harms.
- Provide academic and public interest organizations with access to critical datasets from social media platforms to foster research regarding harms to the safety and well-being of minors.
Warner, Thune, Peters & Malliotakis Introduce Legislation to Address Student Debt Crisis
Jul 25 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and John Thune (R-SD), alongside U.S. Reps. Scott Peters (CA-50) and Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11) introduced the Employer Participation in Repayment Act – bipartisan legislation to help Americans tackle their student loan debt by making permanent a provision that allows employers to contribute up to $5,250 tax-free to their employees’ student loans.
In 2020, Sens. Warner and Thune along with Rep. Peters negotiated the inclusion of a provision in the CARES Act that allowed these contributions temporarily. Later that year, as part of the government spending package, they secured an extension allowing this benefit through January 1, 2026. By making this tax benefit permanent, today’s legislation would provide employees with much-needed relief and employers with a unique and permanent tool to attract and retain talented employees.
“Too many young Americans are struggling under the weight of student debt, preventing them from establishing savings, buying homes, and building wealth,” said Sen. Warner. “My Employer Participation in Repayment Act took an important step to help folks pay down their debt while also giving employers a powerful tool to recruit and retain the best talent, but it’s set to expire soon. I’m proud to be pushing to make this benefit permanent so we can grow our economy and support the middle class by supporting recent graduates and employers alike.”
“Incentivizing employers to help repay their employees’ student loans was a common-sense step Congress took to address the high levels of student debt that borrowers face,” said Sen. Thune. “The Warner-Thune bill would permanently equip employers with this unique tool to help attract and retain talented employees while protecting American taxpayers from costly burdens. This is a win-win for graduates and their employers, and I hope it will once again garner strong, bipartisan support.”
“I relied on student loans to get through college when the cost of higher education was much lower than it is today. Now, the collective debt among Americans is $1.7 trillion, which limits our economic growth and young people’s economic prospects,” said Rep. Peters. “Over the last four years, this program has been a huge success — helping employers pay off thousands of employees’ loans and compete for the best talent. This public-private collaboration has proven itself as a cost-effective solution to the student debt crisis and it is imperative that we make it permanent.”
“Over the past 20 years, the cost to attend college has risen 45 percent, forcing students to choose between pursuing higher education and taking on tens of thousands of dollars in burdensome student loan debt,” Rep. Malliotakis said. “Our bipartisan legislation will allow millions of students and recent graduates to continue receiving reimbursement through their employer up to $5,250 per year tax-free, which can be used to repay student loans, pay tuition, and purchase required books, supplies, and equipment for academic courses. This tax incentive will continue to strengthen our workforce, increase our nation’s competitiveness, and provide much-needed economic relief to millions of Americans who are struggling to make ends meet during this time of record-high inflation.”
Reports estimate that Americans owe a combined $1.74 trillion dollars in student loan debt. This debt is a significant financial burden that not only influences the way the American workforce saves and spends, but also has a stifling effect on the economy. This legislation would update an existing federal program so that it works better for employees living with the reality of burdensome student loan debt.
The legislation has support from numerous educational organizations.
“The American Council on Education strongly supports the ‘Employer Participation in Repayment Act,’ which would make permanent the CARES Act expansion of Sec. 127 to cover student loan repayment assistance. Many Americans are paying off student loans while balancing the needs of their families and achieving new skills to advance in their careers. This legislation would provide employers the opportunity to support their employees in pursuing education and/or to manage their student loan debt, which represents a win-win for employers and employees. This expansion of Sec. 127 potentially also could generate substantial private sector funds for student loan repayment through a new public-private partnership to help ease the burden of future and current student loan debt on students and recent graduates. Thank you for your leadership on this important issue,”said the American Council on Education (ACE).
“AICCU is proud to endorse the Employer Participation in Repayment Act, introduced by Congressmembers Nicole Malliotakis and Scott Peters. The independent higher education sector in California enrolls 54% of California graduate students, making the sector the leader in educating the state’s advanced workforce. This bill would make permanent the expansion of Section 127 and will encourage employees to complete their degrees or aspire to upskill and attain a certificate or advanced degree and reinvest them back in with their employer. This is a win-win-win situation for all—the employer, staff, and the postsecondary institution. Thank you, Congressmembers Peters and Malliotakis, for your joint leadership on this critical issue,” said Kristen Soares, President of AICCU.
“Employers and workers alike have benefited from the COVID-era laws allowing Section 127 benefits to be provided to employees for the purpose of repaying student loans. Unfortunately, when the bills were signed into law, Congress included an expiration date for the end of 2025, meaning employees could soon be stripped of a benefit that has eased the financial burden of repaying costly loans during a time of high inflation, and employers could lose a benefit they have offered to attract and retain employees. CUPA-HR therefore fully supports this bill to ensure modern Section 127 benefits are made permanent,” said Andy Brantley, President and Chief Executive Officer at the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR).
“The Consortium of Hospital-Affiliated Colleges and Universities (CHACU) endorses this important legislation to make the student loan repayment expansion permanent. It provides confidence to students entering critically in-demand healthcare careers such nursing, as well as the hospitals seeking to attract and retain them. Thank you for this legislation which will strongly support nursing and allied health education,” said Nate Brandstater, President of Kettering College and CHACU Member.
“Fidelity Investments commends the bipartisan introduction of the Employer Participation in Repayment Act. As a market leader for student debt workplace benefits since 2016, Fidelity applauds the proposal to create a permanent path for employers to seamlessly contribute to and ease the student debt burden of their employees. Originally enacted as part of the CARES Act, this bill ensures an impactful public-private solution to the country’s growing student debt crisis that can continue to enhance the financial well-being of hard-working Americans and bolster the recruiting and retention strength of companies seeking to offer this benefit. We look forward to working with Congress to enact this legislation into law,” said Jesse Moore, Senior Vice President, Head of Student Debt at Fidelity Investments.
“The National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) is pleased to support bipartisan legislation that would make permanent the expansion of IRC Sec. 127. This expansion to allow student loan repayment assistance should absolutely be a permanent benefit and not expire next year as currently scheduled. This assistance helps working students, employers, and ultimately the U.S. economy. Section 127 benefits play a critical role in maintaining U.S. competitiveness and preventing the accumulation of student debt by enabling employers to fund the training, development and education of their employees, without imposing tax burdens on those employees for the education they receive. Employees use these benefits to pursue their educational and career goals and use amounts provided by their employer to either help pay for the cost of tuition or repay student loans,” said Karin Johns, Director of Tax Policy at the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
“The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has long supported efforts to ease the burden of student loan debt. The Employer Participation in Repayment Act is a useful tool in easing the weight of student debt. NAR applauds the leadership from Representatives Peters and Malliotakis and Senators Warner and Thune in making this change permanent. This legislation creates a win-win for both employers in search of attracting and maintaining talented workers and employees who will receive relief on their debt, enabling them to save money for important life decisions like purchasing a home,” said Kevin Sears, President of the National Association of Realtors®.
“We are proud to continue to support this initiative and thank Congressmember Peters for his commitment to San Diego’s small businesses,” said Jerry Sanders, President and CEO of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce. “By expanding the benefits employers can offer employees through student debt repayment, the Employer Participation in Repayment Act of 2024 is helping strengthen efforts to attract and retain workers, especially for small business owners.”
“SHRM is proud to support the Employer Participation in Repayment Act, a bipartisan bill that would permanently allow employers to help employees pay off their student loans. SHRM has long championed policies that allow employers to offer education assistance programs that meet the needs of today’s workforce. This legislation would benefit millions of Americans who are struggling with student loan debt, while simultaneously providing employers with a strategic advantage in attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive job market,” said Emily M. Dickens, Chief of Staff and Head of Government Affairs at SHRM.
“Extending the tax exclusion for employer-provided student loan repayment assistance is crucial for today’s U.S. workforce and is 100% aligned with employer perspectives on these benefits,” says Scott Thompson, CEO of “As the cost of higher education continues to skyrocket, this benefit enables companies to foster a more educated and skilled workforce, while helping their employees cover basic living expenses, a challenge for so many people today. Since started administering contributions in 2016, employers on our platform have helped pay down student loan debt for hundreds of thousands of employees in key sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, and technology. We at strongly support making these benefits under Section 127 permanent, as their removal would be a significant setback for both corporations and their employees,” said Scott Thompson, CEO of
"The enormity of this bipartisan initiative cannot be understated. Extending educational assistance benefits to permanently include tax-free student loan repayments will be transformational both for those holding student debt and for employers. As the workforce continues to place an increasing emphasis on financial stability, tax-free employer contributions will be the center of focus for many employers going forward. Highway Benefits has been proud to be able to help companies of all sizes offer this benefit. We look forward to continuing to work with congress in order to make sure that tax-free student loan repayments are here to stay," said Mick MacLaverty, CEO of Highway Benefits.
Full text of the legislation can be found here. A summary of the legislation can be found here.
Warner, Kaine Introduce Legislation to Rename Purcellville Post Office after Madeleine Albright
Jul 24 2024
WASHINGTON — Yesterday, U.S. Sens. Mark Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) introduced legislation to rename the Purcellville, Virginia post office in honor of Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State who called Virginia home for many years.
“We are proud to support the renaming of the Purcellville post office to honor former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,” said the senators. “Madeleine Albright’s story is marked by her remarkable resilience and commitment to service. Naming this post office after her would be a fitting tribute recognizing her lasting influence on not only Virginia, but the whole of the United States.”
Madeleine Albright and her family fled their home country of Czechoslovakia in 1939 as Nazis seized power throughout the region. They later immigrated to the United States where she quickly excelled and paved the way for generations of women as she rose to serve at the highest levels of government. As ambassador to the United Nations under President Bill Clinton and then as the first woman to serve as Secretary of State, Secretary Albright demonstrated her capability in advancing the United States’ national security. Following her career in public service, Secretary Albright served as a professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, imparting her skills, experience and wisdom to the next generation of American leaders. In 2012, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the U.S., by President Barack Obama.
Representative Jennifer Wexton introduced companion legislation, which passed earlier this year, in the House of Representatives.
WASHINGTON – Ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s joint meeting of Congress, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairs of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Senate Armed Services Committee, wrote to President Biden to support a deal that ends the Gaza conflict, secures the return of all hostages, and ensures Israel’s long-term security through meaningful and tangible steps towards a two-state outcome for Israelis and Palestinians living side by side in equal measures of security, dignity, prosperity, and peace. The Chairs reiterated their commitment to Israel’s greater integration into the region, including through normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia, as part of a comprehensive plan for peace. They underscored that only a holistic approach could break the cycle of violence and counter terrorism, and erode the narrative of the Iranian regime, Hamas, and others who seek to sow chaos and despair in the Middle East. Finally, the Chairs reaffirmed the need for regional partners, with the support of allies, to be committed to and invested in such a future where security for both Israelis and Palestinians is ensured.
“We write to express our strong support for the agreement that immediately would release the hostages, and end the conflict in Gaza,” wrote the Chairs. “We commend your focus on moving towards a sustainable and negotiated two-state outcome that ensures Israel’s long-term security as a Jewish and democratic state, living alongside a Palestinian state with equal measures of peace, dignity, and prosperity.”
Full text of the letter is available below:
Dear President Biden:
As the Chairs of the national security committees of the Senate, and in anticipation of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s joint address to Congress, we write to express our strong support for the agreement that immediately would release the hostages, and end the conflict in Gaza. We commend your focus on moving towards a sustainable and negotiated two-state outcome that ensures Israel’s long-term security as a Jewish and democratic state, living alongside a Palestinian state with equal measures of peace, dignity, and prosperity. Such an outcome would be anchored in a historic normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia and Israel’s greater regional integration. We applaud this strategic vision that seeks to counter terrorism and destabilization in the Middle East, and build a more hopeful future. Breaking the cycle of violence can only happen through a holistic approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including meaningful and tangible steps to create a viable path to a two-state outcome for both Israelis and Palestinians.
This strategy begins with an agreement to return all hostages held by Hamas and the establishment of a ceasefire in Gaza. The human cost of the October 7 attacks and the months after has been devastating for both Israelis and innocent Palestinians. While Hamas’ military capabilities have been degraded notably, lasting security rests in denying Hamas what it needs to once again govern and control Gaza. A post conflict strategy for Gaza must be comprehensive and done in cooperation with Arab and international partners to address thoroughly pressing humanitarian needs, security challenges, and governance vacuums.
Critically, to ensure lasting security for Israel and greater regional integration, the approach must include meaningful and tangible steps for a future two-state outcome. As you noted in July 2022, this includes “…two states for two peoples, both of whom have deep and ancient roots in this land, living side by side in peace and security. Both states fully respecting the equal rights of the other citizens. Both peoples enjoying equal measures of freedom and dignity.”
Israel, a reformed Palestinian Authority, and regional partners must be prepared to move the West Bank and Gaza towards a future where two peoples live without fear, and with equal measures of security, dignity, and prosperity. In Gaza, this requires a robust humanitarian, security, and governance plan with commitment and investment from the region. In the West Bank, these steps must include a reformed, capable, and accountable Palestinian Authority that can assume responsibility and security for all Palestinians and is ready and willing to fight terrorism in all its forms.
For Israel, this must include reversing the growing trend towards annexing parts of the West Bank. There are some in Israel, including members of the current government, that do not see peace, safety, and dignity for Palestinians as integral to Israel’s security, and who undermine the future of a two-state outcome. That is why any approach must also build on your Administration’s steps to lay bare the violence that targets innocent Palestinians in the West Bank, and to hold accountable those violent extremists who destroy or expropriate Palestinian land and infrastructure. We urge you to stress to Prime Minister Netanyahu the United States’ significant concerns over these trends in the West Bank. We need to make clear that such violent acts do not make Israel or Israelis safer, and that the United States will continue to address these acts, including through sanctions.
Finally, a strategy to achieve all of these objectives requires Israel’s regional integration, including normalized relations with Saudi Arabia, which in turn offers a path to broader regional security and stability with neighbors who are at peace with one another. This will require regional leaders to make difficult choices, but the alternatives are dark, dangerous, and destabilizing. The Iranian regime, through its network of proxies, destabilizes the region, harms international trade, and poses a direct threat to regional security. Failure to deepen regional integration will not only allow narratives by the Iranian regime, Hamas, and others to prevail but also enable it to dictate the pace of events in the Middle East. Broader regional integration must deal with the threat of terrorism head on. But it also must offer the prospect of hope – the hope of a political horizon towards comprehensive peace.
Regional leaders understand these threats and the potential benefits. We saw a demonstration of the threat on April 13 and 14, when Israel, along with its neighbors were the target of Iran’s attack. Regional leaders know they must step up to ensure the region – including Israel – can live in peace and security.
We are under no illusion that this will be easy and we fully understand that diplomacy requires compromise. But the pre-October 7 status quo is not sustainable. In order for the region to chart a new path forward, one that chooses cooperation and partnership over endless conflict, hope must follow the darkness of October 7 and recent months.
We see an opportunity for enduring peace and security for Israel and greater economic and security integration in the Middle East. Our interests and Israel’s interests stand to be enhanced. The potential benefits are manifold, from checking Iran and its proxy militias to supporting greater regional economic, development, and security integration, and preserving our interests against geopolitical competitors in the Middle East. As you said on May 31, “We can’t lose this moment.” We therefore urge you to seize the opportunity and stand resolute in your commitment to a path that can lead to more enduring stability, prosperity, and security for the United States, Israel, and the entire Middle East.
WASHINGTON – U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Thom Tillis (R-NC) today introduced legislation to provide much-needed tax relief to working artists. The Performing Artist Tax Parity Act of 2024 would update the Qualified Performing Artist (QPA tax deduction), which allows certain performing artists to deduct the cost of expenses incurred in the course of their employment.
The Qualified Performing Artist tax deduction has not been updated since its inception in 1986 and is currently only available to those making less than $16,000 a year, meaning that very few artists qualify. This legislation would update and increase the income ceiling to $100,000 for individuals and $200,000 for married joint filers, allowing more lower- and middle-income performing artists to receive tax relief for work-related expenses.
“The Commonwealth of Virginia has a rich culture fueled by small local artists who often use their own funds to subsidize their work,” Sen. Warner said. “I am proud to introduce legislation that updates an outdated tax deduction in order to help more artists cover costs of work-related expenses.”
“I am honored to introduce this legislation in support of North Carolina’s vibrant artistic community,” Sen. Tillis said. “This bill eliminates an unnecessary burden in our tax code, simplifying the path for artists to pursue their creative endeavors.”
Sen. Warner first introduced this legislation in 2021 amid recovery efforts from the COVID-19 pandemic that hit artists especially hard. The Performing Artist Tax Parity Act is endorsed by numerous organizations advocating for the rights of emerging artists, including the Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO, the Actors’ Equity Association, the Theatre Communications Group, and the Recording Academy/GRAMMYs. Companion legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives by Reps. Judy Chu (D-CA) and Vern Buchanan (R-FL).
“The film, television, and streaming industry supports more than 2.74 million jobs nationwide. The Performing Artist Tax Parity Act (PATPA) rightly supports these workers by allowing them to deduct necessary work expenses when filing their taxes. The MPA again joins others in the creative community to proudly endorse the bipartisan PATPA,” said Charles Rivkin, Chairman and CEO, Motion Picture Association.
“The Performing Artist Tax Parity Act (PATPA) is a needed bill that affords hardworking artists tax fairness so they can continue producing art despite the ever-increasing cost of living and supplies,” said Nina Ozlu Tunceli, Executive Director of the Americans for the Arts Action Fund.
“I want to thank Sens. Mark Warner and Thom Tillis for re-introducing this important legislation. They are great champions of the creative professionals that keep our industry successful,” said Fran Drescher, SAG-AFTRA president. “People don't realize how much performers must invest in themselves to be eligible before they secure a paying job. But our Congressional members must know that in order to protect the journeyman performer’s legitimate business deductions. We have been fighting for this legislation because it will allow working class entertainment and media professionals to cope with the escalating increase of their business expenses.”
“The Performing Artist Tax Parity Act (PATPA) is a top priority for DPE and its affiliate unions in the arts, entertainment, and media industries. PATPA will restore tax fairness for middle-class, union creative professionals who have faced steep tax bills since losing the ability to deduct business expenses associated with pursuing their careers. I commend Senators Warner and Tillis for reintroducing PATPA in the Senate,” said Jennifer Dorning, President, Department for Professional Employees, AFL-CIO (DPE).
“The Writers Guild of America East supports the immediate passage of the Performing Artist Tax Parity Act. This much-needed bipartisan legislation will reinstate workers’ ability to deduct common work expense,” said Lisa Takeuchi Cullen, President of the Writers Guild of America East.
“RIAA applauds Senators Warner and Tillis’ leadership addressing the unique challenges artists and musicians face under the tax code. We strongly support their effort to establish a more equitable performers’ deduction through their Performing Artist Tax Parity Act (PATPA). A healthy creative ecosystem – including fair tax rules – lays the groundwork for more jobs in music and for future stars to break through,” said Mitch Glazier, Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) Chairman & CEO.
“Theatre artists accumulate many unique expenses in order to keep creating necessary dialogue, reflection, and art on our nation’s stages,” said Erica Lauren Ortiz, Director of Advocacy & Governance, Theatre Communications Group. “They often create art at personal financial sacrifice, and their investments bring together audiences and stimulate the economy in cities and towns across America. Theatre Communications Group is proud to support the Performing Arts Parity Tax Act, a tax correction that which will place money back into the hands of these working artists, when our field so urgently needs support.”
“I commend Senators Warner and Tillis for championing this commonsense, bipartisan legislation that will help thousands of middle class behind-the-scenes entertainment workers keep more of their hard-earned money in their pockets,” said IATSE International President Matthew D. Loeb. “The largely freelance nature of the arts and entertainment industry requires IATSE members to spend on necessary expenses to secure and maintain employment. The Senators recognize that entertainment workers deserve tax fairness and should be able to deduct the cost of the equipment, tools, and travel necessary to do their jobs.”
“From stage managers to actors, musicians and stagehands, the overwhelming majority of arts professionals are hardworking Americans who have been paying hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars more in taxes because of an inadvertent oversight when Congress last passed tax reform,” said Brooke Shields, president of Actors’ Equity Association. “Senators Warner and Tillis have introduced a simple bipartisan fix that will level the playing field for arts workers, many of whom spend thousands of dollars out of pocket on business expenses. We’re grateful for the leadership of Senators Warner and Tillis for reintroducing this critical legislation that has the support of workers and employers in the arts community.”
A copy of the bill text can be found here.
NEW YORK – U.S. Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Mike Crapo (R-ID), co-chairs of the Community Development Finance Caucus, along with U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo, today held an event at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to celebrate the two-year anniversary of the Economic Opportunity Coalition (EOC) and new deposit commitments from companies including BNY, Google, KKR, and VISA. This event follows last week’s announcement that Exelon Corporation, Edison International, and Southern Company have joined the procurement pledge to expand opportunities for small and historically underutilized companies.
“In only two years, the Economic Opportunity Coalition has made historic strides to sync our tremendous progress on CDFIs with the tremendous resources of the banking and corporate world,” said Sen. Warner. “As the EOC continues to grow and unlock billions more in investments, it’s clear that we’re bound for even more progress on getting capital to underserved communities across America. I look forward to continuing to work alongside the EOC and maintaining our strong legislative momentum in the Senate on this deeply important priority.”
“CDFIs are necessary for those outside the financial mainstream to gain self-sufficiency,” said Sen. Crapo. “This announcement is another step forward in the goal of CDFIs supporting new and innovative approaches to spurring economic growth and access to capital in underserved communities. I applaud the buy-in from the financial sector as Coalition members continue to support public-private partnerships that empower small businesses.”
“Expanding access to capital is key to creating economic opportunity for all communities,” said Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo. “Community lenders have received historic levels of public and private support during the Biden-Harris Administration, and Economic Opportunity Coalition investments are helping small businesses grow and hire nationwide. The Treasury Department looks forward to continuing to work with leading U.S. companies to put additional commitments to work in communities across the country.”
“Today, I am pleased by the continued support for the EOC’s deposits initiatives provided by our members,” said Christopher Weaver, Executive Director of the Economic Opportunity Coalition. “The additional deposits announced today are another important milestone for the EOC, and we could not have achieved it without the committed support of our members. I thank all our partners for continuing to work with us, and look forward to building on the achievements announced today, as we strive to build and grow our deposits commitments as a means of wealth creation opportunities for underserved individuals, businesses, and communities.”
Today’s event honoring new members to the Economic Opportunity Coalition and a new round of deposits follows a June 2023 announcement that the Economic Opportunity Coalition secured $1 billion in committed deposits in Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) in order to expand their lending power for underserved communities and small businesses.
Launched by Vice President Harris in July 2022, the Economic Opportunity Coalition is a historic public-private partnership composed of dozens of corporations and foundations to create wealth in underserved communities. One of the priorities of the EOC is increase access to capital in underserved communities, which motivated the launch of a deposit initiative that facilitates the placement of fully FDIC-insured deposits into CDFI depositories.
In the past several years, Sens. Warner and Crapo have led efforts to grow the lending capacity of CDFIs. Sens. Warner and Crapo secured a record $12 billion federal investment to help underserved communities access capital as part of the bipartisan COVID relief package approved by Congress at the end of 2020. They also lead the Community Development Finance Caucus, a bipartisan group of 26 senators – 13 Democrats and 13 Republicans – that coordinate to support and expand funding for CDFIs across the country. The senators also champion comprehensive legislation to support CDFIs, including the Scaling Community Lenders Act, bipartisan legislation to unlock more sources of liquidity for CDFIs.
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s decision to step aside as the Democratic nominee for President:
“This nation owes Joe Biden a debt of gratitude for putting everything on hold to run in 2020 and taking the reins as President during a particularly turbulent time. He charted a bright path forward for our nation after four tumultuous years under the former administration.
“President Biden has made historic contributions to our nation. His love of country and loyalty to the American people has been unwavering. He will undoubtedly go down in the history books as a true American patriot.
“After all he’s done, I respect President Biden’s difficult decision to step aside in this upcoming election, and I look forward to hearing more from him later this week.
“While there has to be an orderly process and the decision ultimately rests in the hands of the DNC delegates, I believe Vice President Harris has the experience, energy, and resolve to lead our nation.
“This November, we must defeat Donald Trump and his backwards agenda.”
Warner, Kaine Announce Nearly $18 Million in Federal Funding for Restoration and Resiliency Projects
Jul 18 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced $17.5 million in federal funding for restoration and resiliency projects that benefit coastal communities and tribes across the Commonwealth. The funding was awarded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience grant program and made possible by the bipartisan infrastructure law and Inflation Reduction Act, which Sens. Warner and Kaine helped pass.
“We are fortunate to have such bountiful natural resources in Virginia, which is why we have championed efforts to protect and support Virginia’s great outdoors,” the Senators said. “This funding will help us continue combating climate change and preserve our beautiful Commonwealth.”
This funding is broken down as follows:
- Ducks Unlimited will receive $9.5 million in funding to restore Swan Cove, the southernmost impoundment at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge on Assateague Island.
- The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources will receive $8 million in funding to protect eroding marshes at Ragged Island Wildlife Management Area in Isle of Wight County.
NOAA Fisheries’ announcement comes as a part of $286 million soon to be deployed across the nation to support critical ecosystems that will be affected by climate change and extreme weather over the coming decades. Sens. Warner and Kaine are strong advocates for Virginia’s environment. In May, they announced another $14 million in funding for conservation projects across the Commonwealth.
Statement of U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner on Assassination Attempt of Former President Donald Trump
Jul 13 2024
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement:
"There is no place for political violence in a democracy. I’m monitoring this terrible situation and praying for all those at the Pennsylvania rally."
Warner & Kaine Announce over $1.5 Million in Federal Funding to Support Local Food Production in Lynchburg
Jul 12 2024
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced $1,574,898 in federal funding for Seven Hills Food Company in Lynchburg to expand processing, address capacity limitations, add new value-added products to the plant, and support the addition of a farmer liaison to coordinate expanded production. The funding is possible thanks to the American Rescue Plan, which both senators voted for and passed in the Senate by one vote.
“By investing in local farmers and producers, we can strengthen our food supply chains, lower food costs for Virginians, and create a more sustainable local economy,“ said the Senators. “We’re glad to help secure this funding to enable Seven Hills to increase their processing capacity and help connect local producers to consumers.”
The investment is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Local Meat Capacity Grant program, which supports independently owned meat and poultry processing businesses with grant funds to provide more and better processing options for local livestock producers by modernizing, increasing, diversifying, and decentralizing meat and poultry processing capacity.
Last year, Kaine met with farmers in Unionville, Verona, and Fishersville to discuss challenges they’re facing. He also met, alongside USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh, with underserved farmers and producers in Harrisonburg who benefited from USDA’s distressed borrowers program, which was created through the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act, which both senators voted for and also passed in the Senate by one vote.
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, (both D-VA) announced $17,136,632 in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Labor will be coming to Virginia to support workforce development, expand Registered Apprenticeship programming, and benefit public-private partnerships across a range of industries, including K-12 education, clean energy, transportation, and advanced manufacturing.
“Creating jobs is one of our top priorities, which is why we were proud to help pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS and Science Act,” said the Senators. “But it’s equally important that Virginians can access the training they need to harness new opportunities, including the many jobs those bills have produced. We’re thrilled that $17 million in resources is coming to the Commonwealth to help put those kinds of high-quality training programs within reach.”
The funding coming will be allocated as follows:
- The Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement will receive two allocations of funding totaling $7,136,652 to support the expansion of Registered Apprenticeship in industries such as K-12 education, transportation, clean energy, supply chain, hospitality, care economy, and other public sector occupations. The Department will distribute the funding to entities throughout Virginia.
- The Hampton Roads Workforce Council in Norfolk will receive $6,000,000 to support public-private partnerships that serve a range of industries and individuals to better workforce in in-demand fields.
- Northern Virginia Community College in Annandale will receive $3,999,980 to support public-private partnerships that serve a range of industries and individuals to better workforce in in-demand fields.
Warner Urges Biden Administration to Release Updated Cybersecurity Policies in the Health Care Sector
Jul 12 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) wrote to Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra and Deputy National Security Advisor Anne Neuberger to quickly develop and release mandatory minimum cyber standards for the health care sector. This letter comes as cyberattackers continue to exploit vulnerabilities in many current systems.
“I write today to urge you to prioritize the development of mandatory minimum cyber standards and to propose them as soon as possible, given the increasing severity, frequency, and sophistication of cybersecurity threats and attacks. Health care is one of the largest sectors in the U.S. economy, with health expenditures accounting for 17 percent of the United States’ gross domestic product in 2022, and expected to grow to nearly 20 percent by 2032. More important than the economic risks cyberattacks pose to the health care sector are the vulnerabilities to patients’ access to care and private health information. Simply put, inadequate cybersecurity practices put people’s lives at risk,” Sen. Warner wrote.
This letter comes months after a major cybersecurity incident at Change Healthcare affected billing and care authorization portals and led to prescription backlogs and missed revenue for providers. This attack, and other similar attempts, pose a serious risk not only to regular business operations, but also to patient care. In his letter, Sen. Warner highlighted that without basic security measures, these attacks are relatively easy to carry out and will happen with more frequency.
Sen. Warner continued, “Due to some entities failing to implement basic cybersecurity best practices, such as the lack of multi-factor authentication resulting in the successful attack on Change Healthcare, the capability required of a threat actor to carry out an operation in the sector can be quite low.”
Sen. Warner has been a leader in the cybersecurity realm throughout his time in the Senate, crafting numerous pieces of legislation aimed at addressing these threats facing our nation. Recognizing that cybersecurity is an increasingly complex issue that affects the health, economic prosperity, national security, and democratic institutions of the United States, Sen. Warner cofounded the bipartisan Senate Cybersecurity Caucus in 2016. A year later, in 2017, he authored the Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act. This legislation, signed into law by President Donald Trump in December 2020, requires that any IoT device purchased with federal funds meet minimum security standards. As Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Warner co-authored legislation that requires companies responsible for U.S. critical infrastructure report cybersecurity incidents to the government. This legislation was signed into law by President Joe Biden as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act in March 2022.
Sen. Warner has also examined cybersecurity in the health care sector specifically. In 2022, Sen. Warner authored “Cybersecurity is Patient Safety,” a policy options paper, outlining current cybersecurity threats facing health care providers and systems and offering for discussion a series of policy solutions to improve cybersecurity across the industry. Since publishing, Sen. Warner has launched the Health Care Cybersecurity Working Group with a bipartisan group of colleagues to examine and propose potential legislative solutions to strengthen cybersecurity in the health care and public health sector.
A copy of the letter can be found here are below.
Dear Secretary Becerra and Ms. Neuberger:
Thank you for your continued commitment to improving cybersecurity in America’s health care system. I write today to urge you to prioritize the development of mandatory minimum cyber standards and to propose them as soon as possible, given the increasing severity, frequency, and sophistication of cybersecurity threats and attacks. Health care is one of the largest sectors in the U.S. economy, with health expenditures accounting for 17 percent of the United States’ gross domestic product in 2022, and expected to grow to nearly 20 percent by 2032. More important than the economic risks cyberattacks pose to the health care sector are the vulnerabilities to patients’ access to care and private health information. Simply put, inadequate cybersecurity practices put people’s lives at risk.
Financially-motivated threat actors realize that the sector has both highly valuable data in its possession and also faces tremendous pressure to respond quickly to a ransomware demand. Health records are more valuable than credit card records on the dark market and disruptions to operations of health care providers have direct impact on the life and well-being of their patients. Due to some entities failing to implement basic cybersecurity best practices, such as the lack of multi-factor authentication resulting in the successful attack on Change Healthcare, the capability required of a threat actor to carry out an operation in the sector can be quite low.
Further, both the size and increasingly interconnected nature of the sector create a vulnerable attack surface. Not only do attacks against the sector often result in the loss of highly personal and sensitive data, those attacks have also affected the ability of providers to maintain the availability and quality of their care. We have seen devastating incidents, including the recent cyberattack on Change Healthcare, that ultimately took down the ability of providers to pay their workers and prevented pharmacists from looking up patient insurance and co-pay information. The recent cyberattack on the nationwide provider, Ascension, has also resulted in delays in care. And we have a growing body of evidence that clearly demonstrates that cybersecurity is, above all else, a patient safety issue.
The health care sector must be fully engaged in developing, implementing, and maintaining a coherent and effective cybersecurity regime; accepting cyberattacks due to lack of preparedness cannot and should not be a cost of doing business. The stakes are too high, and the voluntary nature of the status quo is not working, especially regarding health care stakeholders that are systemically important nationally or regionally. Mandatory minimum cyber standards would ensure that all health care stakeholders prioritize cybersecurity in their work.
Policymakers, cybersecurity professionals, and patients alike have long been raising the alarm that the voluntary nature of cybersecurity in health care is insufficient and dangerous. It’s critical that the Administration expeditiously act to create mandatory, enforceable policies in the health care sector.
Warner, Rubio Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Ensure Diverse, Secure Supply of Critical Minerals
Jul 11 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mark R. Warner (D-VA) and Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL), joined by U.S. Sens. Angus King (I-ME), Chris Coons (D-DE), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Mark Kelly (D-AZ), introduced legislation to develop a strategy and global approach to ensure that the U.S., its allies and global partners can count on a diverse and secure end-to-end supply of critical minerals.
Critical minerals, such as lithium, nickel, cobalt, and rare earth elements, are necessary inputs for technologies that play critical roles in our national security, including military equipment and defense systems, as well as emerging technologies such as electric vehicles and storage for our power grid. However, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) currently dominates the mining, processing, and manufacturing of the majority of these minerals. U.S. dependence on the PRC for the procurement of these critical minerals raises substantial economic and national security concerns. To combat the dominance of the PRC, this legislation would ensure a secure supply of these minerals.
“The global demand for critical minerals continues to grow at exponential rates, and it is crucial that the U.S. identify secure sources of these minerals so that we can count on them for national security and critical infrastructure applications,” said Chairman Warner. “Currently, China dominates the critical mineral industry and is actively working to ensure that the U.S. does not catch up. The U.S. must, alongside allies, take meaningful steps to protect and expand our production and procurement of these critical minerals. This legislation will serve as a roadmap for the U.S. to counter China’s dominance in this sector.”
“Our national security interests are heavily dependent on critical minerals, which are vital for modern technology and national defense. The U.S. must have a comprehensive response to China’s dominion over the global critical mineral industry. With our consensus package, Senator Warner and I hope to free our nation's supply chains from China’s industrial monopoly,” said Vice Chairman Rubio.
Specifically the legislation would enhance diplomatic and financial tools to support public and private sectors in securing and processing these minerals by:
- Streamlining diplomatic efforts for securing minerals;
- Establishing diplomatic support for private sector investments abroad;
- Enhancing financial tools of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM);
- Creating a fund to assist investments in critical minerals;
- Enhancing public-private information sharing on manipulative adversary practices;
- Creating a public website to assist private sector companies in navigating government resources and financial support; and
- Expanding allied partnerships to secure critical minerals.
The legislation would also work to increase U.S. procurement of critical minerals in order offset China’s ability to manipulate and monopolize the market, including by:
- Requiring a report on the use of and need for new or expanded authorities to increase domestic production and procurement;
- Requiring an assessment on imposing duties on imported minerals, in particular from China; and
- Requiring a whole-of-government effort to develop workforce training programs to advance end-to-end critical mineral capabilities.
This is latest step that the Senate Intelligence Committee leaders have taken to counter China’s dominance in this key sector. Last year, Chairman Warner and Vice Chairman Rubio hosted government officials and domestic industry leaders for a roundtable discussion on access to critical minerals. During that roundtable, industry leaders asked for more robust government support in identifying unfair and corrupt practices by foreign adversaries. Specifically, private sector companies attempting to secure critical mineral projects abroad have faced PRC efforts to spread disinformation to foreign host governments about U.S. companies, steal U.S. company IP, and sabotage U.S. company contracts. As a result of that meeting, earlier this year, Chairman Warner and Vice Chairman Rubio introduced legislation to improve information sharing between the Intelligence Community and U.S. companies in order to mitigate foreign adversaries’ efforts to thwart U.S. involvement in projects relating to energy generation and storage, including in the critical minerals industry.
Chairman Warner and Vice Chairman Rubio have also led efforts to secure supply chains and reduce U.S. reliance on the PRC for critical minerals through increased government support to U.S. private sector companies that are investing and operating in critical mineral projects.
Text of the bill is available here.
Sens. Warner & Kaine Applaud Announcement of Federal Funding to Upgrade Volvo Operations in New River Valley
Jul 11 2024
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) applauded an announcement from the Department of Energy that Mack and Volvo Trucks will be awarded over $208 million in federal funding through the Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grant Program. The funding was made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, which the senators voted to pass. The funding will upgrade operations, sustain 7,900 union jobs, and create 295 new jobs in Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania. In Virginia, it will support electric heavy-duty vehicle production at Volvo’s New River Valley (NRV) truck manufacturing facility by creating a mixed model assembly line. Warner and Kaine wrote a letter in support of Mack and Volvo Trucks’ application earlier this year.
“I am thrilled to see today’s announcement investing in the domestic manufacturing of clean vehicles. This funding, courtesy of the Inflation Reduction Act I was proud to help pass, will help transform Volvo’s work in the New River Valley, bringing jobs to the region and boosting the local economy,” said Sen. Warner. “This funding will also continue to bring American manufacturing into the 21st century by boosting the production of electric heavy-duty vehicles and the necessary infrastructure to support these vehicles.”
“The Inflation Reduction Act, which we passed in the Senate by one vote, made historic investments to increase domestic manufacturing of electric vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help ensure clean air for generations to come,” said Sen. Kaine. “And now those investments are coming to Volvo Trucks to expand its operations in the New River Valley. I was glad to visit Volvo’s Dublin plant last year to see the hard work of the facility’s employees and test drive an electric truck. I’m thrilled to see how this investment will create jobs, expand the facility’s capacity and production, and boost economic growth in the region.”
NRV is the largest Volvo Trucks manufacturing facility in the world. Volvo Trucks is the second largest employer in the New River Valley, sustaining 3,600 jobs in Dublin, including 3,200 United Automobile Workers (UAW) jobs. In April 2023, Kaine toured the Volvo Trucks NRV facility in Dublin, met with employees, and drove a Volvo VNR Electric truck.
The Inflation Reduction Act provided $2 billion in grants for the Domestic Manufacturing Conversion Grant Program to increase domestic production of efficient hybrid, plug-in electric hybrid, plug-in electric drive, and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles.
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) and U.S. Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) and Rob Wittman (R-VA-01) met with U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to receive a status update on the U.S. Postal Service’s (USPS) ongoing work to improve service in Virginia while implementing new efficiency reforms. A representative from U.S. Representative Jennifer McClellan’s (D-VA-04) office attended the meeting as well.
“Today, we met with Postmaster DeJoy for a productive conversation on the progress made since our last meeting—and continued to voice the concerns of Virginians who know there is still significant room for improvement,” the members said. “While we are glad to see some gains in the on-time delivery rate in Virginia, there’s much more work to do. We will continue to press for increased transparency, greater engagement with the public, and a higher standard of service for communities across Virginia.”
Following advocacy by the Virginia Congressional Delegation, the one-time delivery rate of first-class mail in Virginia improved from 66% to 77.4% during the first quarter of this year. More recent data shows additional improvement. But there is still much work necessary to meet the USPS goal of 93%.
Today’s meeting came after an April meeting between DeJoy and members of Virginia’s congressional delegation, in which the members emphasized their concerns regarding the USPS IG’s report on the Richmond Regional Processing and Distribution Center (RPDC) in Sandston. The report highlighted various issues including an egregious lack of attention to detail, such as pieces of mail falling off conveyor belts and being lost; poor synchronizing between machines processing mail at the facility and the trucks transporting mail to and from the facility; and broader questions about whether the RPDC model is generating the promised cost savings and efficiency improvements.
U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner on Senate's Failure to Advance Reproductive Freedom for Women Act
Jul 10 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on the Senate’s failure to advance the Reproductive Freedom for Women Act, Warner-cosponsored legislation that would affirm the Senate’s support for protecting and restoring access to abortion and reproductive health care across the country:
“In the two years since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we have seen unprecedented attacks on women’s reproductive health care in Virginia and across the country. This legislation posed a simple question – do you support protecting access to abortion and reproductive care? I am disappointed by how many of my colleagues answered ‘no’ today, but I will continue working to ensure that women have the right to make their own decisions about their health care.”
Following the Dobbs decision, Sen. Warner has strongly advocated for legislation to protect Americans’ access to reproductive health care. Earlier this year, Sen. Warner cosponsored and voted to pass the Right to IVF Act, legislation that would have protected and expanded access to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and other assisted reproductive technology (ART) services nationwide, as well as the Right to Contraception Act, legislation to codify a right to birth control. Both of these efforts were blocked by Republicans. Last year, Sen. Warner also cosponsored the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), federal legislation to guarantee access to abortion care across the country.
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, (both D-VA) announced $1,935,757 in Public Health funding from AmeriCorps — the federal agency for national service and volunteerism — and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This funding for Virginia will go towards building the capacity of the public health workforce and bolstering efforts relating to mental health, chronic disease prevention, and public health readiness. Through this funding, Public Health AmeriCorps members will continue to gain experience in the public health field while supporting local health efforts and community-based organizations.
“AmeriCorps members across Virginia work hard to create positive change for the communities they serve,” said the Senators. “This federal funding will allow volunteers to continue their important work of addressing some of the Commonwealth’s biggest health care needs.”
The funding, which was made possible through the annual federal budget that Sens. Warner and Kaine helped pass, is broken down as follows:
- Volunteers of America, Inc. in Alexandria, VA will receive $432,000 in funding to continue supporting 16 AmeriCorps members;
- The City of Richmond will receive $431,317 in in funding to continue supporting 16 AmeriCorps members;
- Catholic Charities USA in Alexandria, VA will receive $314,306 in funding to continue supporting 14 AmeriCorps members;
- Blue Ridge Medical Center in Nelson County, VA will receive $312,659 in funding to continue supporting 34 AmeriCorps members;
- Boat People SOS, Inc. in Falls Church, VA will receive $226,797 in funding to continue supporting 12 AmeriCorps members;
- The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research in Danville, VA will receive $218,678 in funding to continue supporting 15 AmeriCorps members.
Since the launch of Public Health AmeriCorps in 2021, more than 4,700 AmeriCorps members have added much-needed capacity to health departments, community-based organizations, schools and more. This partnership has capitalized on AmeriCorps’ people power and infrastructure and leveraged the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s technical expertise as the country’s leading public health agency to address communities’ most pressing public health challenges and create new pathways to public-health related careers.
WASHINGTON —Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) and U.S. Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA-03) applauded the announcement that LS GreenLink is investing $681 million in Chesapeake to build a state-of-the-art facility to manufacture high-voltage subsea cables used for offshore wind farms. LS GreenLink is building the facility thanks to $100 million in tax credits that were made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which incentivizes clean energy investments. The facility marks the first offshore wind cable manufacturer in the United States and is expected to create over 330 jobs.
“The Inflation Reduction Act continues to deliver. Thanks to this once-in-a-generation legislation, the clean energy industry is growing, and Virginia is benefiting,” said Sen. Warner. “This LS GreenLink facility will help support the burgeoning U.S. offshore wind industry, bring hundreds of jobs to Hampton Roads, and spur investment the region.”
“I’m thrilled hundreds of clean energy manufacturing jobs are headed to Virginia thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act we passed by one vote,” said Sen. Kaine. “LS GreenLink’s decision to build a facility in Chesapeake is a testament to Hampton Roads’ talented workforce and strong community. This new facility is a win for workers, our economy, and all who rely on clean energy.”
“Hampton Roads is leading the way in offshore wind production. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act’s inclusion of the Offshore Wind Manufacturing Act, which I co-led with my colleagues, LS GreenLink will be able to utilize tax credits for projects that expand clean energy. Their investment in this new facility in Chesapeake will play a key role in building the domestic green energy supply chain. This investment in Hampton Roads is bringing high-paying jobs to our local economy and boosting our community's transition towards clean, affordable energy,” said Rep. Scott.
“LS GreenLink’s investment in Virginia will showcase the Commonwealth as a leader in offshore wind industry manufacturing,” said Gov. Glenn Youngkin. “LS GreenLink has recognized that Virginia has the skilled talent, world-class logistics location, and business environment that will allow it to serve its growing global customers for submarine power cables.”
Sens. Warner, Kaine, and Rep. Scott wrote a letter to the Department of Energy to advocate for IRA funding for the project.
Warner & Kaine Announce over $50.5 Million to Upgrade and Modernize Public Transit Facilities in Fairfax
Jul 09 2024
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) announced $50,591,220 in federal funding for Fairfax County to purchase new low-emission diesel-electric hybrid buses under the county’s fleet replacement plan. The funding, made possible by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will enable the Fairfax transit agency to buy and lease U.S.-built low- or no-emission vehicles, make facility and station upgrades, and buy support equipment for low- and no-emission buses.
“Robust public transit systems are vital to helping Virginians get where they need to go and investing in green infrastructure is key to our future,” said the Senators. “We’re proud to have supported the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which has already brought billions to Virginia and now will invest an additional $50 million to improve public transit options in Fairfax County and boost air quality by reducing emissions.”
The Fairfax County Connector Hybrid Bus Procurement project is a part of the Low- or No-Emission grant program, which makes federal resources available to transit agencies to acquire low- and no-emission vehicles. Managed by the Federal Transit Administration, this program has funded more than 1,100 American-made buses in 47 states. These environmentally friendly buses reduce air pollution and help meet President Biden’s goal of zero emissions by the year 2050.
Sens. Warner and Kaine were proud to support the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) — landmark legislation that made this funding possible and brings critical investments to our communities to fix crumbling roadways, bolster public transit systems, bridge the broadband gap, and strengthen our coastal resiliency. As of November 2023, two years after President Biden signed the BIL into law, Virginia had received over $8.4 billion in funding to benefit Virginians across the Commonwealth.
WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the statement below, following a press briefing from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on the foreign threat landscape ahead of the election.
“I have long pushed the Intelligence Community to be more open with the public about the complex and serious foreign influence threats targeting the United States – particularly in the context of U.S. elections. Today’s press briefing is a strong step in that direction. I applaud the ODNI, FBI, and CISA for commencing these regular public updates on foreign efforts to manipulate our democratic processes and undermine our election. There is no doubt that these updates – in addition to efforts by civil society and the private sector – will serve to better inform and prepare the public.
“As the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I would encourage all Americans to stay informed and alert. Social media, in particular, continues to be a popular vector for foreign covert influence attempts, and our adversaries remain focused on stoking social, racial, and political tensions among Americans. The best thing Americans can do to help safeguard our election is avoid succumbing to nefarious foreign efforts to create division and sow chaos. I am committed to working with the Intelligence Community to declassify more information and further increase transparency.”
Statement of U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner
Jul 08 2024
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the following statement:
“Another Trump term would be perilous for rule of law and for our democracy. President Biden has made America stronger, guiding the nation through some of our most difficult days. I am proud of my work on his agenda.
“With so much at stake in the upcoming election, now is the time for conversations about the strongest path forward.
“As these conversations continue, I believe it is incumbent upon the President to more aggressively make his case to the American people, and to hear directly from a broader group of voices about how to best prevent Trump’s lawlessness from returning to the White House.”
WASHINGTON – Today, ahead of the Fourth of July holiday, U.S. Sens. Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine (both D-VA) are urging the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) to work with American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) International, a nonprofit that recently released safety standards to address hazards posed by detached and flyaway beach umbrellas, to evaluate and finalize these new standards.
CPSC estimates that nearly 3,000 individuals across the country are sent to the emergency room each year due to umbrella-related accidents. This includes last week’s incident in Cocoa Beach, Florida, as well as the tragic 2016 death of Lottie Michelle Belk of Chester, Va. who was struck in the torso and killed while vacationing in Virginia Beach with her family.
“As we enter the Fourth of July holiday weekend, with millions of Americans enjoying our country’s beaches, lakes, and rivers, it is vital that beachgoers are safe from dislodged beach umbrellas. Improperly secured umbrellas can result in death or serious injury. We believe that recent actions by CPSC and the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), including the release earlier this year of the ASTM F3681-24 safety standard, are good steps forward. We urge CPSC and industry to work together quickly to finish any outstanding suggested improvements or other modifications to this standard,” the Senators wrote.
They continued, “As the Beach Umbrellas Task Group continues to consider additional guidance and safety improvements to the ASTM F3681-24 standard, it is important that the group move swiftly and with thoroughness. We encourage the group to evaluate the full scope and harm of unsecured beach umbrellas to maximize safety for beachgoers.”
This letter is the latest push by Sens. Warner and Kaine to ensure the safety and wellbeing of beachgoers. In 2019 letter to CPSC, they drew attention to the unexpected danger of flying beach umbrellas to beachgoers, and in 2021 the Senators pushed ASTM International for increased safety measures. These efforts culminated in ASTM’s release of new safety standards earlier this year.
Full text of the letter is available here and below:
Dear Chair Hoen-Saric:
We write today requesting swift action by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to ensure that beach umbrellas sold in the United States are safe for consumers and the public. To achieve this goal, we urge the Beach Umbrella Task Group within CPSC to finalize strong and clear consumer safety guidance for the design, manufacture, and use of beach umbrellas and anchor devices.
As we enter the Fourth of July holiday weekend, with millions of Americans enjoying our country’s beaches, lakes, and rivers, it is vital that beachgoers are safe from dislodged beach umbrellas. Improperly secured umbrellas can result in death[3] or serious injury.[4] We believe that recent actions by CPSC and the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), including the release earlier this year of the ASTM F3681-24 safety standard, are good steps forward. We urge CPSC and industry to work together quickly to finish any outstanding suggested improvements or other modifications to this standard.
Following our sustained engagement on this issue over the last several years, the CPSC has worked with ASTM and other industry stakeholders to develop the ASTM F3681-24 safety standard and released it in April 2024. ASTM F3681-24 establishes minimum requirements for the safe anchoring of beach umbrellas, which should protect beachgoers from dislodged and airborne umbrellas.
As the Beach Umbrellas Task Group continues to consider additional guidance and safety improvements to the ASTM F3681-24 standard, it is important that the group move swiftly and with thoroughness. We encourage the group to evaluate the full scope and harm of unsecured beach umbrellas to maximize safety for beachgoers.
We appreciate your attention to this critical and timely matter and urge CPSC to work with industry stakeholders to strengthen protections for consumers across the Commonwealth and nation.
WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) issued the statement below in response to new Department of Education guidance for individuals affected by joint consolidated student loans. This guidance follows longtime efforts by Sen. Warner to provide relief for individuals who previously consolidated their federal student loan debt with a spouse under a program that was created by Congress and subsequently eliminated without providing a way for spouses to sever existing loans – even in the event of domestic violence, economic abuse, or an unresponsive partner. In 2022, in culmination of these efforts, Sen. Warner secured the passage of the Joint Consolidation Loan Separation Act of 2021 in order to help borrowers who remain liable for their abusive or uncommunicative spouse’s portion of their consolidated debts.
“For years, borrowers in joint consolidated loans have faced frustrating bureaucratic hurdles and dismal prospects for severing their loans, keeping them trapped in financial agreements with unresponsive or abusive ex-spouses and preventing them from accessing loan forgiveness programs. I’m proud to have written the law that finally made separation a possibility, and I’m glad to see the Department of Education take another important step towards finally freeing borrowers from these burdensome loans. I look forward to working with the Department to ensure that it is meeting its established deadlines so all borrowers can finally separate their loans and move on with their lives,” said Sen. Warner.
According to new Department of Education guidance, the Office of Federal Student Aid will finalize and publish the application and promissory note for joint consolidation loan co-borrowers in the Fall of 2024. Upon availability, borrowers will be able to submit a:
- Joint Application: Both co-borrowers submit individual App/Notes to the Department, which will separate the JCL and create a new, individual Direct Consolidation Loan for each individual; or,
- Separate Application: An individual JCL applicant submits an App/Note to the Department without regard to whether or when the co-borrower applies, if the applicant has experienced an act of domestic violence or economic abuse from the other co-borrower, or if they are unable to reasonably reach or access the loan information of the other co-borrower.
Once the loans are separated, the applicants’ loan obligation will be consolidated into a Direct Consolidation Loan if both borrowers completed the joint application process. For those who submit a separate application, the loan obligation will follow the same process as the joint application process, but if the remaining co-borrower does not complete an application, their loan obligation will remain a JCL with one borrower.
According to the Department of Education guidance, the Office of Federal Student Aid aims to begin processing applications, in partnership with federal student loan servicers, by the end of the year. Borrowers and interested parties are encouraged to monitor the Department’s Homeroom Blog, FSA’s Electronic Announcements page, and the dedicated Joint Consolidation Loan Separation News and Updates webpage for details on webinars and general updates for potential applicants during implementation.
Sen. Warner’s Joint Consolidation Loan Separation Act, originally introduced in 2017, was inspired by Sara, a constituent from McLean, Virginia who contacted Sen. Warner to communicate her struggles with a joint consolidation loan. Sara was raising two children on a public school teacher’s salary in Northern Virginia and trying to keep up with payments on her student loans. Unfortunately, her ex-spouse, whom she had divorced and moved thousands of miles away from to start fresh, refused to pay his share of their joint loan. Because joint consolidation loans create joint and several liability for borrowers, Sara faced the threat of having her wages as a public school teacher garnished if she did not pay both her and her ex-husband’s portions of their debt. Sen. Warner did not think this was fair and sought to create a solution, so that constituents like Sara could control their own financial futures. You can hear Sen. Warner tell Sara’s story here.